Heavenly Star

Rumors… Better come in and take a look

Shui Mengchan is actually a vase. This man was written down by me.

According to the initial set-up, she was the person who tended to be the third female lead. When Ye went to the heavens to extinguish the volcano, he did not accompany the flaming dream, but Shui Mengchan, naturally, Shui Mengchan was counted by a witch... then gave birth to the thought. In other words, there was no such person as Flaming Dreams. But the reason to destroy the North Emperor was too tenacious when the pulse was reconstituted. It easily created the impression that the gentle and loving protagonist was too iron-handed, so it led to another trigger cord, the flaming dream.

So, the careful classmates should feel when they look at those chapters that the portrayal of Flaming Dreams is a little stiff, and that's why. And Shui Mengchan, who was supposed to be heavy in the original theatre, became a vase. Her role was basically to let Wuchen trust the forces she had set up all those years, and then there was basically no part for her... oh, except pushing her down.

Um, so I like Mengchan's classmates, sorry ha... If you want to see her play more, for example, in emotional theater, you are welcome to put forward your favorite scenarios in the book review, which will be adopted as much as possible (word count, good value.

By the way, most of my classmates are asking me to write online... so the next book is online. The protagonist's name... Ye Tianevi (why Ye? How do I know), the name of the game is Evil Sky, so the title of the book is "Online Tour", take the Fresh Wen route, there will not be so many brainless layouts in the sun, the first lady called???, the second female lead is Sue, and the third female lead is Gogo.

Well, why did you reveal it so early... because, unlimited calls for ideas! Scene, monster! Skills! Map! Or a profession! Please refer to "Shura" for format!