Heavenly Star

Volume VIII - Reflecting the Sky Chapter 509: The Continent of God

But they do not know that the greatest secrets known to only a limited number of people in this land of God were known hundreds of years ago by the demon emperor of Black 26556; White 26556; and the land of Demons. That is why the Demon race appeared to go to Heavenly Chen Mainland in search of the holy beads of chaos. In the divine realm there has always been a worry-free black princess and white princess have voluntarily requested to go to Heavenly Chen Mainland... One cause, triggering a series of fruits, the other fruit, is the demon race that has launched over the years a series of wild attacks on God's mainland. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

But although the power of the Divine Nation has been overwhelmed by the Demonic Nation, it is not far apart. It has been a struggle for countless years. Although there is victory and victory over each other, when they occupy an absolute advantage, no one can hurt the other's fundamentals, and it is extremely difficult to invade the other's territory. The biggest result of the recent millennium on both sides was the massive defeat of the Demon clan hundreds of years ago by a space raid by the Divine Clan, the death of Sharon, the son of the Demon Emperor, at the hands of the Blood Night, and the destruction of the Demon Wheel wells more than a decade later, which prevented them from going to the heavenly continent to find the Holy Pearl of Chaos. The Demons, on the other hand, also used the raid of tearing space more than 50 years ago to severely frustrate the center of the Divine Nation, killing two of the Eight Divine Kings. Thereafter, the Demons attacked more fiercely than once, and although there was a small victory, it was difficult to win. They are like two reciprocal beings in chaotic space, when they are strong and weak, but they cannot completely destroy each other, as the continent of Heaven and Chen has existed and held each other hostage for countless years - unless there is an absolutely overwhelming force to break this pattern.

What the god emperor is now wondering is why the princess knows these things and knows them in such detail.

White 26556; the princess raised her head and said softly: "No one has told us… these things were sealed in the four holy pearls of light, darkness, life and death by the gods who made the black and white dolls of the day. And in order not to let us use their power too much, you slowed them down, and when you bred us, you set a seal so that we could use only a limited part of our power. When our strength and consciousness mature, the seal is broken to a certain extent, and we have more holy bead power at our disposal. These seals naturally appear in our consciousness… When the Emperor of God wanted the four holy pearls to have a mature consciousness, he understood his mission the first time. ”

God Emperor: "…” she never knew, nor could she have known.

“White 26556;,” she knelt down, lifting her wrist and caressing her daughter's hair with pity: "Say whatever you want. ”

White princess eyelashes slightly, wipe away the tear line in the corner of her eyes with her hands, and say in a pleading tone: “Since Mother Emperor has decided to use the Black and White Xuan God, it means that they have reached a strong enough level. In that case, Mother Emperor... Please let go of my sister, just use me. Since the Puppet Xuan God is so strong, the power gap between my people and the Demon Nation is so small that a Puppet Xuan God is really enough... Please let go of my sister, don't let her lift her curse again, let her stay in this state and send her to him... As long as Mother Emperor agrees, I will willingly listen to Mother Emperor's words...”

Yes, the Puppet Xuan God is so powerful, one is enough to destroy the continent, really enough.

Well, just one of her.

Although it will never be possible to see him again, he will never see himself again... then let his eyes stay with him forever, instead of her accompanying him, also let him remember her when he sees his eyes, never forget...

But the divine emperor shook her head and answered, making her nearly desperate.

“Darkness and light, life and death are the first four elements of chaotic space, and all other elements are born with them as carriers. They are inherently relative, but they are also indispensable. A space, it eliminates darkness is light, a living spirit, it eliminates life is death, which is why the Goddess has two reasons. They have the opposite properties, yet they depend on each other… If the Black Xuan God dies, then the White Xuan God dies as well, and if the White Xuan God has consciousness, the Black Xuan God creates consciousness as well.” She wiped away the teardrops on her snowflake and said softly: “White 26556; I understand your desire. But if it were just you, and not Black , after you have achieved the consciousness of the White Xuan God, the Black Xuan God would also create consciousness... but without the support of the consciousness of the Holy Spirit, it would create a frenzied consciousness that would attack and destroy everything, and the first attack would necessarily be on our continent of God. Therefore, one of you two is absolutely indispensable, or else everything will be destroyed instead of the peace of our God's continent as a whole. ”

“Mother Emperor...” White Drop your neck and look darkly at the white ground below. Her last glimmer of desire and support was severely strangled.

“Let me go see him… let me see him for the last time… just one look, okay?” She exclaimed.

From her eyes, the emperor seemed to see her almost broken heart, and as soon as she wiped out the sour heartache that she had never had before formed in her chest, she immediately drove it away. She said softly: "The man… does he really make you so unplugged? ”

White shaking his head, tearful face suddenly revealed a very soft and beautiful smile, after laughing, but it was even more heartbreaking and sad: “Mother Emperor, you don't understand, like before I met him, I wouldn't understand... I thought that life without worries was the greatest happiness in the world, until I met him, I knew that as long as I could watch him beside him, even if I accompanied him to hell, with him to fall into the abyss and endure the most horrible pain of phage every day... will smile happily...”

The divine emperor's eyes trembled slightly, and as king of the divine realm, she never knew what it was. She couldn't understand what a wonderful thing it was that her heart was craving at the moment. But at least she can clearly feel her pain - the pain of leaving him. Ever since she was brought into the night, for more than a month, she has never seen her reveal that pure, flawless enough to dump a lifetime of laughter.

“I don't understand.” The divine emperor shook his head, but his eyes quietly firmed: “But at least I know that, since you did this to him, if you really saw him, you would only be more relentless, and your heart would be more restless... White , this is your destiny, your destiny that you cannot resist, and also my destiny that I cannot resist. ”

Snow white hair dropped on her shoulders, snow white dress touched the cold floor, she was always so pure and spotless. But at this moment, besides tears, what can release everything in her heart...

She was afraid to die, afraid to leave the world too soon. But they want it all to end as soon as possible. That way, she can no longer endure this tremendous pain... over, really close. Because at the moment of awakening, everything will be over… Tomorrow, they will be sacrificed together by the Goddess.




He seemed to have been kicked in the leg by something, and in his sleep he adjusted his posture and went back to sleep.

What hit his leg again, and the force was a lot heavier than just now? He moved his mouth and said in a daze: “Don't bother me, I'll sleep again...”


A painful pain of thorough bone marrow suddenly came, Chu shocked directly from the ground and made an exaggerated scream, the sleep disappeared without a trace.

“Ice Face!! You... you... uh, here?” Chu finally returned to God in shock, and immediately discovered something wrong from the breath. His nerves, which were half beaten slower than normal, were finally connected to previous memories. In front of him, the cold cliff froze and looked cool at him, holding the short green blade that never left him. Chu had an obvious red mark on his leg. Although he didn't see blood, it hurt more than it did. He woke up a little earlier than Chu, instantly remembering that Ye Wuchen was dying blood all over his body, and the black man shook his hand at them... and then they lost consciousness.

“Continent of God.” In the cold cliffs, spit out the cold, hard four words.

“Uh! This... are we really in the Land of God? This is the kingdom of God? The place where people are as powerful as my grandfather?” Chu weighed around in astonishment, surprisingly. Coming to this strange and superior space, he did not show any restlessness, more excitement and curiosity.

The continent of God he once imagined should be crowded with golden glory and rainbows everywhere… surrounded by cluttered stones or scattered piles of high or low stone walls. This is obviously an abandoned land, but the green grass on the ground is spectacular. None of the little flowers that bloom all over the place has ever been seen by him, and he is a luscious, gorgeous demon. It's just wildflower weed. Meanwhile, the air here is incredibly fresh, inhaled into the lungs, and the dull feeling of coma that just woke up was immediately dispersed. Even the sea breeze above the heavenly continent is far from as delightful as this.


The cold cliff did not look west like him, shouted softly and headed north.

“Ah? Go where.” Chu followed in shock, puzzled asked.

“Temple. ”

“Temple? Where is the temple?” Chu asked in shock.

Cold Cliff: "…”

“By the way, Ice Face, have you been to this place? How do you know there's a temple, and you seem to know where it is?” Chu was even more seductive in shock.

Cold cliff walked ahead and stopped answering him. He would never say more if he could say less.

Naturally, he wouldn't know about the temple. But would he not have known it existed when it merged Sharon's memories? This time he climbed from Ye Wuchen to the Tower of the Divine Communion, and then came to the Land of God, not only to help Ye Wuchen, but also to do something of his own... Sharon disappeared into him with his own consciousness. He was never a thankless man, so he accepted his hatred of the Divine Nation and remembered the man who had killed him - the Blood Night.