Heavens Gift Pack: Start with One Punch Man

Chapter 44 Fan Tum collapsed after taking Lin Bei


Van Tem looked up.

Suddenly became shocked.


The beast king, as tall as a hill, smashed the steel wall as he walked.


Bangu took the hungry wolf and the tea orchid and walked slowly.


The mosquito girl wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and she also came here in style.


Van Terme swallowed hard.

Lin Bei discovered.

His hand was shaking, and the knife was not stable!

"Don't be afraid, this young man."

Lin Bei reminded with a smile:

"Don't forget, I'm still your hostage!"

"Yes, yes."

Van Terme seemed to grab a life-saving straw.

Nodding desperately.

Panic grasped the knife in his hand.

"I have a hostage in my hand!"

Van Tem yelled tremblingly.

Trying to deter these three monsters with hostages.

What is frightening is...

Heard this.

The three monsters not only didn't stop, but looked at him with a very strange expression.

It's like...


What a hell!

Why should you sympathize with him?

Don't they care about the life and death of this young man?

"the host."

The mosquito girl gave a deep smile to Lin Bei.

"Sister Suzuki said, lunch is ready."


Lin Bei nodded with a smile.

Van Tem, who was holding the knife, hadn't recovered yet.

"Teacher, I plan to take the two of them out to practice."


Bangu asked Lin Bei respectfully and carefully.


Broadening your horizons is a good thing for hungry wolves.

Lin Bei does not object.

at this moment.


Finally recovered.


He looked at the Beastmaster from the west.


The Beastmaster learned to meow and became more proficient.

"Master, please forgive me."

"I'm just an innocent pet cat!"

The Beastmaster was crying.

Lin Bei's face was cold, and he only said one word:


See Lin Bei get angry.

The Beastmaster wailed, picked up his tail, and ran away immediately.

While running.

One side did not forget to tear the steel plate by hand.

no way……

It's not a task.

Don't even want his one-hour break.


Van Tem completely lost the ability to think.

The monster maid just called this young master.

The terrifying old man called him Master.

The most outrageous is...

That terrible beastmaster.

It turned out to be just this Lin Bei's pet cat!

"Ha ha."

Van Tem has collapsed.

Throwing Kumu aside, he sat down on the lawn.

"just kill me."

"I've had enough!"

Van Tem was always in tears, crying with his nose and tears.

He regrets it!

During a meeting in the forest.

Why did he take the initiative to jump out?

If I had known this Lin Bei was so terrifying.

Not to mention losing face.

It was the other members of the Ninten Party who spit on his face.

He will never accept this task!

Whoever loves will come.

But now, it's all too late...

He is dead!

Thinking of this, Van Tham couldn't help but pee.


Lin Bei was speechless.

God knows.

In just a few minutes.

What happened to this ninja named Van Tem?


"Your name is Fantem, right?"


Van Tem raised his head suspiciously and stopped urinating.

Lin Bei smiled slightly:

"As long as you cooperate with me, I will spare you not to die, how about it?"

Van Tem: How does this sentence seem familiar?


"Are you serious?"

Van Tem's eyes lit up suddenly.

Can live, who wants to die?

Lin Bei smiled slightly:

"I'm Lin Bei, never lose faith in others!"