Ye Xi retained Ming Xi. Although his heart was worried, he would never object to Ye Xi's words. Besides, Ming Xi was able to cultivate indestructible kung fu, which had a constant relationship with flame domain cutting.

Before Ming Xi and the Fire Phoenix could settle down, the palace people came with elders and ministers, as if they were looking for Ye Zheng.

“To me?” Ye shrugged for a moment. It's not about the Fire Demon King again, is it?

“I'll deal with it. You take Ming-hee back to her room. The kids will be here soon.” He looked down at Ye Zheng with a gentle eye.

Ye Zheng's heart was suspicious and nodded gently.

When he left, Ye Zheng's face sank. “Ming-hee, Firephoenix, are you two in trouble? ”

“It has nothing to do with us, it's those flaming demons that are so bad that they chase us, we accidentally smash their palace.” Firephoenix said silently.

Smashed the palace...

Ye Xiao's eyes jumped a few times and looked seriously at Ming Xi, “Ming Xi, you seem to be getting naughty. ”

“Yeah, too long to be with the fire phoenix, close to the ink is black.” Ming-hee said seriously.

“I am Peacock, close to Zhu and Red.” Fire phoenix seriously corrected.

Ye Zheng coldly said, "Is that the point? What the hell did you break? Even the Demon King showed up. ”

After so long in the Palace, she has only heard of three magic princes practicing in closed confinement, and the cultivation of magic princes is second only to the Fire Demon King. If they can cultivate to the last level, they may be able to become the Demon King, but many of their methods are still unable to cultivate success compared to the true Fire Demon King who was inherited.

“Is the Demon Lord good?” Ming-hee asked about the fire phoenix.

The Fire Phoenix thought, "Seems pretty good. ”

“How many can you fight with me?” Ming-hee asked.

“One bar, two a little difficult.” Fire Phoenix replied seriously.

Ye Jiao rubbed his eyebrows, “This is not what you should discuss! Why don't you want to see me and break the palace? I owe you a debt of gratitude. ”

“He's the one who got us stopped.” Ming-hee said, "Mother, supremacy is not a good man. ”

“Yes, let's get out of here.” The Fire Phoenix exclaimed, he felt that Ye Zheng could no longer remain beside the top. He had always felt that the top cared too much for Ye Zheng. Now looking at his eyes as he faced Ye Zheng, he felt too dangerous.

These two children are really... Ye Zheng smiled and shook his head. “You should just stay in the priest's house and wash the things off your face. ”

“Mother, how long are we staying here?” Ming-hee asked.

“I don't know. Let me see those kids first, and then you guys go wash your faces.” Ye Zheng only finished his words and saw a group of people appearing at the gate of the priest's house.

There are several faces that look familiar, as if they had been seen before, but Ye Zheng can't name them.

They came clustered with a lingering woman.

Ye Hao had never seen the woman, but as soon as she saw her eyes, she felt a powerful force.

“The Great Demon, she is Ye Zheng.” The person who spoke was Ye Zheng, the elder who had appeared in Ye Jingzhi before, "she let the sea of meditation be destroyed, your palace, also her son. ”

Are you talking about meddling? Ye Zheng looked at them lightly.

“Are you Ye Jiao?” The Great Demon and the others were always dressed in black. She was dressed in magical red clothes, wrapped in her full-bodied body, seemingly concave, and the clothes on her chest were about to be broken, and even the sound of her speech seemed to fall into the bones.

“Yes.” Ye Zheng nodded faintly, understanding that the arrivals were not good, and only a short time after they left, they found them, obviously a plan to divert the tiger from the mountains.

The Great Demon smiled, his voice slightly cold, "Did you ruin my son's air? ”

“Who's your son?” Leaf frowned, isn't it meddling?

“Plenty.” The Great Demon coldly said, “Murdie's brother. ”

For the first time, Ye Zheng heard that he was still Mudi's younger brother. Mudi had killed the Fire Demon King, but he came to the flame domain?

“I hear you're still the demon king of this generation.” The Great Demon laughed a little, "I really wanted to collaborate. ”

“You got the wrong person.” Ye Xiao whispered.

The Great Demon came to Ye Zheng, “If you are not the Fire Demon King, then who are you? You have damaged the palace and destroyed the medicine and sword of several elders, it is a felony! ”

“If a clap doesn't clap, why doesn't the Great Demon question others?” Ye Qiao asked.

“The Great Demon, don't talk to her, she stays in the Palace, will only hinder the inheritance of the Demon King. If she becomes the Fire Demon King, it is impossible for him to save the underworld with regenerative methods.” The elder glanced at Ye Zheng and looked at her like he was going to kill her immediately.

“You're right.” The Great Demon nodded her head, but did not immediately attack Ye Qiang, and she was still hesitant.

She is not afraid of the leaves, she is afraid of the supremacy.

After all, the status of supreme identity is remarkable in the flame domain, not to mention his cultivation is even more unpredictable, there have been rumours before, the cultivation of supreme is far above the Demon King, the cherry blossom is not taught by supreme.

He hid Ye Zheng in the Priest's Palace, so he didn't want anyone to hurt her.

Did you think of Ye Zheng as a cherry killer?

“Why should such a small figure have the honor of a great demon?” A young man stood up, "just let his subordinates work for him. ”

The Great Demon looked at him and smiled slightly, not objecting.

“Mother, the rat thing, I'll do it. I don't need you to do it yet.” Ming Xi raised a young and lovely face and smiled innocently.

“Don't get hurt.” Ye Yao patted him on the head.

“Ye Yi, if you are greedy for life and afraid of death, just say yes, let a child come out, don't say we bully you for a while.” The Great Demon said with a smile.

Ye Zheng smiled for a moment, "Then please be merciful. ”

The young man seems to be practicing well. He is probably about to reach the Sha Wang, maybe the new generation of Sha Wang.

“Mother, I will leave the piano behind.” Ming-hee said with a smile.

This stimulated the demon monarch, his face turned dark, a huge axe appeared in his hand and rushed towards Ming-hee.

Ming Xi's eyes flashed a golden glow and her skin turned golden all over her body, flying up into the sky like a little golden man.

The Great Demon is amazed, “Undying Undying Undying Death? ”

“The Supreme Passes Undying Indestructible Dynasty to Outsiders! ”

Ye Xiao did not speak, but looked silently at Ming Xi.

At this point, on the border of the Flame Zone, there should have been a glimmer of empty spiritual ships.

Ming Xi's white thirteenth and Shun Jun could not be found kneeling on the boat, and dared not look up at the man.

“She was captured at the top?” Murdie's profoundly handsome side face was tight, and his body was full of deterrent tension.

“is… the Lord of the City.” White Thirteen whispered.

Murdie frowned unconsciously, "Then pick her up at the Demon Palace. ”