Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1624: Thoughts in Dreams

“Ming-hee, Ming-yu!” Ye Zheng woke up from her sleep, and she looked around in horror, as if there were two children crying in her ear. She gasped and found herself still in space.

“What happened to you?” The little fire phoenix flew over and parked on her knees.

Ye Zheng gasped and looked up at it. "I dreamed of Ming Xi and Ming Yu. ”

She dreamed that Ming Xi had been taken somewhere, surrounded by darkness, she seemed to be able to feel him calling herself, and she dreamed that Ming Yu was going to leave the palace crying all day because she couldn't see her, so she was going to break her heart in her dream.

“What exactly did you think you were going to come with us to Xuantian? What if you can't go back?” Little Fire Phoenix whispered that she had pity for Ye Qian in her heart. She did not yet know that the gap to the human continent had closed, and if she wanted to open it again, she did not know when to wait.

Ye Zheng's mouth pulled out a bitter smile, “I watched Ming Xi be taken away by hatred. Can I still remain indifferent? ”

“What about Myung-yu?” Little Fire Phoenix asked,

“Zhan... will take care of her.” Ye Xiao said that this is the only way to comfort herself so she can restrain herself from missing Ming Yu.

Little Fire Phoenix spoke out, “What if Murongzhan followed us to Xuantian Continent? Then there is only one Myung-yu. ”

Ye chuckled at the little fire phoenix, “How did he get to Xuantian Continent? I didn't see him in space...”

“I... I mean, if you hadn't thought about that possibility?” Little Fire Phoenix would prefer that she stay away from the mainland so that Murdie doesn't hurt her.

“No!” Ye Qiang never thought Mo Rongzhan would come here, he must still be trying to find her.

Little Firephoenix sighed in her heart, which is exactly what it guessed, so she didn't think Murdie was Murong Zhan at all.

“It is regrettable to see Mo Yongzhan in the time of the human continent.” Ye Xiao whispered, "He said that Murongzhan was Murdi's body, what would happen if he came here to meet Murdi? ”

The split body merges with the original Lord, and Murongzhan's human feelings and memories are absorbed by Murdi, not what Murdi can not want if he wants to lock and refuse.

Little Firephoenix wanted to tell the truth, but Murdie's threat was still in his head, and he didn't want to be reborn for that long.

“I don't know.” Little Fire Phoenix lowered her head and did not dare to look Ye Hao in the eye.

“As long as it's not one person...” Ye Xiao smiled, but it shouldn't be possible, after all, two different people.

Little Fire Phoenix dared not to go on, and flew to the other side in vain. "Hurry up and get out, it's already dark outside. ”

Ye Zheng looked at her hands and practiced for some time yesterday. She felt her whole body was quite light and she fell asleep without knowing it. Today she woke up as if it was different from yesterday, and her Qi Hai became more solid.

It is indeed dawn outside, and the sun gradually rises across the mountain from the sun, and there is clear air between the noses.

“Miss Ye.” Duan Bible walked over from the other side and looked at Ye Zheng with a smile.

“Uncle Duan.” Ye Zheng went for a gift, only a scripture came to her, it seems that Ye Muxin is cultivated in closed doors.

“Wood heart is hurt, the elder of kindness has her closed healing practice, Miss Ye can come to me if you need anything.” Duan Bible handed over a wooden medal in his hand to Ye Zheng, “this is the passport of the Great Sacred Sect, this is the ability to come and go freely, and also to come to me. ”

Ye Zheng needed this, “Thank you Uncle Duan. ”

“Master Tang sent the message back. She should have arrived in two days. Let me take you to Nebula Mountain first.” Duan Bible said.

The prime minister lives in Nebula Mountain.

“Okay.” Ye Xiao nodded softly. Today, although she practiced quickly in reading her own book, she had not practiced practicing practically. Most importantly, she had Danding, but there was no fire.

The Little Fire Phoenix is unable to refine the fire for her yet.

“Well... come with me, it's a long way to Nebula Mountain.” Duan Bible said.

“Okay, hold on, I'll clean up.” Ye nodded, she hoped someone could teach her, she wanted to go to Saint Sect, regretted that if he returned to Xuantian, he would definitely go to Saint Sect.

“Brother Duan, why are you here?” Xu Xia's voice came with a surprise. She didn't expect to see a scripture here in the morning.

Duan Bible helplessly said, “You should call me Uncle Shi. ”

“You weren't even a few years old, and... used to call it habit.” Xu Xiayin whispered that she had known a scripture since she was a child, so even if they were now off grade, she still didn't change her mind.

She was also reluctant to change her mind.

Duan scripture smiled helplessly and looked up and saw Ye Xiao coming out of the room.

The sun, which had just broken through the clouds, fell on her, illuminating a faint halo on her body, revealing her skin as bright as a jade, especially her clear eyes, which were memorable at a glance.

“Uncle Duan, I can go.” Ye Zheng walked over and whispered to Duan Jing.

"Oh, come on. ”

Xu Xiayin had only noticed the disorientation of Duan Bible. He couldn't help but hate Ye Zheng more, “Duan Brother, where are you going? ”

“Take Miss Ye out for a moment.” The scriptures learned about Xu Xiayin and did not say where they were going.

“Then I'll go too.” Xu Xiayin immediately said that her heart believed that Ye Zheng could only do the great sacrament with one face. She must not be a good person. She feared that Zhang Bin would be deceived.

Duan Jing frowned, “You have to practice kung fu, it's not suitable to go out with us. ”

“It doesn't matter if you don't practice today.” Xu Xiayin shouted and glanced at Ye Zheng in secret.

Ye Hao had already been through a lot of things, how could he not see where Xu Xiayin's hostility towards her came from? Yesterday he was confused, and today he understands.

Duan Jing looked serious, “Xu Shinephew, don't be ridiculous. ”

When I heard him call her my nephew, Xu Xiayin felt more aggrieved. Duan Bible had never been so harsh on her.

“Uncle Duan, let's go.” Ye Xiao whispered that he had no time to ignore the attitude of a little girl like Xu Xiayin.

All she wanted to do was practice self-defense quickly. Anything else and everything had nothing to do with her. She was not from Xuantian Mainland. Here, she was just a passenger.

“Nebula Mountain is a little far from here, you can't fly, or I'll take you there.” Duan Bible whispered, somehow speaking of this, his nostrils seemed to have the fragrance she left behind yesterday when she was around him.

Ye Xiao hasn't said anything yet, and Bai13, who hasn't spoken behind her, said faintly, “No, I will take the girl with me. ”

Duan Bible found that Bai13's spiritual power seemed to recover quite a bit, quite different from yesterday's.

It's recovering so fast!