Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 136: Choice

Biquge www.xbiquge.cc, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the Cavaliers Journey!The next day, the team walked out of the Morpheus Forest.

Garcia hugged Angelina, her lips lightly touching her forehead. "Cute little girl, I'm waiting for you in the imperial capital."

"Okay, elder sister." Angelina smiled quietly. She already knew that she was going to study in the Omor Empire next year.

"Lord Akanassed's scales, just ask you to fuck." Garcia said to Roma not far away.

"You can rest assured." Roma promised that Adamlis' purple scales would not fall off overnight, unless he took the knife directly.

This purple scale armor Adamlis will eventually spend half a year to drop 200 pieces, which will be carried by the convoy to Omor Empire in the coming year, and Roma is the supervisor during the period.

No more talking, Garcia put on her dark-colored helmet, kicked the ground with her right foot, and flew up to the sky. In a blink of an eye, she disappeared, leaving only a stream of blue light.

The envoys of the Omor Empire have been leaving Forstan for almost a week, and Garcia needs to catch up with them.

Rom disappeared in a blink of an eye, wondering if he was still around the team.

"Let's go!" The official Cavalier Sifi ordered the whole team to continue to go to the capital city of Flor in an orderly manner.

"What did you think about what I said to you?" Angelina asked Locke beside her in the carriage.

Locke peeled off the nuts in his hands and said nothing.

Angelina had already told him that he was going to study abroad in the Omor Empire, and she hoped that Locke would also go with her.

Seeing Locke not speaking, Angelina couldn't help but feel annoyed and asked directly, "Can't bear those Charlotte women?"

Angelina's voice just fell, and Locke's heart was cold. How many of them were Xia Qian and Grace discovered by Angelina?

It's no wonder that when Locke was placed in the Union Barracks outside the city of Odis for so long, Angelina only needs to investigate Lock's whereabouts and find out their existence.

Locke's non-speaking is the default, he will not leave his woman to go far away, let alone his parents here.

Seeing Locke keep a sullen face, Angelina thought she was self-defeating, and Locke wouldn't care if she was fooling around, and what she couldn't bear was that Locke ignored her.

It can only be said that our Princess Angelina is still young and does not have so much thought.

"What if I promise you to bring them?" Angelina made a concession.

Locke's eyes lit up, and then he lowered his head and shook.

"I still have parents..." Locke said in a deep voice.

"I'm going to go so far alone, don't you accompany me?" Angelina tears down sometime.

Locke felt a pain in his heart, and embraced Angelina's waist. "Let me think about it." After all, the hard-hearted heart still couldn't resist the tears of the beloved woman.

"Okay." Angelina wiped her tears and hugged Locke tightly.

Angelina allowed herself to bring Grace and other women and made huge concessions. Locke couldn't bear to let Angelina disappoint.

In fact, the royal family, Angelina, has a deeper feeling for men's romantic nature. Many of her sisters are married to men who love them, but in the end there is no man who does not steal.

Coupled with the fact that her father and brother are all wives and concubines, Angelina still agrees with polygamy, provided that she is Locke’s wife, which is the bottom line.

After the convoy arrived in Flor City, Angelina was directly escorted into the palace by the Dark Guard, and Locke was placed in the city gate.

Before separation, Angelina hugged Locke tightly and seemed to never want to let go of the man.

"Relax, we will meet again in two months." Locke comforted.

"Well," Angelina said.

Saying goodbye to the convoy, Locke went to the Eagle Corps barracks outside the city and borrowed the horses of the post to head home.

As for why it is said to meet again two months later, it was because the strong man named Sifi was in the convoy before, and mentioned that King Forstan would seal the nobility two months later, especially in the war between the two countries. New nobleman.

Sifi belongs to the family of the Four Marquises of Forstan, the Marquis of Westia is his cousin, and Sifi is also an earl.

These days, Count Sifi was not blind. Locke frequently went into and out of the princess camp and lived a lot of years. He had already guessed the relationship between the two.

However, Sifi did not break through. The official knight-level strongman is a rare open-minded. He neither supports nor opposes the feelings of the princess and the civilian boy.

Overall, his sense of Locke is good, and it is rare to be able to reach this level with a civilian.

Coupled with Sifei's qi and blood induction, she found that Angelina still had the first night, and she was even less worried.

Although the love affair between the civilians and the nobles is rare, it does not mean that there is no.

Angelina's birth mother, the princess who died, was not also a civilian born?

At that time, it even aroused the pursuit of talents of several aristocrats in Wangdu. Finally, His Majesty the King now embraced the beauty.

In short, what Locke wants to happen with Angelina, the current priority is to obtain a noble title.

Locke also values ​​this matter of Guangzong Yaozu very much.

After three days of whip, Locke returned to Kaiduoqi collar.

After going to watch Grace and others for a night, Locke returned to Maple Leaf Village the next day.

"How about we move to Wangdu to live?" Lock asked the second elder.

Old Locke stayed for a while, and then his head shook into a rattle. "Don't go! What did you think of going to the king?"

"That's right, although you have a lot of money, you don't know if it's enough when you arrive at the king." Tia thought that Locke thought he was rich, so he wanted to settle in the king.

"I'm going to be honored as a knight." Locke didn't want to hide, he said directly.

The squirt gun in Old Lock's hand fell to the ground somehow, and Tia covered his mouth and was speechless for a long time.

The most calm performance is also Leah, from the beginning to now just watching Locke listening to his narration, as if Locke is more attractive than he said.

I didn't know when Lao Luo reacted. "Really?" Flushing on the wrinkled face, he asked Luo excitedly.

"Huh!" Locke focused on it.

Tia was crying while covering her mouth, all excited.

"Let's celebrate tonight, let's celebrate!" Old Rock said excruciatingly."Go get two bottles of wine, and I will go to Houshan to let our ancestors know that we have a nobleman!"

In this regard, Tia did not say that Old Rock could not drink anymore, and raised his hands in full support.

When the old couple was excited, Rock sat alone outside the door carrying a stool.

It was not a whim to tell his parents that he was about to become a nobleman. Putting the two elders in Flor, the capital of the capital, Locke could safely follow Angelina to the Omor Empire.

Rather than letting go of love and seizing love, Locke considered it for a long time.

Now he can't adapt to this kind of life of living together in harmony.

From the age of fourteen to the present, Locke is fighting with death every day, he can't stop.

Locke doesn't know where he is going in the future, but he is definitely not sure to end his life in this little Maple Leaf Village.

Leah came out of the door sometime and put her cold hand on Locke's shoulder.

The siblings usually don't talk much, but they can always guess each other's ideas.

A month later, the army of Forstan, far away in Charlotte, finally returned to the country in an orderly manner under the order of Prince Kensell.

Of course, at this time, there is no distinction between Charlotte and Folstein, because it is all Folstein’s territory.

It can only be said that the three major legions moved closer to the central part from eastern Forstan.

Once the territory of Charlotte, except for a point for the Kingdom of Karaman, all the rest was the new province of Forstan.

A total of three provinces were divided, and the name of the province was also passed a month ago, just passed the aristocratic parliament and the elder's house, and finally stamped the seal representing the king's power.

With the return of the three major legions, countless victorious nobles returned, sharpening their swords, preparing to enjoy the piece of cake that will be given to themselves.

Kaidoqi collar, in the castle, Baron Kaidoqi is trying on some tuxedos from the king.

"How do you think I wear this dress?" the baron asked a beautiful woman who was finishing his sleeves. This was his original match, Patton's mother.

The woman hadn't spoken yet. Another woman in a more luxurious dress stood beside her and said, "Of course it looks good, but I went to Wangdu to pick it."

This is the current wife of Baron Kedoch, one of the dozen daughters of the Marquis of Sandro, and the mother of Sauron.

The beautiful woman was snatched up by the wife, and did not show a little unhappy look, but quietly slid the corner of the baron.

The baron finally put on his formal attire and looked around in the mirror, expressing his great satisfaction. The lady of the marquis’s eyes was there.

"Who will go with you to the king's capital at that time?" The lady in luxurious clothes asks, this lady is good at everything, looks beautiful, speaks gracefully, and is of noble origin, otherwise the baron will not make her a true wife. It's a little small, and I always want to compare with his original match.

Fortunately, the original match was a reasonable person. She and Baron Kaiduoqi grew up in childhood. After marrying Baron Kaiduoqi, she was deprived of the status of a wife and was reduced to the second wife. The baron was particularly pleased.

"Who else? Go together! Let's go with the whole family." Baron Kedoch set the tone.

The old lady listened to this and did not argue. At home, Baron Kedoch was the head of the family. Her daughter, who was married to the Marquis family, could only obey the decision of Baron Kedoch, and it was Baron Kedoch. Sometimes strong, sometimes shrewd personality charm conquered her.

"In that territory..." The second lady started speaking. Unlike the eldest lady's passion for petting, the second lady was more concerned about the assistant baron's handling of the territory's affairs. It can be said that she was a virtuous helper.

"It's enough to leave John to take care of the house." Baron Kedozi twisted his tie and said.

John is a steward with outstanding abilities. In addition to his great strength, he is better in management skills.

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Thanks to the brothers of Jiangnan with tears for their 500 vertical and horizontal coins for their support and a monthly ticket for their support.

Your support is my greatest motivation for writing!

Next month on the 1st, that is, this Friday starts two changes, first set this flag.