Ming-hee first heard of mermaids, so when Firephoenix said that the gold in his hand was a scale of mermaids, he couldn't even imagine what a mermaid looked like.

By the time they returned to Wang Capital, the sky had dawned. Mio was holding Zhao Hao and wanted to go to the market. He saw them come back and whispered in a grievous way, looking pitiful that they had abandoned him.

“Mio, come here. I have something to show you.” The Phoenix carelessly did not find Mio unhappy and wanted to confirm whether the scales were left behind by the mermaid.

“I'm going out with the hazy, I can't deal with you guys.” Mio snorted.

Ming Xi walked to Mio, “I'll go with you then. ”

“Aren't you enjoying yourselves? Why did you come back?” Mio deliberately did not go to see Ming Xi. Although she knew that they were right, she was always scared to see her, but it was wrong for them to leave her in the middle of the night and sneak away.

“I was afraid you'd come back bored alone.” Ming-hee laughed.

Mio grunted, “I'm not bored. I have blurred with me. ”

Ming Xi looked down at Zhao Hao, the little girl staring at him, "Go to the market first and come back to show you something. ”

“What is it?” Mio saw Ming-hee's tone was serious and she was suddenly curious.

“It's about mermaids.” The fire phoenix whispered.

Ming Xi gave him a look and told him not to say too much in front of Zhao Hao.

Mio immediately forgot that he was still angry, "What? Where have you been? What have you got? ”

Although Zhao Hao is still young, but just at the age of curiosity, Ming Xi didn't tell Mio much. She just accompanied them to the market. When Zhao Hao was tired of walking around and falling asleep and sending them back to the seedlings, the three of them returned to the house.

Mio is already dying of curiosity. She knows better than anyone that there can be no mermaids on the human continent. No, correctly, there can be no mermaids on the human continent. Mermaids are a class of the divine world. Mermaids do not have a high status. They practice their whole lives to be dragon people only to be able to cross the dragon gate. Although it is the lowest being of the Dragon Nation, dragon people who are transformed into mermaids must serve the real dragon for the rest of their lives. It is no different from the people of the human continent.

But they are just as sweet as they are.

“What did you find? Show me.” Mio hurried.

“This.” Ming-hee pulled a big slap scale out of her arms, "Fire said," It's a mermaid scale, don't you think? ”

Mio took the gold from Ming-hee and asked shockingly, “Where did you find it? Scales have turned golden, this is a very orthodox mermaid, who has lived in the deep sea all his life, and the only mermaid in the mermaid family who doesn't want to jump the dragon gate to become a dragon man. ”

As she spoke, she also got a sniff of her nose. “This scale is still very fresh. It is unlikely that there will be mermaid scales on the mainland. You have not been to the divine realm...”

“This is what Ming-hee found in the lake.” Firephoenix said.

Mio was stunned, “Did you find it in the lakes of the human continent? ”

Ming Xi nodded softly and told Mio everything he heard after entering the lake, "... this scale was found in the lake, which was deeper than the sea, I did not see the bottom of the lake, there was only one big black hole. ”

“Is there a fish in the Continent?” Mio was surprised that Ming Xi could not even see the bottom of the lake, which should be deep, and that black hole... she suspected that it did not belong to the human continent.

“You have forgotten, Arnold! Mr. Wang Fu saved Arnold by the lake.” The Fire Phoenix said immediately.

“Ah!” Mio shouted, “I remember, no wonder I find the smell on Ah Fu strange, neither human nor divine, turns out to be a mermaid! ”

She had only heard of mermaids before, but never really touched them.

“So, isn't he really a mermaid?” Ming-hee was surprised to say, "If the mermaid only exists in your Divine Nation, how did she appear on the Continent? ”

“I don't know either.” Mio looks at the scale in his hand, "that big black hole you're talking about might be the reason. ”

The Fire Phoenix whispered, "Is the gap between your gods... that big black hole? ”

“Wherever the Divine Nation needs a gap in the human world, we can go wherever we want.” Mio said, "I won't know until I see it. ”

“Let's go now.” The Fire Phoenix was thrilled to say that he was curious to know what the big black hole was.

Ming Xi shook his head, “We just got back. Going out now will make my parents suspect, go tomorrow. ”

“What about this?” The phoenix pointed to the scale in Mio's hand and asked.

“Myung-hee picked this up, of course, and put it on Myung-hee.” Mio said, "Mermaid scales rarely fall off, not to mention such beautiful scales, which may be of great use. ”

Ming Xi picked up the scales Mio had handed over and questioned, "What's the usefulness? ”

“Pharmaceutical refinery can also be the most robust armor. In short, keep it well, it may be useful in the future.” Mio chuckled.

Firephoenix poked a few scales with his fingers, “The scales of mermaids are so useful, aren't you the scales of real dragons even more powerful? ”

“Shut up!” Ming-hee tapped the phoenix's forehead and closed the scales.

“Ah!” Mio remembered shouting, “Ming-hee, do you keep my scales? ”

Ming Xi stunned and put his hand in the luggage bag between his waist. Since his mother gave him Dragon Scale, he has carried it with him, reminding him that Mio can no longer do this for him. "Yeah, what's wrong? ”

Mio frowned for a while, “You said the big black hole wanted to suck you in, but when they came ashore, the lake was calm? ”

“Yeah.” Ming-hee nodded, "What's up? ”

“Check it out tomorrow.” Mio said he always thought the big black hole should be very problematic.

Ming-hee said, "I'll go talk to my mother. ”

Ye Zhen already knew that Ming Xi had returned and waited half a day for her son to come to her. She was complaining to Murongzhan that her son had not married his daughter-in-law. She had forgotten her mother. In the future, she would only think of her daughter-in-law.

Murong smiled and tucked her in his arms.

“Fortunately, the daughter-in-law seemed to grow up on her own, much like her daughter.” Ye Xiao comforted himself, even Mio himself said he was a child daughter-in-law, then he shouldn't be able to run away.

“Shit, Mio is a real dragon...” Mo Rongzhan whispered.

Ye thought about it, “Love doesn't matter, I'm an enlightened elder. ”

That's not what he meant! Murong Zhan helplessly thought about it, but never mind, we'll talk about it later.

“Mother, I'm back.” Ming-hee's voice finally came in outside.