hōng lóng lóng lóng lóng -

Tidu is very quiet tonight, only the thunder rolls, almost all the video cameras are out, not only the gates are closed early, but all the intersections outside the city are sealed.

“Lord Cheng, the entire stone village has been surrounded. We are already looking for people from house to house.” A shadow guard said to Cheng Zheng, who stood in the shadow.

“How's the Song family?” Cheng asked softly.

"Song Hongao has always been in the study, and the Second Princess is with Lady Song," said Movie Guard. ”

“Seeing Princess Song with her own eyes?” Cheng asked.

“This…” the film guard hesitated.

Cheng Qing's voice was cold. “Go back to the palace immediately and block the Second Princess. Don't let her see the Emperor. ”

“Yes." Movie guards left.

pāpāpāpāp -

Heavy rain poured down and raindrops hurt on the face.

“My lord, this rain is too heavy, why don't you go back first...” A video guard with an umbrella whispered, his words were not finished and interrupted by another voice.

“My lord, there is a house behind the woods of Daoguan. ”

Cheng's face changed and he walked into the storm. "Guard all the exits of Stone Village. ”



Zhao Xiang finally came out of the secret passage and did not come to the palace. It was already pouring rain. She did not take a carriage and did not have an umbrella on her body. She stood in front of the palace door, but was told that the emperor was asleep and blocked her from the palace door.

“When the Emperor is asleep, I will wait in the hall.” Zhao Xiangyu looked at the film guard standing in front of her and understood that it was Cheng Yu who asked these people to stop her from seeing Zhao Yu.

“Second Princess, please don't embarrass us.” Movie Guard said.

Zhao Xiang stood still in the rain, “For your sake? Now it's pouring rain, how do I get back? ”

A palace man held an umbrella to shield Zhao Xiang from the rain, “Second Princess, a carriage has been prepared for you. ”

“It was already ready.” Zhao Xiang grinned, “The palace will not leave without seeing the Emperor tonight. ”

“Second princess, the Emperor has been sleepless lately, rarely has he had a good sleep, the slaves do not dare to wake up, why don't you come back tomorrow...” The palace persuaded quietly.

Zhao Xiangmen looked at the palace gate and looked at the dark sky. “Unless you kill this palace today, this palace must meet the Emperor. ”

Several filmmakers looked at Cheng Xiangqiang and were prepared to follow Cheng's instructions. If Zhao Xiangqiang wanted to see the Emperor, he could have knocked her out first.

“Two princesses, offended.” Shadow Wei chopped at Zhao Xiang.


A lightning bolt passed, Zhao Xiang still stood tall, but there were a few more shadows behind him. Their clothes were no different from those of the film guards, and Zhao Xiang had been protected behind them.

Zhao Zhao, who slept in his bedroom, was suddenly woken by a thunder.

“Your Majesty?” The lady outside heard movement and hurried in.

Zhao Zhao looked around somewhat confused. The pillow man was not there. She frowned slightly, “What time is it? ”

“Return to Your Majesty, it is time.” The Miyagi said.

It's already midnight!

Zhao Qiao stepped out of the bed and saw that the bedroom was not familiar with her. He became more and more confused. "Where is Sir Chief Executive Officer? ”

“After His Majesty fell asleep, the Chief Executive Officer left the Palace.” The lady replied.

“Out of the palace?” Zhao Zhao was stunned. Is there anything else outside the palace today? “Did you leave anything behind? ”

The Miyagi put on her clothes for Zhao, “The Chief Secretary told the slaves not to wake you up and let you sleep well. ”

Zhao Xiao smiled slightly, but his heart was slightly disturbed. He always felt that something was going to happen.

“How long has it been raining outside?” Why is it still raining heavily at this time? It's starting to get cold.

“It came down in the evening, and I thought it was clear, and the evening began again, and it had been half an hour.” Miyagi said.

Zhao Jiao slept most of the day. At this time, there was no trouble at all. When she saw that there was still a large fold on the table without reading, she asked the palace lady to light the lamp. She was ready to fold the batch while waiting for the schedule.

She knew she would come back to accompany her no matter how late she was.

Ever since she accepted his feelings, he was going to spoil her, because the Fifth Brother listened to others, reprimanded her in front of everyone, felt that she had lost her royal face, Cheng Qi simply made her a queen, no one would dare to talk about their affairs anymore.

Cheng Yi...

Zhao Mingmao felt sorry for him. Although he was stronger than before in the last two years, she knew that he was doing everything for her.

Why hasn't he come back yet? What else can he do with such heavy rain?

“What's going on out there?” Zhao asked doubtfully, as if she heard a sword.

“Slaves go check it out.” The lady whispered, walking out of the palace to see what happened.

Zhao Zhao closed the clothes on her body and slowly walked out of her bedroom. By the time she came outside the door, she could be sure that she had not just misheard. There were really people fighting in the storm.

“Your Majesty, there seems to be an assassin outside the palace.” The Miyagi shouted that an assassin dared to break into the Palace.

“Not assassins!” If it were an assassin, the Imperial Guard in the palace would have been shocked long ago. The palace was so quiet, it was clear that those who fought outside were not threatening her.

“Check it out.” Zhao Xiao said.

A palace man came running in the rain, "Your Majesty, the second princess asked to see you, the palace's film guard had a fight with... the former Emperor's film guard. ”

Movie guard of the Emperor? Isn't that Zhao Yong's old heart?

“The Second Princess asks, why are the movie guards fighting?” Zhao Zhong asked coldly.

“Yes… afraid to interrupt the Emperor's rest and prevent the Second Princess from entering the palace.” The palaceman whispered.

Zhao Zhao drank, “Is it raining so hard that Princess Er is allowed to rain outside? To invite her into the palace, I want to see her. ”

She knew Zhao Xiang very well. If it was not an emergency, she would not have entered the palace at this time, let alone clashed with Cheng Qian's people.

“Never mind, bring me an umbrella.” Zhao Xiang said that the movie guards listened the most, and she went to see Zhao Xiang herself.

Outside the palace gate, Zhao Xiangyuan looked at the fights in the rain. She didn't expect someone to help her, and was also a former film guard of the father. They usually didn't show up much. In the film guard, it seemed like they didn't exist. Today, all of them are masters, and there is no need to cheat their subordinates.

She must go into the palace to meet Zhao Xiao.

“Everybody stop!” As Zhao Xiang prepared to rush into the palace, she finally saw a familiar figure appear.

“Sister...” Zhao Xiang rushed forward at all costs, "Go save the fifth sister. ”

Zhao looked at Zhao Xiang, whose body was wet. Under the lamp, her lips were blue and even her voice trembled. "Five sisters are in Stone City. Cheng Jiao has taken someone to find her. Go save her. ”

“What did you say? How did Ninger end up in Stone Village? Cheng Jiao wouldn't hurt her.” Zhao Qiao holds Zhao Xiang, "quickly help Princess Er in, please come to the doctor. ”

Zhao Xiang grabbed Zhao Xiang's hand tightly. “Go and save Ninger. ”