Heavens Gift Pack: Start with One Punch Man

Chapter 699: Kane's Stand-in

As the saying goes.

Men are rational creatures, while women are emotional creatures.

This sentence.

Maybe not entirely correct.

But only one thing...

A woman, if she really makes up her mind.

Even death.

I'm afraid, she can't change her mind!

Lin Bei clearly felt it.

Terry Hugh's character is maturing quickly, losing the innocence and arrogance that belonged to the eldest lady.

Become a...

The real gangster!

Even better...

She also inherited her father's talent.

Also a powerful stand-in messenger!

at this point……

Lin Bei can guarantee it!


General stand-in.

But he is not qualified to be absorbed by his "world".


"Discover the small world, do you absorb it?"


The duration of the "world".

From a poor two minutes to three minutes.

Lin Bei said to Terry Hugh.

Also more satisfied!



Kane swallowed.

do not know why.

In his heart.

Suddenly there was an inexplicable sense of crisis.

Don't want to admit it.

This sense of crisis comes from Terry Hugh.


It was obviously him, Mr. Lin who met first.

And Terry Hugh.

It only took an hour to meet with Lin Bei.

under these circumstances.

How could he feel a crisis because of Terry Hugh?

But this is the fact.

to this end……

Kane felt.

It's time for yourself to behave well.

"Mr. Lin."

Kane stepped up to Lin Bei, holding his head confidently: "Actually, I have one thing to tell you."


"I have awakened a stand-in!"

While talking.

Kane asked while Lin Bei got in the car.

Lin Bei didn't care.

Pulling Terry Hugh, we got into the car together.


The car radio is turned on.


There was a familiar voice on the radio.

This voice is not someone else.

It was Kane's own voice.

"It's weird."

Kane whispered: "Mr. Lin today, why would you suddenly want to go to Venice?"

Lin Bei and Terry Xiu were slightly taken aback.

This voice.

Not only does it sound like Kane's voice.


Like his inner monologue!


Kane raised his head proudly: "This is my stand-in ability, my future self monologue."

Stand-in: future self-monologue.

Destructive power:?speed:?Persistent:?

Growth:?Precision:?Attack distance:?

Stand-in ability:

The use of broadcasting equipment can span time.After playing for 24 hours, Kane's inner monologue.


Kane held his head proudly:

"As long as I use the power of this stand-in, I can predict what will happen in 24 hours."

Terrixiu looked shocked and sighed involuntarily: "What a magical stand-in ability!"

As the saying goes.

People are not as good as heaven.

It is precisely because people cannot see their future.

But Kane's ability can clearly predict his future in twenty-four hours.

How terrible is this?

Lin Bei nodded gently.

in fact……

As early as when he first met Kane.

Just vaguely noticed.

Kane on the future.

There seems to be an inexplicable prediction.

as predicted……

His awakened substitute is also related to the future.

Thinking about...

Kane in the car radio spoke again.

"So nervous!"

Kane in the car radio whispered nervously, "Mr. Lin, it turned out to be going to kill BOOS."

This word came out.

Terry Hugh and Kane's face changed immediately.


The next reaction of the two was completely different.

Terry Hugh squinted her eyes and her face was cold: "Mr. Lin, BOOS is hiding in Venice?"

And Kane...

"What? We are going to kill BOOS tomorrow?" Kane stared with a look of horror.

Lin Bei smiled slightly.

Neither admit nor deny!

Because he has never believed in prophecies.

Or fate!


It's undeniable.

If you don’t hear this car broadcast.

He did plan to go to Venice tomorrow.

Solve BOOS!


Follow the plot.


BOOS will formally issue an order to send Trixie to the Church of San Giorgio in Venice.

Kill Terry Hugh by yourself!

This also represents.

BOOS, who has always seen the end of the dragon, will appear in St. George's Church at the same time.


It is the best time to solve BOOS!

Lin Bei originally planned it, too.


The plan will probably not go so smoothly.


Kane on the radio screamed.


Kane on the radio screamed desperately like a duck with his throat pinched.

"We were in an ambush!"

"How come there are so many killers? 1, 2, 3, 4...7, they are all double messengers!"

Because Kane called it, it was too scary.

People can't help but doubt.

Has he already peeed his pants!

Lin Bei and Terry Hugh turned their heads.

Kane's old face immediately turned red!

He didn't know either.

The future self would be so embarrassing.


"There will really be assassins chasing us?"


Lin Bei nodded affirmatively.

Even without this prophecy, he knew it very well.


They will face many killers!

"Who are they?" "Why are they killing us?" Terry Hugh and Kane spoke almost simultaneously.

Terry Hugh's face was murderous.

And Kane's face was a bit wronged.

See this...

Lin Bei couldn't help laughing.


Lin Bei turned off the car radio and patted Kane on the shoulder: "You should know this time, right?"


Kane hadn't recovered a bit.

"You and Terry Hugh are not the same type of person at all, and you don't have to compare with her."

This word came out.

Kane was taken aback first.

Then, he relaxed again.

That's right!

With Mr. Lin's eyesight, how could he fail to see that he was competing with Terry Hugh?

His little trick.

In front of Mr. Lin, it was a joke at all.



Isn't he and Terry Hugh the same type?

Lin Bei smiled slightly and opened the car door.


The moment I heard the killer existed.

Terry Hugh's first thought was: Someone wants to kill me, who is he?I must kill him in advance!

And Kane’s idea is:

Someone wants to kill me.

why?what on earth is it?

Kane was stunned.

At this point, even a fool.

Can also be seen.

The gap between him and Terry Hugh!

This is no wonder.

Mr. Lin him.

Will be more valued and more optimistic about the newcomer Terry Hugh.

Thinking about...


Lin Bei patted Kane on the shoulder and smiled slightly: "You know, what do I admire about you most?"

Kane was taken aback.

Lin Bei smiled and nodded: "The thing I admire most is you. I always only do what I should do."

After talking...

Lin Bei turned around and walked back to the villa freely, leaving only a distant back for Kane.


Looking at it, Kane burst into tears.

He is forty years old this year, and it can be said that he has been driving a black car all his life without accomplishing anything.

This is the first time...

For the first time someone recognized his value!

"Mr. Lin, thank you!"

At this moment, Kane made up his mind silently.

It must be Lin Bei.

Do what you should do!

at the same time……


Hirose Koichi hiding in the dark swallowed.


He heard Mr. Chengtaro say: The demon among the demons is a terrifying existence named DIO.

It is said that...

That demon is not only powerful.

What's more terrifying is...

It has an unstoppable charm.

This charm.

Attracting villains from all over the world, the strong, like moths fighting the fire, follow him.

That is DIO.

King in the dark!

Once upon a time.

He still thinks.

Mr. Chengtaro's words were too exaggerated.

But now...

He suddenly found out.

Maybe there are such people in this world!

Throw into the darkness.

The king in the dark!

"This Lin Bei!"

"Isn't it the resurrected DIO?"

Hirose Yasu swallowed.

Quickly took out the phone from his pocket.

Whether or not.

he thinks.

You should inform Mr. Chengtaro immediately.

That man.

It is terrible!


And this time.

Lin Bei in the villa still knows nothing about it!


In the jojo world, the difference in quality of one million times is not only reflected in power and speed.

This is the full gap!

Lin Bei could have spread to the entire universe's perception.

Also compressed to.

Only about ten meters in circumference!


He knew nothing about what Hirose Yasushi did.

Of course!

Even if you know.

Lin Bei, I'm afraid he wouldn't take it to heart.


He Lin Bei.

It's not like BOOS's concealed rat.

The true king.

There will be no fear in my heart!

Sora Jotaro?

Can't ask for it!