Heavenly Star

Volume 7: Sichen Chapter 410: Killer

Chapter 410 Killer

Rumor has it that evil emperors can release wind blades that cut people to pieces, and flaming souls naturally don't know. A while ago, the evil emperor suddenly appeared in the North Emperor Sect. He also released too many windswords than the rare wind magic. But apart from the astonishing arrow fired by the catastrophic bow at the time, the strength of the wind blade was not enough to threaten him, and the evil emperor he was facing today, except for the very strong wind blade that could hurt him, and even more terrible, the ice he released... never heard of the ability of the evil emperor to cast ice. Until then, the evil emperor was hiding his strength?

The power to use water and wind at the same time… Few, if any, people can manipulate the two elements at the same time on the Tianchen continent, but it is not non-existent, but it can simultaneously extend the power of both elements to such intensity that it is unknown and unheard of. The wind blade that just wounded him spilled directly from the ice, meaning that the evil emperor's manipulation of the forces of both properties had reached an appalling point where instead of interfering with each other, they would complement each other. That's a hard ice defense that he can't even break, let it pass in front of the wind blade belonging to the evil emperor as if it didn't exist.

“Lord, are you all right?” The flames flew proudly to the shadowy flames of his face and broke his soul, and he asked silently. The flame broke his soul and the evil emperor just now, but he couldn't help but be surprised. The evil emperor's strength far exceeded rumors and far exceeded his expectations.

“I'm fine.” The flaming soul relaxes the body, shook its head, and lowered its voice: “No wonder the Evil Emperor stays here alone. Unexpectedly, he's been hiding his strength. Today's hatred is endless. If we do not rescue Min 'er, my North Emperor Zong will become a laughingstock. ”

“I understand.” The flaming sky nodded arrogantly, sighing down: “After all, my lord, you and I have never seemed to have joined hands with anyone else in our entire lives. ”

“Do it.” The flames broke his soul, his body suddenly shifted, appeared on the right, and the fiery arrogance, left and right, locked the evil demon with momentum, and would attack at any time.

Instead of being repressed, every word said by the evil emperor earlier dispersed his voice far away with strange power, and most of Tianshui City could hear it clearly. And those in the distance who look at it with their eyes wide open are even more noisy. From the words of the evil emperor, they knew that the people who came this time were the lords of the North Emperor! A man who never appears, palms the North Emperor, and whose identity is nobler than that of any emperor of the four kingdoms.

Depending on the circumstances, two people, including the Patriarch of the North Emperor, are about to fight the Evil Emperor indefinitely.

Under that deadly fanaticism, they forgot the great catastrophe caused by the fighting between the divine classes, and no one left them behind. Though it is known that staying here could be life-threatening by the aftermath of the fighting, no one is willing to miss this second confrontation in their lifetime.

Clearly, Flaming Souls and Heavenly Arrogance have decided to join forces. The evil Lord's eyes swept slowly through the two of them, suddenly hey hey chuckled: "Good luck to you! ”

This time, it was the evil emperor who, when his hands reached out simultaneously, broke his soul and burst into flaming arrogance. Two strikes by the evil emperor just now, as well as his excessively bland and arrogant posture, intangibly put heavy pressure on them, they were just about to make a move and suddenly felt a sudden cold.

Temperature, falling at an incredible rate. Hundreds of meters away, the crowd watching this place brushed up and fought the Cold War, lifting their arms. It's a feeling of walking from a flaming summer to a cold winter. And the nearest fire and evening tea to the evil emperor instantly formed a layer of ice cream, the atheistic eyes suddenly shrunk under the cold stimulus, and the body trembled like a pendulum.

The cold sensation comes from the body surface all the way into the heart. Ice power is a form of water power, it is not uncommon to reduce the temperature with the force of ice, but in such a short period of time it can decline so greatly, the flames are broken soul and the flames of arrogance cannot help but be appalled. Even though the power of ice is far less than that of a snowwoman... by that alone, his strength must exceed that of a snowwoman and exceed more than a star and a half.

But they will not know that the strength of the ice that Ye Wuchen can exert will not exceed the former snowflake, but the speed of condensation is completely incomparable. If the flaming soul and the flaming arrogance knew at this moment that the power of Ye Wucheng's ice was not by condensing the water elements of space, but by their own strength, and was endless, then even if the flaming tea was still in his hands, even such a great humiliation, they would turn around without hesitation and would not even take the idea of bringing back the flaming tea from their hands.

Infinite water power, infinite beyond what humankind can imagine, is also something that ordinary humankind will never reach. Despite their titles as “gods," Flaming Souls and Flaming Heavenly Men are, after all, only human beings, stronger and harder to resist this inhuman power. With the power to reach the height of the divine ranks, no one in Tianchen mainland is his enemy. This review is not exaggerated.

When the hands of the evil emperor sink and the wind cloud turns colorful, and when the flaming soul breaks and the flaming sky becomes aware of its rise, dense ice cream falls from the sky like rain point to cover the earth.

Flaming soul breaking and flaming arrogance simultaneously, with the power of the flaming soul to push the rain of the iceberg over your head. Ice cream covers too much, and they have no place to hide at all, but to offset their power. And with such a widespread dispersal attack, the power of the tiny ice cream was supposed to be relatively weak, but when the power of the flaming soul collided with it, they stunned to discover that they were wrong… The first ice cream that came into contact with the power of the flaming soul brought a lot of turmoil to the power of the flaming soul that stood on top of their head, and the second, tore the power apart a gap.

ping ping ping ping...

Flaming soul breaking and flaming arrogance between the supports, such as being hit by a weighing hammer, the body is continuously pressed down, almost at the same speed as falling to the ground a little bit. Finally, they dared not make any more reservations, shouting loudly, stopping, pushing harder. As the two overlapping huge explosions, the ice cream on the top of their heads was all smashed to pieces, and the two people who got the wheezing machine flew at the same time to attack the demon. At this moment, closing the distance to the demon became their first choice, otherwise, the terrible range, the terrible intensity of the attack would make them unable to even get close.


The evil emperor did not move, his mouth was always hung with a laugh that seemed derisive, and he did not care at all in the face of the power of the oppressive chest distributed by both men at the same time. This is a tremendous confidence in the power that he currently possesses… His hands are pushed towards two people approaching each other from different directions, and two groups of fog are also ejected simultaneously from the palms of his palms, unlike different fogs, which are strange fogs ejected by the power of the wind, the diffusion of fog, the speed of the wind, the power and effect under the combination are by no means as simple as one plus one.

The speed was too fast, the fog erupted too suddenly, the flaming soul and flaming arrogance were still not hidden, the body was suddenly covered by water fog, in front of the eyes, at the same time the fog became cloaked, the gaze was extremely blurred and distorted. This seemed mediocre, no different from ordinary fog, with a terrible name - "Obstacle Smoke” - which, by definition, was extremely difficult to carry out, but once successful, even God's gaze could be obscured by the pulling technique. Blindfolded the enemy's eyes, he cut off one of his arms, even for a short period of time, enough to be lethal in the battle of an even enemy.

The flaming soul, almost completely blinded, had to stop in the air, waving its arms to disperse the strange power of the entangling nature as quickly as possible, at this moment, a strong wind poured quickly in front of him, in a blurred gaze, he implicitly recognized that it was the shadow of a man, without hesitation, he calmed his face, his right hand loathed to launch: “Flaming soul breaking cloud hand! ”


That punch of divine power poured hard on the flying body, the power of the flaming soul rushed from the fist, at the point of contact to emit an energy explosion that pushed the surrounding air far away... and at this moment, the "obstacle smoke” that shielded him and the arrogant vision of the flames suddenly disappeared, the sight of the two also returned to full normality at this moment, the flaming eyes showed a face with despair and infinite fright, this face he could no longer be familiar with...

A blow of divine power, the strength of which makes the earth turbulent, not to mention the body of a man who no longer has the strength to resist... the body struck by the flaming soul was not blown out, but directly destroyed into countless tiny pieces during the explosion of energy, then from the pieces to the smaller pieces, a cloud of red blood scattered in the eyes of the flaming soul...

The man he struck was, of course, his son, Yan Ying Ming. In the very short time that his vision was temporarily covered, the evil emperor grabbed and threw at him the burning and evening tea hanging there. With his strongest strength, he himself killed his son without a whole corpse.

The flaming soul looked at the slowly scattered mist of blood in front of his eyes, his heart sinking, his eyes gradually becoming hollow and horrible. Likewise, Flaming Heavenly Man, who regained his vision, trembled all over his body. His face was pale. It took a long time to tremble his lips and call out: "Lord...”

What could be more desperate for a father than to kill his own son by mistake, what could be more cruel for a father, and what could be more desperate for a son than this method of death? The soul of the flaming broken soul seemed to fly apart, and the eyes no longer had focal lengths. Every part of your face is trembling unconsciously.

The mist drifted slowly and stained the ground below with a large amount of red. In the distance, the crowd with its eyes wide open to excitement witnessed this vibrating and cruel scene. The Lord of the North Emperor died, not in the hands of the Evil Emperor, but in the hands of the Lord of the North Emperor who came to save him - without a whole corpse.

Pfft! Pfft!