It's true, as the sleepers say, they don't touch the people, and when they wake up, everything will go back to normal, and they have no idea that they've been turned into puppets, like they just slept, and nothing seems to have happened.

Because it's late at night, the street is still very quiet, occasionally there are windows through the lights, there is a chirping sound inside, it's all about parents, everything is comfortable and warm.

“Magic isn't bad, is it?” Sanskrit asked with a smile.

Ye Zheng glanced at her, “If we hadn't happened to pass by, these people would still be just puppets. Either magic didn't kill them or it wasn't bad. Mortals have their own way of life, becoming puppets doesn't make any difference from killing them. ”

Sanskrit said, "At least these people are alive. ”

“Why haven't you come back yet? Are there monsters and beasts messing around?” Ye Qiang asked.

“We're here, and the monsters dare to make a mess?” Van Van is holding Ye Yip's hand, "Shit, let's go look over there. ”

Ye Zheng looked at the past, it was a noodle stall in the corner of the street, an old couple was talking, and the noodle stall did not have a guest.

“I used to love to eat your noodles.” Sanskrit said, "though it's bad. ”

“I make good noodles.” Ye Zheng picked an eyebrow, "Are you sure I cooked it? ”

Fan Fan was stunned, “You used to burn the boiler a lot, the lord wouldn't let you near the kitchen, and ah, we ate the noodles you made, almost poisoned. ”

“...” Ye Zheng increasingly felt that their little boy was not her at all, "Van Van, you really mistake people, I am not the little boy you used to know. ”

She and Junior were judged to be two.

“Shit, Big Brother Wong won't be wrong about you.” Sanskrit whispered.

“Why don't you just admit it?” Ye Qiang, “people make mistakes. ”

Vampire sat down at the small table at the noodle stand, "Boss, two bowls of noodles. ”

“What exactly is the relationship between a young man and a lying man?” Ye Qiao asked curiously.

“Sister.” Sanskrit looked at Ye Zheng and said, "Little Jiao is the younger sister of Brother Wusheng. ”

Ye stunned for a moment. Little dawg was actually a lying sister. At first, she thought that little dawg had feelings for her before lying down.

No wonder sleeping life is always so gentle for her and good for Ming Xi and Ming Yu.

Really treat her like a sister.

“Van Van, how did Junior die?” Ye Qiang asked.

“I'd love to tell you, but Brother Watson told me, but I'll wait till you think about it later.” Sanskrit said, "I couldn't even tell you about you being his sister. ”

Ye asked in confusion, "Why can't you tell me? What if I'm really the little boy you're looking for, and I can't remember anything? ”

“You see the Lord…” Van Vaughton said for a moment, "I can't really remember, I don't think the Lord will force you to remember either. ”

“Then tell me, how did she die when she had a relationship with her lord?” Ye Qiang asked that in all the records, there was never a mention of the existence of this person, either she was really insignificant or someone deliberately erased her existence.

Ye Zheng felt likely to be the second possibility.

“You…” Van Van Gogh spoke out, and when he was about to say it, lying dead and abominable appeared before their eyes.

“Brother Watson, are you back?” Sanskrit cried.

Ye Zheng's heart was a little disappointed and almost knew the past of the snake.

“What are you doing here?” Ask the sleeper.

“Eat noodles.” Sanskrit said with a smile, "Little Boy said he was going to come out and take a look at it. When we were done, we came to eat noodles. ”

"I want one too," he cried. ”

Wosheng glanced at Ye Zheng, “Let's go together. ”

“I'll cook you noodles.” Ye Xiao saw the old couple still face each other, probably getting old and moving a little slowly.

"You made it for us? Shit, forget it...”

“Then don't eat it later.” Ye Humphuang walked over to consult with the couple and did it himself.

Fan Fan glanced at Ye Zheng and whispered to Wusheng, “Brother Wusheng, the baby has changed a lot. ”

Though her appearance hasn't changed much, her personality is completely different. If it wasn't for her physique, and the whip of day in her hand, it would be really hard to recognize.

“No matter how she changes, she's still young.” Something deep into your soul is not going to change that easily.

“Lord...” Van Van Hess hesitated for a moment, "Want to tell her? ”

Squirrel shook her head, "Don't tell her, it's time, she'll know. ”

"You're still in the mood to talk. Do something to stop her, she's poisonous. ”

“After all these years of eating, why not poison it once?” Lying calmly.

“...” stared blankly at the sleeping life, "Are you so partial? ”

Watson nodded lightly, "Hmm. ”

“Noodles are ready.” Ye Zheng walked over face-to-face, and the noodle stall didn't have much ingredients. It was a bowl of spring noodles, not even a piece of meat.

“Smells good!” Wosheng looked at Ye Zheng with a smile and a glow in his eyes.

Ye Zheng sat down, “That's nothing. Zhan likes to eat my beef noodles. ”

Mentioning Mo Rongzhan, the light in his eyes faded slightly and he silently ate it with chopsticks.

When the first face entered the mouth, he looked at Ye Zheng in surprise.

“Are you really eating?” Carefully asked, "Can I eat? ”

“Don't eat anything I make later.” Ye Xiao said offensively that her cooking skills had never been abandoned.

He stared at Ye Xiao in disdain and ate him with his mouth clamped. His eyes suddenly lit up. “Huh? ”

“Shit! You're really not lying. This is delicious!” Sanskrit cried.

Ye faintly said, "I said, I'm not young. ”

“Not everyone has the physique of a phoenix cord.” Watson whispered, "All these years, it's just you. ”

“Is that what you think I am?” Ye Xiao frowned.

Watson shook his head, "It's not the only thing you'll ever know. ”

Later! Ye Zheng glanced at him in disgust, "Heard the snake will lose its power when it is skinned. Would you recognize him if he stood before you? ”

The three people who were eating noodles paused. They looked up at Ye Zheng and asked after a moment of silence. "Why ask? ”

“Curious.” Ye Xiao said she felt that if no one could recognize the Viper and kill him before he regained his power, would it calm down a great war?

“If the Lord wants us to recognize him, we can recognize him.” Watson said, "He'll recognize you, too. ”

Ye Xiao frowned, "I had nothing to do with him. ”

He cried out, “Of course it matters. When you disappeared, the Lord almost destroyed the Divine Clan, if not...”

“It really doesn't matter now.” Wow, if you interrupt, "she said," you have a new life, my lord, even if you come back, you won't be sad. ”

“…” Ye Xiao heard them, his heart suddenly shocked. Did they have such a complicated relationship with Dateng Snake?