Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1327: What Nonsense

The matter of Wang Fu agreeing to stay as a taifu made Ye Xiao happy. Everything seems to be going a lot better. There is water Yishan and Liu Zhanhu. They are helping, she doesn't need to worry too much.

Instead, there is a bit of concern about the approaching inaugural ceremony.

She thought Murongzhan would definitely blow up.

“Mother, will you see Father soon?” Ming Xi walked to Ye Zheng with his short legs and asked seriously.

Ye Zheng's eyes jumped a few times, she was a little afraid to see Mo Rongzhan, “Do you want to see Father? ”

“Think.” Ming Xi nodded hard, "didn't you say Father was the best in the world? Is he better than the Great General? Better than your uncle? ”

“Hmm...” Ye Zheng felt that Ming Xi seemed to worship Mo Rongzhan. She used to tell them about Mo Rongzhan every day in order to make up for her guilt. Unconsciously, she described him as an undefeated god of war.

Ming Xi looked seriously at Ye Zheng, “We've all been back for so long, Father didn't come to us, did he not want you? ”

“Why not me, not you?” Ye Qiao asked with a slight smile.

“My sister and I are so cute, so smart, my father has no reason not to love us, every father loves his children.” Ming Xi thought about it and said mildly.

“…” How does it feel to have a son who is too smart? It's this messy feeling in the wind right now! “Why are you so cute and intelligent? You were born by me! ”

Ming Xi said, "Because old Zhuhuang will be abandoned. ”

Ye Xiao slightly glanced, his voice slightly cold, “Who said that in front of you? ”

“Two unknown maidens have been beaten to death by Miao Miao.” Ming-hee said.

“...” Ye Xiao sighed in his heart, "Your father will come to see you soon, he will not want us. ”

Ming Xi climbed hard into Ye Zheng's arms, "Mother, shall we live here or in Jinguo? ”

“Who asked you to ask?” Ye Zheng gritted his teeth and asked.

“My uncle asked me. I didn't know where I lived, so I came to ask my mother.” Ming-hee looked so cute and betrayed his uncle.

What a Ye Junnan! Ye Zheng scolded him in the heart, "Stay where you feel comfortable in the future! ”

Ming Xi cleaved her mouth and smiled, revealing her teeth like rice grains, "I'll go talk to my uncle. ”

“...” What the hell did you say to Ye Junnan?

Ming Xi had slipped out of Ye Huai's arms and ran away.

Miao Miao just walked in from the outside and saw Ming Xi couldn't bear to hold him. He kissed him in the face, so soft and smelly! “Xiao Minghee, where are you going? ”

“Go find your uncle!” Ming Xi leaned smoothly towards Miao Miao, “Sister Miao, why weren't you with Tian's brother today? ”

“I need to find the princess.” The seedlings blinked, "you kissed me and I took you out to play. ”

Ming Xi looked at her with a pair of slippery eyes and said, "Do you want to kiss like Brother Tian? ”

The seedlings' cheeks instantly rose, “What a kiss! Don't talk nonsense. ”

“I clearly saw Brother Tian kiss your mouth.” Little Lord Ming Xi screamed as seriously as he did.

“Red, take this demon king down quickly.” Ye Zhao Tianjuan said with a headache that she stared at the seedlings until Red took Ming Xi away with a smile, "Zhao Tianjuan and Zhao Tianjuan were not allowed to make out in front of the two children. ”

Miao Miao's face is about to smoke, “We didn't... Must have been in the military camp...”

Ye Zheng glanced at her and decided to find a few more people to watch for her two children. Otherwise, the more she grew up, the more she couldn't sit down. “Okay, sit down. What can I do for you? ”

“Sister Ye, I went to see the house with my brother today. He said that when he settled down, he would arrange for me to be close to him. Can you tell my brother that I... I don't want to marry someone else. ”

“Haven't you told your brother about you and Zhao Tianjuan?” Ye Zheng glanced at her, "Who is your brother going to let you marry? ”

“I'm afraid he doesn't agree, so just...” Miao Miao bowed her head. Before in Nanzhou, she said she wanted to marry Zhao Tianqiao. At that time, her brother didn't agree at all, and said no. No one had helped her before, now she has Ye Sister. She felt that as long as Ye Xiao helped her speak, she would definitely agree.

Ye Zheng shook his head with a laugh, "So you want to keep it a secret for the rest of your life? ”

“No, Sister Ye, go help me. I'm sure Brother will agree.” Miao Miao is holding Ye Zheng's hand, "Ye Sister, Tianfei, please help me. ”

“Okay, okay, don't shake me.” Ye Qiang helplessly said, "Pull your hand out," I will say when I see the Great General today. ”

Miao Miao immediately frowned and smiled. “Thank you, Sister Ye, thank you Tianfei. ”

Ye chuckled at her, “Are you so afraid of your brother? ”

“How many people in the world aren't afraid of him?” Miao Miao whispers, “looks fierce, by the way, Ye Sister, do you want my brother to come into the palace to serve you? ”

“What? What servitude?” Ye Xiao drank a sip of tea and did not understand the words of the seedlings.

Miao Miao said, "I heard that there are several men in the palace of the Empress. In the past, the Empress chose the minister from the hall to enter the palace. My brother was only so pleasant to you. Otherwise, let him enter the palace too...”

Pfft! Ye Zheng sprayed out a bite of tea and was choked up by the tea, "What the hell are you talking about! ”

“That's what old Chinese people used to say.” Miao Miao seriously said, "Don't you see there are still three palaces and six courtyards to be emperors? Isn't the Empress like the Queen? There should be three palaces and six courtyards.”

“...” Ye Pi Tong regretted that he had promised to take this princess, Murongzhan would surely kill her!

“Didn't Qi Qi have no other princess? Nothing can be generalized.” Ye Zheng smiled stiffly, "let your brother go into the palace such nonsense, never mention it again. ”

The seedlings laughed and said, "I didn't mention it. I heard people around me say it. Don't you like my brother? Do you like Brother Chun? Actually, let them go to the palace together. ”

“Shut up!” Ye Zheng drinks powerlessly, the topic can't go on, she doesn't want to hear at all, “I am already the Queen of Jinguo, I have a husband. ”

What does “this…” matter? The words after that were glared at by Ye Zheng.

Meanwhile, a man with a strong grudge has come outside the gates of Wangdu.

“Your Majesty, your mother is in the palace...” Shen Hua whispered.

“Then go back to the palace tonight.” Mo Rongzhan glanced lightly at the soldiers on the walls, and he still had the invitation he had just received halfway.

Oh, his queen became Yuan Empress!