Heavenly Star

Chapter 207: Million Armies Destroyed, On The Last Meteor Rain

One minute… Two minutes… Ten kinds…

There was more and more blood on his body and he still hadn't fallen. His gaze was blurred by blood, and he stared at the West, step-by-step. Whenever his consciousness begins to blur, he bites his tongue hard. He can die... but never let the snow get hurt.

Three long guns flew from three directions to his feet. He jumped, sworded, drew a blood arc, and was in the air. Hundreds of waiting bows and arrows moved together. For example, a crossing locust was fired at his body. Ye Wuchen used his sword to fall all, while throwing out two tremors and blowing up dozens of bow and arrow cavalry.

When he landed on the ground, his body snapped, and when he stood steady, the star-cutting sword in his hand had been retracted by him. Fire elements were gathering quickly, throwing out a fireball that had been compressed to the pole and thrown forward.

The fireball created a mid-range explosion, turning his front 30 meters into a fire sea. A time of turmoil, amazing screams and screams stacked together, trying to break through the night sky. Ye Wuchen held the snow tight with his hands and dragged his heavy body into the fire.

The thick flame covered Ye's unchen body and also burned a large portion of the human horse. In the fire, the three black spheres flew together, flying towards the cavalry group, carrying three large pieces of flesh and blood. Immediately afterwards, three more flew out, blowing up all the more forward cavalry as well, and finally... a whole dozen thunderbolts scattered forward.

The cavalry, who taught the power of this horror firearm, fled in horror to seek refuge, but what awaits them is still ten overlapping explosions, which will shake the earthquake, and ten evenly arranged fires will become the last colour in the lives of more than two hundred cavalry men.

The thick cavalry has finally created a gap. Ye Wuchen rushed out quickly, kicked the cavalry on a horse, royal horse walked, throwing out several flames to force the cavalry around and in front of him to retreat, highlighting the siege, flying forward.

Severe pain, dizziness, weakness... He kept biting his tongue tip, keeping himself awake, the horse under him has become his last hope.

The chase behind us is as sweeping as a tide. Once again, he threw out five thunderbolts on his right hand, causing the nearest waves of cavalry to be blown upside down and temporarily distancing himself from them.

“Arrow! ”

Behind him, he drank loudly, then brushed the bow, Ye Wuchen held the last three trembling thunderbolts with a trembling hand, and threw them back three times as the first bow and arrow fired.

The first, a roar, dozens of screams, the nearest wave of archers to Ye Wuchen was blown up by half, the rear of the horse was unable to reach, tripped countless times, and became confused as he stepped on it. The second followed, blowing the surviving wave of teams to the ground, once again provoking a great deal of confusion, and the frightened horses became more confused and began to wander blindly.

The third, flying far away in a tsunami, fired at the most dense part of the cavalry team, causing another mayhem, dragging the entire team forward to death.

Throwing three thunderbolts took almost all the strength left of Ye Wuchen, he gently swept, stabbed him in the butt, crotched the horse for pain, combined with the scare of those three explosions, and ran to his death. However, it was this gentle sword that paralyzed Ye Wuchen's entire body on horseback, and the star-cutting sword, which had extinguished the flame in his hand, fell from his hand and became a golden ray into his eyebrow before falling to the ground.

Though the cavalry is strong, and a battlefield sweep can be described as depletion and decay, its flaws are equally evident. If Battle Mazizizi is frightened, this cavalry will collapse without battle. And the firearms of the flower family, whether it is the thunder seismo of the range explosion or the thunder of the medium range explosion, will have several times the effect against the cavalry, the injuries are subordinate, the horse starts with the shock. Ye Wuchen was able to highlight the siege before, in addition to the medium range of flames, mainly relying on Zhen Tianlei to make the cavalry overwhelmed.

At this time, three heavenly thunderbolts killed and wounded the cavalry hundreds. But the casualties caused by stepping on each other far exceed that figure, and by the time they finally adjusted, Ye Wuchen was 100 meters away.

Windy palace, the wind slammed the telescope hard to the ground, the muscles on the face constantly twitching. The bloody slaughter did not move him, he thought he could soon let the leaves submerged by the crowd die out of starvation, but did not expect that such a huge sea of people, he ripped open a gap, fled, several firearms with astonishing power, let them far away.

“This man... is he really still human... why, he was not born in my wind house...”

The wind bites his teeth so hard that the shock in his heart can no longer be described. Kill the god of war, break away from the palace, rush out of the 10,000 armies, bathe the blood and leave again... in his arms, he still holds an unharmed young girl, how many horrible things are hidden from him.

And around him, the wind doesn't know when it's gone. Because Ye Wuchen went in the right direction, his ending was decided.

The contaminated blood mixed with sweat that had soaked his whole body into strands and dripped onto the horse and the ground. Ye Wuchen no longer had the strength to straighten his body, he collapsed on his horse's back. The only hand holding the snow was still so powerful, he never let go. For too long, his left arm has become stiff.

“Brother... do you hurt...” Tears spin in the snow-covered eyes, usually not even an ant dares to step on her, not feeling a slight fear in the bloody cries of slaughter and heartbreak. Because even if she really dies, she's also my brother's death together, what's so scary about it?

She only hated herself, hated herself for not being able to do anything, and wouldn't have dragged him so much if she had half the strength of her eyes.

After a long wait, she did not receive an answer, so she quietly approached him, closed her eyes and stopped disturbing him.

Neither the cavalry in the front nor the heavenly guard in the rear gave up pursuit, like the waves, and did everything possible to expel a grain of sand from the sea. But at this time, none of them felt relaxed, but fought a cold war in their hearts... he was the one who defeated the god of war, or a real demon... 3,000 cavalry, 20,000 city guards, who failed to leave him behind, but died and wounded badly, with blood and limbs all over the ground.

But even if he is a true God, true demons always have his boundaries. Not to mention... every one of them knows that the path he chose is a path of genuine despair.

The sky is getting darker and brighter and the moon in the sky is getting brighter and quieter. Ye Shuiyao curled his body and sat quietly in the dead grass, motionless. The longer she waits, the colder her body and heart are, and every second is so long.

“Chen...” she called silently in her heart and prayed. In her entire life, she's never been as scared as she is now.

After not knowing how long, Ye Wuchen's blurred gaze and consciousness awakened a few points. Behind them is still a huge, impoverished team. Even though the distance has never been close, they have no intention of stopping the chase. Arrows continue to fly from behind. But because it was too far apart, it drowned without touching his back.

At this time, as long as there is a decent master in the army, it will be easy to catch up and put Ye Wuchen to death.

“Cher, are you okay?” He struggled to hold up his body, making a faint voice in his mouth and sighing so weak that he could barely hear himself. Just now, Snowflake's weak body has been pressed under him.

“Um... brother. ”

“Ah!! Master! Ahead... Look Ahead! Heart!!"

Nan Er suddenly shouted a terrified scream, causing Ye Wuchen's inner heart to quake. He concentrated and stared... In front of him, it was a pitch-black piece, which had been spreading forward, without seeing the margins.

At that time, there appeared in Ye Wuchen's mind a name that no one in the heavenly continent knew, a forbidden place in the great wind country, a creepy place regardless of length, width and depth - the soul-breaking abyss!

It... it's actually in the west of Sky Wind City!

The horse beneath him did not stop, still running forward like crazy, in Ye Wuchen's constantly widening eyes to the pitch-black cliff in front of him... Finally, the front hoof stomped and fell down...

Ye Wuchen bited his teeth, his feet slipped, his body swirled with force, holding the snow to the edge of the cliff. And the horse fell into a long hissing abyss and vanished in a blink of an eye... in a long period of silence, but there was no falling sound.

That horse, Ben, was Ye Wuchen's last hope to escape, and this long broken soul pit completely cut off this last hope. For a moment, even the gentle wind, the bleak moonlight is desperate and desolate.

Ye Wuchen stood up, trembling, and as long as he stepped back, he would fall into the abyss, and there would be no return. Looking at the approaching tide of armies ahead, he looked at it with such indignation.

His eyes were still far from him, and his breath was similarly weak. His eyes, conquered by the power of the soul, also have a constant soul connection and sensation. So, even far apart, they can sense each other's position and state.

This time, what he is facing is real despair, and there is no turning back.

“Brother, are you cold?” Snow stroked his cold face and chest with his hands and asked worried.

100 meters… 50 meters… 30 meters…

The cavalry flew closer and closer, the knife gun reflected the cold light of silence, and the archer opened his bow, but did not eject immediately. When he chose this direction, it was doomed to this end. Behind the cavalry, the city guard did not relax at all, and ran after it to chase...

“Cher... would you like to see the meteor rain?” Ye Wuchen's eyes widened and his faint eyes looked forward and muttered softly.

Curling snow raised his face and gently his head.