Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 2662: Speak the Word

The Queen looked at the door, her face was a little serious and heavy, the breath outside was too strong and a little familiar, which worried her a little.

“Mother, it doesn't seem like a normal god.” Ming Xi whispered to Ye Qian.

“Hmm." Ye Zheng felt the same way. She didn't know who the other person was, so that her breath appeared on the human continent without any convergence, obviously a bad visitor.

“Junior, don't come out with Ming-hee.” The Queen Mother said.

Ye Xiao frowned and said, "No, I'm not relieved. ”

Ming-hee looked sharply at the door, "Coming. ”

Even the little monster who was supposed to play along got serious. He walked to Ming-hee's side and looked a little bigger.

“Where is the Holy Beast and where is the Holy Beast?” A deep voice came through the door.

The royal mother's face became heavier when she heard the voice.

Is it for the Holy Beast?

Who else knows that little weirdo exists?

Ye Xiao is very surprised. There must be no human continent. The only ones who know the Holy Beast are Mio and Smell Heaven, and that is from somewhere else.

Nine Heavens!

It can't be the Emperor!

No, the voice is not Taiwanese, but Ye Xiao can't remember whose it is.

Soon, a figure appeared at the door, an old man in a black robe, with white hair and waist, walking slowly swallowed, but giving a fear of chills from the heart.

This person obviously doesn't have any evil aura, but it's just scary.

“Holy Beast!” When the old man saw the little monster, his drooping eyes opened violently and his eyes did not conceal greed at all.

Xiaowei shouted at him. Although he was fierce, he looked a little adorable and couldn't scare anyone else.

“Degrees.” The royal mother sees the visitor, identifies him, and slowly opens her mouth.

“Zhongjin... you're here too.” Du Lao weird looked up at the Queen Mother and grinned, "What a coincidence. ”

The Queen's indifference, “Why are you here? ”

“I came to find the Holy Beast.” Go without concealing your purpose, "Mother, give me the Holy Beast and I'll go back. ”

“Impossible!” The Queen coldly refuses, "there is no holy beast here. ”

And he laughed softly, “Oh, my God, it's been tens of thousands of years. Why do you still like to open your eyes and talk nonsense? Look, the Holy Beast is here. ”

“Is there a holy beast here that doesn't concern you? Old man, don't take anybody's stuff. Don't you get that?” Ming-hee scolded.

“You are…” finally turned his gaze to Ming-hee. He looked up and down at Ming-hee, “Son of the Shao Emperor, is the Holy Beast yours? ”

The little monster jumped to Ming-hee's shoulder and stared coldly at Degree Row.

Mother Wang walked in front of Ming Xi and stood face to face with Dokko. "Did the Emperor ask you to come? ”

“Zhongjin, we haven't seen each other in years. We used to get to know each other, so why don't we sit down and talk about it.” He smiled and said.

“We have nothing to say.” The Queen bluntly said that no one was clearer than her how the behavior came here.

Exactly, tens of thousands of years ago, she and Dudu and the Emperor did have no guesses, but he and the Emperor killed all her people. This deep blood feud cannot be said, but since the Dragon Chopper people disappeared, she has only been the Queen Mother.

She's not heavy anymore.

“I guess the Emperor didn't know his grandson was a dragon slayer.” Watching Ming Xi, if the Emperor knew his grandson was a Dragon Chopper, he would certainly not let him come to the mainland.

It came in person.

“I don't know now, I'll know later.” The Queen Mother said.

He said, "You know the attitude of the Divine Clan towards Dragon Chopper Clan. If the Divine Clan knew that Dragon Chopper Clan still exists, it would not be tolerated. ”

“So what?” The Queen asked with a faint smile, "Did you kill Ming-hee? ”

“Heavy Jin, you should be well aware that today the Holy Beast is a cub and it is not enough to deter the Divine Nation.” Walk slowly and say, "If the White Dragon King knew, he would surely show up. ”

The Queen said lightly, "Same thing, there won't always be a second time. ”

“Are you so sure?” Ask.

“How many holy beasts did you poison back then, why? Do you want to do it again?” The Queen asked.

I shook my head, “No, it was my medicine that went wrong last time. In fact, I didn't want to poison the Holy Beast. Tens of thousands of years ago, only the Dragon Cutting Nation was able to produce the Holy Beast. I was just unwilling to know why our Divine Nation couldn't produce the Holy Beast. I was just trying to catch the Holy Beast, but I didn't want to..."

The Queen Mother said, "You don't have to explain it to me. If you want to rob the Holy Beast, try it. ”

“Hey.” he sighed, "Heavy Jin, why is this necessary? ”

Ming-hee took the first two steps, "Old man, what do you want the Holy Beast for? This is mine, if you want, come talk to me. ”

“Would you give me the Holy Beast?” He asked with a smile.

“Let's see if you can get the little monster out of here.” Ming Xi returned to him with a brilliant smile.

The Queen Mother whispered, "Ming-hee, ignore him. ”

“If I can take him, will you give me the Holy Beast?” Dao asked.

Ming Xi looked at him with a faint smile and patted the little monster on his shoulder, "Okay, try it. ”

The royal mother's divine colour is tight, she knows very well the reason for the appearance here, but Ming Xi doesn't know him. Although the royal deity is divine, the royalty always does evil, just the flower grass he plants in Penglai, seems ordinary, but every strain is poison, for tens of thousands of years, the royalty has been studying how to tame the Holy Beast.

He seems obsessed with the Holy Beast.

The Dragon Chopper Clan will be exterminated so quickly, also because the Holy Beast is poisoned by the drug of the walk.

Even she couldn't figure out how the Holy Beast could eat the next trip.

“Okay.” He nodded excitedly, his eyes staring at the little monster.

The row takes out a piece of black, looks like meat, but I don't know what it is, and the air has a faint meat taste.

Xiaowei ran to Dudu and was attracted to the flesh in his hand.

“Can't eat!” Mother Wang shouted urgently, "Ming Xi, hurry up and get Xiaowei back. You can't eat this weird food. ”

Mother Wang's words had just been finished, and the little monster had eaten the blackened food in one bite.

“…” The Queen's eyes flashed with horror.

Watching the Holy Beast eat so delicious, a smile floated around the corner of his mouth, as if he was already committed to the Holy Beast.

Her face turned white, “No...”

“Junior, you have to say what you want.” He said.

Ming-hee just looked at him faintly.

“Come in.” Dudu took out a cage and seduced the little monster to walk in.

Weird glanced at him and walked towards the cage.

The Queen looked at Ming-hee hastily, "Ming-hee? ”