Heavenly Star

Chapter 229: Another World

“This place is sealed, right?” Ye Wuchen asked.

“That's right, there's an invisible border around here. Anything can only come in, but you can't go out. This bond is so strong that the power that brings us all together cannot be broken. I just kept waving to keep you from coming in... when my grandfather's grandfather and grandfather all fell into it, so they were trapped inside forever. But okay, my grandfather mentioned once in a while that the mysterious power of saving my grandfather's grandfather seemed to have something to do with this strange junction, and if it was true, without it, there would be no way I would have been born.” He looked at Ye Wuchen Tao again: “From the beginning, you were the first outsider I had ever met. At the beginning, I was scared to think I had taken an eye out for myself. ”

“But from now on, you'll have to stay here forever, just like us. Look..."

Walking along the way, they quickly walked out of the woods. In front of them, it was a neat and tidy plot of arable land, each filled with a wide variety of vegetable and fruit crops. Some are pointy and some have grown. The seasons are the same here, and the farming season is free to decide. In the distance of sight, one or two blurred figures can occasionally be seen, each busy.

“This is our land and vegetable garden, there are so many places like this that we can't get out, but we never get hungry. And up ahead, that's where we live, my grandfather, dad, a lot of uncles, brothers and sisters. Moving forward is also a forest, there are a lot of big beasts, you can catch them when you are free, so that you can eat meat.” Bow Lo's face explained enthusiastically to Ye Wuchen. For a long time in this closed world, the people inside are interdependent and united. They are young people who have never come into contact with real evil. Even if they suddenly encounter outsiders like Ye Wuchen, there is not much caution, but more excitement. Likewise, nothing is a secret to them. So-called secrets do not exist in a world that can never be opened.

“Every one of us here has something to do. Dude, you must be tired right now. I'll help you get some rest.” Hearing the breathing sounds in his ears getting heavier and heavier, he knew that Bow Luo, who was in Ye Wuchen's physical condition, would not dare to delay any longer, minimize the weight of Ye Wuchen's landing, and his heart would walk towards their place of residence.

“Thanks for your help. ”

“Hey, don't be so polite.” Bowlo answered casually.

The further forward, the more distant the figure begins to grow. A middle-aged woman walking this way greeted her from afar: "Three Dolls, back so soon today... who are these two?” Suddenly I saw two raw faces that I had never seen before, and the middle-aged woman was obviously frightened and quickly walked up to me and asked in alarm.

The middle-aged woman was carrying a hoe, barefoot, dressed in coarse cloth, with a wide skeleton, a messy head, mud all over her body, and a fresh image of a farmer returning from the fields, without any surprise on the surface. But she walked in a hurry, her feet on soft land without even a trace. Ye Wuchen Rin, a young man in his early twenties has terrifying power, and a farmer woman who looks the most ordinary has such a horrible cultivation. What a bunch of monsters are people here!

“It's Aunt Chun. These two are the people who fell from the top and walked in unintentionally. I'll take them to see Grandpa.” Bowlo explained to her.

“Hello, ma'am, my name is Ye Wuchen, and this is my sister Jie Xue.” Ye Wuchen Gazette smiled politely. The middle-aged woman in front of him also gave him the same feeling of comfort, from which he could not feel any negative emotions.

“Hello, ma'am.” Cohesion learned to call him by the looks of his brother, waving his hand in a delicate and timid manner.

Aunt Chun weighed them up and down several times and then whispered: “Mother, I'm so grown up, this is the first time I've seen someone outside... Huh?” Her eyes flashed and she stepped to Ye Wuchen's body. Her hands pressed him on his chest like Bow Luo had done before, and then she immediately retracted. She was surprised: “This... child, it seems you must have suffered a lot of grievances and been forced to jump. Poor kid, don't worry, no one will bully you when you get here. Sanba, you child, this child's body is like this and you still hold him. Come on, lady, carry you. ”

Boolo woke up with a slight drop in the count. He patted his head. "Oh, look at my stupid head, madam, let me carry it. ”

After that, without waiting for Ye Wuchen to respond, he threw Ye Wuchen back on his back as soon as his hand was slightly shaken: “Aunt Chun, go busy, I'll see Grandpa right away. ”

“Why are we so busy? After all these years we have had such a big thing, can I go down? Come on, this sister, lady, take you there.” Aunt Chun hugged the snow with enthusiasm and snuck her white head twice without a trace, then walked forward with Bow Lo. Their degree is what they call a wind and electricity brake.

And the closer we get to the residential area, the more people we encounter, whether adults or children, all like seeing aliens, let go of the busy things in the hands and run behind, making Ye Wuchen quite a bit of a cry. Even more surprising to him, Bow Lo and Aunt Chun traveled so quickly, they didn't fall, they didn't show their energy, they ran and talked excitedly, or asked some cluttered questions.

The people here are a bunch of monsters.

“Look, this is a spinning wheel that we made ourselves to weave a very comfortable cloth that can also be dyed into a variety of nice colors.” Finally walked into the residential area, and Boolo began to introduce it in detail. By the time the spinning wheel had been eliminated by the outside world for years, Bowlo was proud of his excitement, which in his eyes was the greatest thing in the world.

“Three dolls, two less sentences. You don't see what they're wearing, and you're not afraid of embarrassment.” Aunt Chun scolded. Ye Wuchen is not wearing a white robe that has long been broken in two years, but a standard dude's clothing that exists in the Sword God ring, and fabric alone is never affordable. Aunt Chun was staring at his clothes all the time. The saliva came out of her mouth. She thought silently: "It would be nice to have one of our three quick-married donkeys. ”

Bow Luo looked down at his animal leather coat and looked back at Ye Wuchen's body to see what a gorgeous coat was. He smiled.

The arrival of Ye Wuchen and Condensed Snow is an astonishing and unprecedented event for this world. At one time, it was as if the horse's nest had been stabbed, and the people who had received the news had come from their own houses, or from all sides. Like the monster, there were three layers inside and three layers outside the collective view. There were men and women, there were crutches, old grandmothers who were dying to walk, and there were also children who had just learned to walk. One finger could poke them down. One pair of eyes was bright and the thief was shining like a star.

Ye Wuchen roughly reckoned that there are now as many as 300 people here alone.

The world has been quiet and orderly for a while, and it has become as lively as a big episode. Bo Luo dropped Ye Wuchen and shouted: “Everyone quietly, this brother is not well. Let me show him first. What can we do for you? ”

Boolo seemed to have a high reputation here, and when he was finished, the atmosphere of chaos calmed down and those curious eyes became a concern. Cohesion snow was still close to Ye Wuchen and his hands grabbed him nervously. She rarely comes into contact with outsiders and is rejected by too many others. She instinctively gets disturbed by so many people watching her at once.

The crowd was separated and an old man with a gentle face came out. As he stepped out, the atmosphere around him quickly became different, and everyone's divine colours bore a glimmer of self-respect. Ye Wuchen knew at first glance that he should be the leader here, equivalent to the mayor of a town. No community should lack a credible leader, as if it were a necessary law of nature. He laughed, “This senior stepped in here unintentionally, causing you no trouble. ”

The old man did not ask anything, wanted to have learned about it from the miscellaneous conversation, listened to Ye Wuchen talk, he laughed: “Guys, our existence could not have been known by others, and generally no one else will come in. If you can show up here, it must be heaven's plan. We can't be happy yet. Where's the trouble? From now on, we're all family, so don't ever do that again. ”

Old man's words, no one around them has an intercept, but they all have clear heads, but no one reveals a deity of exclusion. Ye Wuchen secretly sighed in his heart and said: “It is the younger generation who has made love. I think this place will soon be my other home. ”

The old man laughed, “That's right.” And then the eyes went straight forward: “Come on, let me see your body. ”

“Grandpa, Brother Ye is in serious condition, can Grandpa try to do something? Where's my father and mother?” Bowlo asked.

“They go hunting and haven't come back yet.” The old man responded with his mouth, then placed his hand on Ye Wuchen's chest, and a scorching air wave began to soften all over his body.

Whether it's Boolo, or Aunt Chun just now, or the old man in front of them, they're releasing the same amount of energy with the same heat. In contrast, this old man is far more powerful than Bow Lo. After a brief visit, he retracted his hand, his eyebrows tightened, and then he said, “Man, I don't suppose you thought you'd survive. ”

“Exactly. Fortunately, pity in heaven made me take back a life.” He was finished, squeezing Snow's hand.



Emperor: Li Zi, describe me in one word.

Plum: Scum!

Emperor: … pull me out and cut it!