Heavenly Star

Chapter 315: Who You Are

“Maybe God pitied me and gave me a chance. You gave me this opportunity yourself. I finally snatched Fu back. But all these years, I got her people, but not one day I got her heart, I couldn't see her laughing, couldn't wait for her to talk to me on her own initiative. Even when pregnant, destroy the child with your own hands. She hates me, just like I hated you...”

“Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

“That's her kid, and I won't hurt him. Nor dare to hurt her son, just as you did when you were younger, seeing him only irritated me, where he wanted to go, blind to his eyes. Her daughter is much more obedient than you, she will never disobey me, let her marry someone older than you and me for the sake of the reign of the Southern Emperor... Perhaps this is also a discourse of hatred. Though you are already a madman, you still have descendants, and you still occupy Fu's heart. I don't know if I should have mercy on you or continue to hate you and envy you. But at least, I don't want to kill you. Death will only be your liberation. Only your life is worse than death is what I want to see most. ”

Cold and ruthless words spit word for word, when the face of the clouds of water is desolate and horrible, and there is no response to the evil figure in front of you. These words, which he has repeated over and over again over the years, this man, who was hated and jealous at the time and who was ruined by his own hands, faced with him now, the repression in his heart is always replaced by morbid happiness.

“I will not let you die, I will pray every day that you will not die too soon. ”

The clouds of water finally turned around, and as they turned around, a strange wind blew out the dusk light, making the cave dark again, leaving the sound array as if it were a raging roar from hell. The clouds of water took steps and jumped out of this dungeon where no one wanted to come close, returning calmly.



A few days later. South Emperor Zongxiang Star Picking Building,

The clouds of water and clouds rose, eyes closed, nothing moving up or down, almost to silence. He's been in this state all day and all night.

At this moment, he finally opened his eyes. Outside the attic, there was a slightly closer and closer footstep, and above the aura, he guessed who he was, with a slightly loud eyebrow.

“Father, I'm back.” Shui Mengchan attacked the powder coat, her face habitually covered with a thin veil, such as a dream like a fairy smell as if she was born.

“But what's the big deal?” The clouds of water asked, sitting slowly on the wooden chair next to him.

Shui Mengchan shook his head and sat across from the sky: “I haven't been back for a long time, these are full moon days, some miss my father and mother, so I can't bear to come back. ”

Shui Yuntian laughed: “Now that you're back, go spend more time with your mother. It's been hard on you all these years. ”

Shui Mengchan shook his head slightly: "What I did compared to my uncles was nothing but a trivial feat.” She paused for a moment and asked, “Is there nothing missing? ”

When she asked about the lack of water, the clouds of water frowned and snorted coldly: "Humph, this rebel loves to go wherever he goes, I will take him for a son. ”

There is no shortage of water. It is the younger brother of Shui Mengchan, who is two and a half years younger than Shui Mengchan. Although he is the only son of the Patriarch, he is not personalized with the rest of the Patriarch, so he is not in the Patriarch for many years. But the relationship with Shui Mengchan's younger brother was excellent.

Shui Mengchan softly persuaded him: “Father is angry, he is not short of his age. At the age of greed, let him go. ”

“Alas.” Shuiyun shook his head in disappointment, sighing: “You used to protect him, now he's more than twenty people, he's no longer a child... that's just it, he never had a father like me in his heart, let him go. Alas, if he saves half of your heart, he'll know enough for his father. ”

“I'll go check on my mother and father later, and I'll come back with my father for some more information on Tianlong City.” Shui Mengchan stood up, her eyes watery and her voice windy.

“Go and stay with your mother for a while.” Clouds of water. After Shui Mengchan left, he closed his eyes slowly, breathless.

He is a true martial arts genius whose future achievements, combined with the efforts of far reaching human beings, are incalculable.

That night.

A pitch-black night, moonless, starless and windless. The full moon, which is supposed to shine through the earth, is completely sheltered by a pitch-black cloud. In the darkness, a wonderful figure dressed in a pink dress, silently stepped on the land beneath her feet and walked to that position in her memory. Instead of changing the nightgown to conceal her movements, she dressed herself in her most usual way. Otherwise, once perceived, it can no longer be distinguished.

Getting close, she finally heard that beastly roar, and tonight, the lunatic didn't rest, and the voice added a fraction of the heart twitching horror to the rendering of the night.

Shui Mengchan, after all, is an extraordinary woman, who remains calm in this atmosphere that can shock ordinary people, while raising their vigilance to the highest level. Not surprisingly, there was no one else around, and she didn't surprise anyone here. Because they're not even worried about this lunatic escaping.

A man whose tongue was cut off and whose body and strength were locked by a chain of locks that even the daughter of heaven and punishment could lock, even though he had great skill, would not escape. Every night, people shy away from this place, but they're afraid. After all, no one is willing to listen to the horror of a ghost crying wolf overnight.

In the dark, standing in front of the cave, which was flooded with dead grass, she hesitated and stood quietly there hesitating. The confusion, the horrible sound, and the stinking smell of rot, all seem to have gone unnoticed.

She yearned for the truth and was deeply afraid that everything was true. If everything was true, then her whole life would be subverted and she would not know where to go.

She wanted everything to be fake, but she came here in secret, Ye Wuchen Shen's words, she had subconsciously believed that she had been with him only a few times, that she had a fear of him, and that something similar to trust had emerged, believing in his very absurd speculation.

She knew that Ye Wuchen had gone to great lengths to get information, and to get that guess without knowing how much it would cost her heart and mind, it would never be as simple as a few words on Ye Wuchen's day. She would not be naive enough to think that Ye Wuchen had spared so much effort just to help her. Instead, instead, he did not have peace of mind, but rather did not spend a single soldier to disrupt her Southern Emperor's plot. But... Ye Wuchen's trick was based on the most rooted humanity, and she knew it, but had to voluntarily go into the set. No one wants their life to be but a cruel deception.

So, compared to the evil sect she has not yet touched positively, she is more frightened than Ye Wuchen, who possesses a very powerful power, though she is not afraid. The latter, on the other hand, is a knife that does not stain the blood but punctures the heart, making it impossible to escape.

“What should I do if his guess really becomes a reality...” Shui Mengchan mumbled in her heart, she couldn't help wandering at this moment. If she stops there, she can avoid this potentially horrible reality, complete the rest of her life in secret, bury everything deeply, and no longer think back.

But she can't. The blood in her bones determines that she cannot be a coward.

Her slim waist, like a demon butterfly dancing in the night, fell silently into the dungeon, which had never been close. In the dark, she was greeted by the smell of vomiting, and the madman's roaring voice multiplied in her ears.

When she made the choice, her heart suddenly calmed down and there was no more hesitation and hubris. She hoped that Ye Wuchen's suggestion was merely a ridiculous lie, but if it wasn't, she wouldn't run away again. Because after all...

Faced with that closer and stronger voice, she slowly walked forward, her right hand penetrated into her arms, and took out a fist big, releasing a bright pearl. At one time, the bright elements filled this narrow dungeon with daylight, and Shui Mengchan saw everything ahead. The ragged, bearded, much more terrifying lunatic appeared in her sight than she thought. Haven't seen the light for more than two decades, he suddenly touched the strong light, his eyes suddenly closed, his whole body frantically and painfully struggling, growling, which reflected the crisp collision of the gorgeous golden chains under the light. The wounded demon, used to describe this maniac who was supposed to be human, could not do more.

Shui Mengchan looked at the madman in front of him and watched everything carefully. The shielding of her head, coupled with his inability to adjust to the light and drool her head, prevented her from seeing his face. She held a pearl, reflecting her luminosity, her face was not revealed, just that fantastically beautiful figure was unusual, and there was a huge contrast with the surrounding rough environment and atmosphere. And the madman in front of you is more like a quiet fairy with a crazy demon.

“Who are you?” Shui Mengchan knew that he could not answer her, but couldn't help but ask.

Answering her was the constant roar of the lunatic, whose wildly waving pitch-black palms swayed with pointy fingernails, such as the teeth of a demon who wanted to tear people apart.

“He… you may be my biological father… my biological father who was killed by my present father. You answer me... are you? Could all this be true... if it's a fake, who are you? Are they really what they are, friends my father grew up with, locked here for more than 20 years because of the mutiny... If it's true, what is the truth about everything...”

The madman's roar continues without any hiatus or pause. But vaguely, Shui Mengchan felt two beams of eyes looking at her from the messy long, her heart trembling suddenly, following the palpitating tide of her heart, complaining to the person in front of her.