Heavenly Star

Chapter 222 Abyss, Insolence

Chapter 223 Abyss, Obsession

Two years later.

Two years after Ye Wuchen jumped off the soul pit, Ye Wuchen continued to circulate in Tianchen mainland, especially in Tianlong kingdom, he and his passage slowly deified over time, and gradually became a mythical figure in Tianlong kingdom that can compete with the sword god. Many older people tell stories to some very good children about a mythical teenager who needs to work hard to climb but cannot really achieve the highest goal.

The passage of two years has not changed the landscape of the heavenly continent. The windy country is more peaceful than expected, and although it often harasses the Tianlong border, there has not been a real major offensive. And that would be like a precursor to a storm, and no one would think that a big wind congress would go on with this fussy game, and they were waiting for a time and a time.

Ye Wei, who has already hated the Great Wind Country, has rarely returned home for two years and has been in the West. He can't help but hate that the Great War can explode immediately, or take the initiative to invade the Great Wind Country to kill with pleasure. Unfortunately, his kingdom of Tianlong is destined only to be on the passive side.

An unknown mysterious area.

It's obviously at the bottom of the abyss, and there's no way the sun can come in, but it's strangely bright as daylight —— and it's never been so bright without the night. The sky is covered in darkness, but there is a light in front of it, and this strange light comes from nowhere.

Not only is there light, but there are clear rivers, aromatic wildflowers, turquoise grasslands, vibrant forests and large animals, and even people.

An elf-like young girl squatted by a stream and pocketed a lush green leaf in a clear stream. She looks at most ten years old, has a snowy head, stunning snowy white fine skin, which should have been a sophisticated and charming young girl, but the huge scars on her face that cross her face completely destroy it, causing people to sigh the cruelty of the Creator.

The girl lifted the leaves, stepped on the soft grass and walked towards a young man lying on the ground. Juvenile men lay there silently with a calm face with an enviably perfect face, just too pale, a morbid color that healed from the onset of a major illness.

The young girl squatted down in front of him with lotus leaves and drank a mouthful of creek water. Then, with her hands, she separated the man's pale lips, her body bowed down and patched her lips to him. In the gentlest motion, her heart crossed the creek water into his mouth, as if it were a glass doll that had broken at the touch.

“Brother, you will definitely wake up, you will...”

A tear fell from her eyes and dropped into fresh water in the lobes, splashing a splash of water. In those two years, she had not known how many tears she had shed, as if she would never dry out. The girl sipped water again and gently gave it to him.

There is no night here, only day. So she doesn't know how long she's been here, just how long she's been... waiting for him to wake up in fear and fear for every second is an unbearable ordeal.

After feeding him water, she went to the creek to pick up some more water and drink it for herself. When she came back, she put the lotus leaves next to her, and the man's face was bitten with water lips for several times, and she said, "Brother, I'm going to pick the fruit, wait for me, just a moment. ”

This is how she bids him farewell at this point, and it has been repeated many times over the past two years. She turned three times, then finally took her steps and ran away, because she ran faster and could come back sooner.

There's all kinds of wild fruit in the woods to the north that she didn't see before she came here. There are a lot of animals here, and they're mild, but she doesn't dare to kill them, and the boy's condition is completely impossible to eat meat, so these wild fruits are all the food on which they've lived for so long.

The forest was huge and she was afraid to go too deep because she was afraid of getting lost, and no one was feeding him water and eating fruit on time, and she had no idea what was on the other side of the forest.

The less fruit she ate, the more she had to learn to climb the tree when she could no longer reach for it, so her arms, legs, and even her face were scratched by the branches one time, and she didn't know how many times she fell from the tree. After a long time, her hands, which were already white and snowy, had been polished with thick cocoons. The old wounds faded away and new wounds appeared again, but the good news was that over time, she had become more and more proficient and less injured, and the cocoons on her hands were getting thicker and thicker.

After a while, she ran back with some fruit in her skirt. No matter how much she picks up every day, she won't allow herself to leave him for too long. Almost as soon as she's had enough time, she starts panicking and hurrying back. The most fearful thing in my heart was that he suddenly disappeared there. The happiest thing was when he suddenly woke up.

He was a reason for the girl to live, otherwise she would rather die herself. She waited every minute and every second for him to wake up. There's no one here to disturb them and make this a world for just the two of them.

The girl came to the creek to wash the fruit, came to the juvenile, knelt down and said softly in his ear: "Brother, I am useless, I found only three very sweet fruits. Next time, I'll try. ”

She picked up a large blue fruit and sat down, placing it between her legs, biting the fruit out of her long mouth, then squeezing it hard with her own hands, squeezing the blue juice down onto the leaf, squeezing one, then feeding it to him with her mouth, the juice was cool and sweet, but she didn't want to swallow a bite of it.

It wasn't until he “ate" all three large blue fruits that the teenage girl picked up the two hard green fruits and ate them. Tastes very sour and astringent.

A drop of blue juice lingered on the man's lips, and the girl snapped, leaning down and gently licking her tongue, enjoying the sweetness of her mouth, then continued to chew up the hard fruit in her hand.

This white-headed young girl fell into the snow of the broken soul with Ye Wuchen.

Two years later, she hasn't changed, she hasn't grown up, she's still that innocent teenager. Only in the past two years, she has become strong. No matter how painful, hungry or bitter she will not scream, no tears will fall. Only in front of Ye Wuchen will she always be unable to stop the tear spill.

Two years ago, she fell in the wind and in a flash without a scratch, and Ye Wuchen's body hit the ground severely. The broken soul pit was too high, the degree of descent was too high, the force was too high, his body directly smashed the grass into the fall, his body completely did not enter the cold soil, the blood quickly stained the surrounding ground red. If an ordinary man, his body had been torn apart, there was no reason to survive.

Snow tore his heart out crying, grabbing the land beside him with despair, pulling his body, but only feeling his body slowly becoming cold... and then becoming cold. She lay down on him, crying hard, crying all the time, until she cried dumb, crying faint... she didn't see, the spring-like tears wet Ye Wu Chen's pale face, many accidentally flowed into his mouth...

The snow woke up in deep despair, and the first thing to do when she woke up was to look and touch his face... from his face, she suddenly felt the temperature. At that time, when she caught the last straw to save her life in despair, she cried “brother” and grabbed the land around him with her hands… I don't know how long it took to finally pull his body out.

She sensed his weak breathing and equally weak heartbeat, holding his neck and crying and laughing, then the heart removed the clothes from Ye Wucheng's body, fed him water with the stream next to him, cleaned his body, and licked every shocked wound from him with his own tongue, because his brother taught her that saliva could speed up the healing of the wound.

So Ye Wuchen finally did not die. Instead, it keeps a weak airplane, falling asleep under the care of snow, not knowing when to wake up, or, never.

There is not only no night, there is no spring, summer, autumn, winter, always the same temperature, same green grass, no rain, no thunder. Unlike the outside world, this is an independent world in total isolation.

Already tired, the snow condensed next to Ye Wuchen, curled up against him, put one of his arms on himself, closed his eyes, and soon fell asleep. In her dreams, she always dreams of her brother suddenly waking up.

Previously, it was Ye Wuchen who took care of it and protected the snow. And for two years, it was snow that took care of him and protected him, and besides looking for food, she stayed with him almost incessantly, keeping him out of his sight. Wash him every day and knead his body to prevent him from lying stiff for too long, often lying beside him and telling him their stories. She always believed that he would wake up soon.

Green grass is unseen, there are only two of them in the world, and light wind and running water make up all the voices in the world.

At this moment, Ye Wuchen's right tail suddenly moved slightly, and then there was no sound again.

Chapter 223 Waking Up From A Dream