Heavenly Star

Chapter 064 Wen Dou - "And Tillian Flower" (Medium)

Time flies by, and the scene is surprisingly quiet, and nobody wants to interrupt because they're all looking forward to a dead end.

In a minute, can he really do it? People used to laugh at his arrogance in secret, but after one shock, they became more and more aware that it was not arrogance, but because he had that strength. And this time, since he said it could be done in a minute -- maybe it could be done!

Almost unconscious, the once glorious forest tsunami was excluded from sight at this time, and few people watched him.

Ye Wuchen did not silently calculate the time when painting. Until he came to the world, his painting speed was not lower than that of the current forest tsunami, when he had only the power of the first layer of the no-chen technique, and was incomplete first layer. Now that he has a second layer of unchecked power, he has not been able to perform at full speed, but he is also appalling and eye-catching.

Finally, the time of meditation ended, and the brush in his hand stopped and he retracted it. Almost at the same time, he kept holding the yellow coat of the weird timer and shouting: “The moment has come. ”

It's almost exactly the same, it's just this appalling computational power, and there are a few more people in the world who can do it.

Ye Wuchen threw away all the utensils in his hand, and then let go of his body to show this just finished piece to the public. But the greeting was not a shout, but a clear silence. Most of the people on the field even looked at each other with confusion.

Anyone can recognize that the painting depicts a lotus blossom and is white pink and Tillian. The two lotus blossoms are one diagonal to the left, the other diagonal to the right, and the double has not been released. But instead of bringing too much aesthetics, these two flowers are too rough in colour. The blue-green stalks and green leaves beneath the lotus blossoms are exquisitely painted, resembling objects, and there is even a hint of clarity between the trances. And the water underneath the lotus stem, but this water is even weirder, because it does not outline the surface of the water, but there are some or more dark or light, dense and numb light green spots, and the diagonal reflection of the same strain in the water and Tillian, this reflection of the same painting is unique.

But this painting doesn't have much to look at. It's even more mediocre when you look at it. There are too many losers.

Lin Xiao stared at this and Tillian flower diagram. He believed that before Yip Wuchen was confidently filled with bamboo in his chest state, he would never produce such a work to make people laugh, there must be a Xuan machine. However, no wonder can be seen in his detailed observation. From any angle, it is not much better than "Shimizu Lake Shore" before the forest tsunami, more than 18,000 miles apart.

“This painting is called" And Tillian Flower "and is improvised. The same name is definitely countless. But stealing is considered to be one of the best.” Ye Wuchen said with a laugh.

Dragonfly frowned for half a day and turned around: “Wen Aiqing, what do you think of this painting? ”

“This...” a gray haired old man, more than sixty years old, dressed as a civilian, saluted: “The old man's eyes are awkward and he can't see the beauty of it. In the view of the elders, this is just a bad one. ”

His assessment brought most people together to nod, while others were still trying to find their machine. Because of the super painting skills shown by Ye Wuchen before, his men should never have made such a bad scene. And it doesn't look like he's disappointed in himself to see the light clouds at this time.

“He Aiqing, in your opinion? ”

“The seniors' views are exactly the same as those of Lord Wen. ”

“How does it compare to Lin Xiao's work? ”

“cannot be compared. ”

Dragonfly nodded and looked at Ye Wuchen and said: “I think so, too. Wuchen, your painting skills are excellent, but this painting is really too childish, so this competition is...”

“Wait a moment, Your Majesty, there is nothing to say.” Ye Wuchen waved his hand.

“Oh? What else do you have to say, is there really another machine in this painting?” The dragonfly looked forward to asking, but it was no surprise.

“If you don't have a Xuan machine, how dare you take it out to make a fool of yourself?” Ye Wuchen smiled slightly, then turned to speak loudly: “I wonder if any of the elders here have brought wine? ”

Again, the people looked at each other and shook their heads, and who would bring wine under such occasions? But immediately a thunderous sound sounded: "I got it, boy. You got it! ”

As if Sheng feared that Ye Wuchen would not want it, the flower shook heaven to unwrap the wine bag hanging on his waist and then hit straight in the direction of Ye Wuchen. The most important thing in his life —— first his daughter, and second, alcohol. This flower softened his capsule, and he stayed there for almost a moment, and when it was empty, it filled up the first time.

Ye Wuchen reached out to catch it and smiled: “Thank you Senior Hana for the wine. I will definitely invite Senior Hana to drink it some other day. ”

The original phrase was immediately taken seriously by the flowers, and he yelled, “Okay! Boy, that's what you said. If you don't drink with me, you're not a man! Besides, you're not a senior. Listen to me. Just call me Lao Hua! ”

“Then... it's a deal!” Ye Wuchen promised to ignore his second sentence directly. He had seen the flowers tremble a long time ago and was identified by him as a liquor store.

The conversation between them made the majority of people who didn't understand the splenic nature of the flowers look directly silly. This flower before the earthquake was injured by Lin Xiao tried to teach Ye Mitsune a lesson, but the other party used what it called “despicable” means to give him a handful, and fooled him with three conditions. Instead of being angry, Hana Zhuangtian went home laughing, and now he is overzealous. He can't help but worship him as a brother.

Does this flower shake heaven have a strange habit of being shaded and then having a violent body?

“Gentlemen, look. ”

Ye Wuchen unplugged the plug and the aroma overflowed. He leaned back and poured a long sip, then sprayed it against the painting, sprinkling the mist evenly and soaking the whole painting. And then he looked up again, and he took another sip, and after the same three times, he finally stood beside him with a lot of laughter.

He's acting so weird that no one can name it. Focus on the painting. Then, not knowing how many people's mouths were wide open at the same time, even their chins were about to fall to the ground in shock. I didn't know how many things I had in my hand had accidentally fallen to the ground, and an elderly bachelor with presbyopia glasses “tapped” his eyes on the ground.

It was more than them. Even the traditional calm forest whistle stared at them, and even the eyeballs almost popped out. Dragonfly, the face also shows the color of inactivity that hasn't appeared in years.
