Heavens Gift Pack: Start with One Punch Man

Chapter 347 Take time out and learn to boil your feet

"This is not called counseling, this is called strategic retreat!"

Morgana educates Atto.

While letting Devil One, send her back to the ground.


"What is this stuff?"

Morgana looked dumbfounded.

She just went underground for ten seconds.


Why did one more species suddenly appear?

Purple skin, big eyes.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a human being!

Is it some kind of mutant demon?

"Devil One, analyze his genes."


Demon One received the order.

Immediately use the devil's celestial computer to calculate Poros.


"The analysis progress is 0~drops! The analysis failed, and the Celestial Computer restarted. The current analysis progress is 0~drops!"

The demon driving Demon One was a little flustered.

It does not understand.

Celestial computer, why can't analyze Poros.

This situation is extremely rare!

"Report to the queen, the celestial computer cannot analyze it."


"Devil One, suggest the Queen to proceed with caution."

"Go to NMD and proceed with caution!"

Morgana exploded on the spot: "No matter how the damn behaves carefully, my old lady will almost become a turtle!"

"I'm the Devil Queen!"

The voice did not fall.

"Is you called the Devil Queen?"

Poros squinted and asked.

"It's me! How to drip?"

Morgana chuckled disdainfully:

"It's really shallow, and there are big brothers everywhere."

"I don't believe it today."

Morgana waved her hand and summoned her two iron claws: "This earth, there are still monsters everywhere!?"

Atuo burst into tears: Queen, really magnificent!


ten minutes later.

"Bengxing Roaring Cannon!"


The terrifying light screamed.

Flew out from New York and smashed the moon in the sky!


Morgana fell silent.


If it weren't for Poros, he tilted his head slightly.

I'm afraid she is dead!


Take a deep breath.

Morgana's expression was somewhat melancholy inexplicably.

Miss her dignified demon queen.

Four-level divine body, a powerful micro-wormhole handling technology.

Logically speaking...

Throughout the universe, she can walk sideways.

But since arriving on earth...

How many times has this been?

Morgana was already innumerable.

She is really tired!


"Why do you want to spare my life?"

Morgana wanted to know what was going on.


There was silence for a while.

Poros: "Master, he said, you still have to save your life, be a maid for him, and boil your feet!"


Morgana's eyes were dull.

In this entire universe.

There is only one person who dares to make her a maid!

"Lin Bei!"

Just thinking.

A long distance interstellar call came in suddenly.

Over the phone.

Carl's familiar voice came.

"Morgana, how are you preparing for the part of the plan handed to you to deal with Lin Bei?"


Morgana was silent for a while.

"and many more!"


Morgana looked at Poros:

"What did you call Lin Bei just now?"

"the host."

Poros answered truthfully.


There was another silence.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

Carl asked in confusion: "Why don't you speak?"


Answer the phone.

Morgana looked at the sky sadly: "Carl, I think we should give up dealing with Lin Bei!"


Carl was confused.

"I'm taking the time, maybe I'm going to learn to boil foot wash."

Carl: "???"