Heavens Gift Pack: Start with One Punch Man

Chapter 489: Here comes again, this is sister Buma

Flew for three hours in one breath.

Lin Bei, Gohan and Vidili finally arrived at their destination.

Bouma's home!

It's different from Gohan's house.

Bouma is the richest man in the world.

Just one yard covers an area of ​​100 hectares.

By the mountains and the sea.

However, Gohan locked Buma's anger, and soon found Buma in a lounge.

open the door.

Boomer is making coffee with a distressed look.

"Gohan, are you here?"

Boomer put down the coffee cup and showed a natural smile, welcoming: "I wonder if these two are?"

"This is Vidiri, Satan's daughter!"

"That Satan?"

Boomer grinned.

Almost laughed.

Others don't know how Satan's champion came.

Can they still not know?

Vidiri looked confused, and Gohan smiled bitterly.

As for Lin Bei...

"Hello Miss Boomer."

Lin Bei smiled slightly.

Stepped forward, grabbing Bouma's hand.


Not waiting for Bouma to recover.

He picked up the coffee cup she had put aside.

Sniff gently.


"A mellow fragrance and a long aftertaste."

"This is indeed a rare good coffee."

Lin Bei smiled slightly: "I think the person who chooses this coffee must also be very tasteful."

"Thank you!"

Bouma was taken aback for a moment, her face blushing.

No matter how old you are.

Which woman.

Don't want to be praised by handsome men for taste?



Vidili gritted his teeth angrily.

"The only thing that puzzles me is."

Lin Bei raised his coffee cup:

"For such a good coffee, Sister Bouma, why did you look disgusted just now?"

Gohan looked stunned:

Why did you suddenly become sister Bouma?

Lin Bei smiled slightly.

Boy, look and learn!


"if convenient."

Lin Bei smiled slightly: "Sister Bouma might as well tell me, maybe I can help you."



Boomer smiled suddenly.

in fact……

This is not a big deal either.

That's right!

Just like Lin Bei said.

This coffee is indeed the best coffee in the world.

There is a saying:

Too much too!

No matter how good this coffee is, it can't stand to drink it every day.

simply put.

Bouma, she's already tired of this coffee!

You can drink other coffee.

It's not as good as this coffee.

I can't drink it!


She runs the Magnum Capsule company by herself, and she drinks a lot of coffee to keep her energy up.


This is simply a torture!

"Drinking coffee is like drinking medicine."

"But I have to drink!"

Boomer smiled bitterly and was about to reach out for a coffee cup.


Lin Bei turned the coffee cup upside down.

Freshly brewed coffee.

All of them were dumped into the trash can...

Gohan was stunned.

"Brother Lin, what are you doing?"

"What are you doing?"

Lin Bei smiled slightly.

Put down the empty coffee cup.

"This coffee."

"Since it is so painful for a beauty like Sister Bouma."

"Don't drink it!"

Lin Bei's voice is sonorous and powerful, and his expression is naturally firm.


Vidiri and Gohan were dumbfounded.

Bouma's beautiful eyes flickered.

Lin Bei's words were a bit abrupt.

But it also made her feel warm!


How to say.

Lin Bei seemed to be a little rude in doing this.


After all, it was just beautiful words spoken!

after all……

To run the company.

She must continue to drink this coffee.

But to drink...

She can only continue to endure the pain!

God can't.

Suddenly make her another top coffee, right?

"Who said no?"

Lin Bei chuckled, and took out a familiar bottle of coffee beans from the system space like magic.

"Mark...no, Sister Boomer."

"Would you like to try this coffee?"