Heavenly Star

Chapter 472: Grand Marriage (Lower)

Updated: 27-02-2011

Dragon Phoenix was sent to another wedding room. She and Hua Shui's wedding room were in the small courtyard of Ye Wuchen. The two empty houses were decorated these days in an incredibly luxurious manner, while Ye Wuchen's house has not moved. This is where the new house should have been. Ye Wuchen is not allowed to touch anything. Now, snow and eyes, and I've been lying in the window, and I've been staring at the little foam in the window, and I've never been out.

Ye Wuchen naturally stays to toast guests from all sides... with that exaggerated scale and quantity, even if it is impossible to toast one table at a time, otherwise the toast will not be completed until tomorrow. He started inside the Ye family, drinking one glass at a time.

“Grandpa. ”

“Ha-ha-ha, Tatsuya, Grandpa doesn't say much. With grandchildren like you, Grandpa always laughs when he sleeps. In the future, we should go to Grandpa and Grandpa to reward paintings and give them something.” Wang Bo laughed and said that he rarely drank the wine raised by Ye Wuchen.

“Well, I'll definitely go to Grandpa's and ask Grandpa for lessons.” Ye Wuchen said respectfully.

Wang Bo sat down with a smile. Although he was an emperor, the words "please tell me" did not dare him in front of Ye Wuchen.


“Aoi Emperor, God, tired of you coming all the way.” Ye Wuchen stood before Kuishui Guoku Kui Longji and Lan Guokun Tsunami Cloud Table and poured wine for them personally.

The emperors of the two kingdoms raised their glasses and the sky cloud laughed: “Mr. Ye, today is your time to rejoice, and a certain mood has never been so comfortable. Some things, right or wrong have become cloud smoke, I talked to Brother Aoi deeply, in the end we all thought the world was leveled by you, so this wine is not to you, but to you... both to you and to you. ”

Aoi Longji nodded with a smile, three cups touching each other, three people drinking at the same time, smiling at each other, not too much words, but everything was silent. Talk to smart people, just click on it. If there is no evil emperor, the ambitions of the Emperor of the South and the Emperor of the North, the world will be chaotic due to them sooner or later. The Sunflower State became the puppet of the Emperor of the North decades ago, and sooner or later the Land of Cang, Tianlong and Wind will not be able to escape its replaced destiny. And because of the evil emperor, the southern emperor and the northern emperor were cleansed and subjugated, the ambitions of the great wind kingdom were extinguished, and the war was extinguished. And in the face of them, the evil emperor has always been making a wish deal with them, never under duress. After the wind was extinguished, they remembered, shushing. The will of the evil emperor is not in the heavens, but the world depends on him. A few more will know that it is the evil emperor who has wiped out the great unrest that must have occurred on the continent of Heaven and Chen.

Therefore, they will obey the Evil Lord in the future, but there is no need to fear Him as long as they are well-deserved and focused on behalf of the people.

“Old man.” Ye Wuchen came to the table of Yan Tianwei. Flaming Tianwei, Flaming Bow Low, Flaming Cancer, Flaming Qiusha, Flaming Bow Moon, Flaming Bow Ru family are all sitting on the next table, flaming light hung, flaming light ping and other important people, the other tables are a group of young people of the Yan family, obviously much more lively, at first sight leaves no Chen approaching, distant from each other, stood up.

“Master, how can we ask you to pour us wine...” Yan Tianwei was just about to speak. At first sight, Ye Wuchen's behavior suddenly stopped. Ye Wuchen's hand swung, smiling: “My lord, today is my wedding day, this master doesn't have to scream, just think of me as a younger generation. ”

“It's... oh, good. Hey, it's been almost two years since this shake, our fate has changed because of you... Alas, these things have not been mentioned. Today's big marriage, we are so happy, if we can't get away, they can't wait for everyone to fly over. This wine, I'll dry it for them.” Flame Tianwei leads the way, raises his glass and drains it.

When Ye Wuchen walked away, he was severely strangled with his fingernails by a flaming bow. Then he snorted gently. Ye Wuchen ruined his teeth. He could only laugh helplessly and could not dare to mess with this rather unhappy girl again. He broke the flame in his income eyes and smiled softly. “Two and four girls are already old and young...”

Flaming Tianwei and flaming have been attributed to the new North Emperor Sect, while Flaming Bowlow remains a cult. Intelligence remains the strongest form of evil. An intelligence network based on the treasures left by Emperor Taizu of the Tianlong kingdom covers the world. However, the newly cleansed Northern and Southern Emperor Sects will require a long period of consolidation and rectification, so the evil sects of the Yan clan are not subsumed into the Northern Emperor Sect, but still exist in mystery, the eyes of the evil emperor, and the sword in his hand that is not indestructible.


When Ye Wuchen walked to the next table, a large group of people had stood up yelling, and the black bear took the lead, holding his big mouth: “Lord...” He swallowed the word again. His identity still needed to be hidden. In other words, he said in a small voice: “Master, marry two daughters-in-law one day. I, the black bear, have known each other for a long time today...”

“Wow! Both brides are like fairies. I'm drooling! ”

“Tie Wazi, keep your mouth shut, master's daughter-in-law, you dare to flower. ”

“You dead donkey, the master's daughter-in-law is like a fairy, I'm not wrong. ”

Ye Wuchen gauged the black bear with his eyes for a while, holding on to the smile: “Black bear... you are a little too..."

“Hey! Master, don't say you, we didn't even recognize him when we first met him, after recognizing him, I was surprised... the life in the palace is really cozy and enviable, eat like this, don't call me a black bear in the future, call me a black pig, hahahahaha! ”

The black bear at this time compared to the black bear a few months ago was judged to be two. Ye Wuchen also saw the black bear when he just wiped out the Lin family. At that time, he didn't change much. And these last few months… his body is almost twice as thick as it used to be in a thick iron column. Had it not been for the silhouette on his face and the group of Iron Doll donkeys sitting at the same table, Ye Wuchen could hardly recognize it.

“Hey.” The black bear touched his head with some embarrassment, muttering: “Be careful with the old shitty emperor, he can't eat and sleep well, and this little empress... ah no, it's the master, he usually eats and sleeps a little more, so..."

Ye Wuchen finally couldn't bear to laugh, causing the whole table to laugh with his belly. Ye Wuchen stopped laughing and said: "Come to me tomorrow afternoon. I may be able to help you lose weight. ”

Black Bear was overjoyed and excited: "Ah? Really? Yes... the master said it would be possible... Mother, now even my parents dare not recognize me. ”

A table suddenly laughed again.


“Big Brother Chu. ”

“Oh, oh!” Zhengwolf stood up in shock eating food and tried to swallow his mouth west of the Middle East, "Ye... Congratulations, Brother Ye, hey, I was surprised to finally see what marriage was like. I knew I should have called Grandpa. ”

Ye Wuchen smiled slightly. He deliberately went back to the north to find Chu Cang. He wanted to invite him to his wedding. After all, his life was saved by him. As he expected, his mind had been cleared and he did not want to get involved in the dust world. He smiled and refused. Then asked him a woman named "Xiao Ruo” to let him know that Xiao Ruo's first appearance was in the same place as his appearance here thirteen years ago.

The cold cliff stood up and touched the glass with him, drank it clean and without any expression on his face. All day long, he was this indifferent look, incompatible with the lively atmosphere around him, Ye Wuchen did not think, but his heart sighed calmly. Pinger's death tore off his last string of emotions, and since then, his heart has died without feelings. I don't know how to recover that seemingly apathetic cold cliff that really treasures every part of my relationship.

“Lord Liu...”

“Lord Shi......”

“Lord Gongsun...”

“Uncle Liu...”

From inside the hall to outside the hall, those imperial court members who had little sympathy with Ye Wuchen were shouted out by Ye Wuchen, all flattered, panicked to respect the wine, the movements and eyes were cautious. But under a few glasses of wine, coupled with the ease of Ye Wuchen and the lively harmony with the atmosphere, they also finally let go of their heart, and began to make a rotating toast, meaning to intoxicate Ye Wuchen, but soon, people who had not seen the quantity of Ye Wuchen alcohol were full of silly eyes, Ye Wuchen respected each table of Ye's compound all over again, others respected him as a visitor, people watched him even drink dozens of glasses, there was no tide on his face, his feet were steady, his eyes were clear, there were no signs of drunkenness at all.

Don't talk about wine, it's dozens of glasses of water, and ordinary people can't even fill it. The people's tongues are well deserved by the evil emperor. Indeed, they cannot use common sense to directly extinguish his drunken thoughts.

Ye Wuchen can make a real “a thousand glasses not to get drunk”, because the alcohol can be broken down by his unchen power just after the intake, and the excess moisture will be directly dissolved into steam by his water power, don't say dozens of glasses, that is, a thousand glasses of wine will not make him feel any discomfort.

From inside the Ye family to outside the Ye family, from afternoon to evening, Ye Wuchen's amount of alcohol really scared everyone.

Ye Shuiyao stayed in her fraternity all day. She didn't go anywhere. She was quiet from time to time and laughed silently, not knowing what she was thinking or remembering.

At the beginning of the night, up and down the city of Tianlong and the Ye family were still swaying colored lights. The noise continued for a day and began to dissipate slowly, but the work of the wedding aftermath was undoubtedly a huge project. The Ye family finally settled down after the guests left. Wang Wenqiao began to rush people to clean up their homes, while getting people to sort out and take stock of the gifts received today. Idiots also know that today's gifts are bound to reach a frightening level.