Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 1894 The Colorful Honey

Biquge www.xbiquge.cc, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the Cavaliers Journey!Aphid King's trembling range quickly increased to the extreme with the entry of the five wizarding world class four strongmen.

Locke warned that the battle to solve the world of aphid aphids within a year was not due to the fact that two fourth-level void creatures were sitting in town.

The reason why it may take nearly a year is that this large, low-level plane takes time to fully occupy and enslave in advance.

If you simply kill these two fourth-level creatures, I am afraid that it will not exceed two months before the strength of absolute superiority is crushed.

After entering the world of aphids, the first to fly to the king of aphids were the Cavaliers Knight and the Mermaid King Avril.

In addition, the trouble to find the fourth-level void general Hall is the fourth-level black magician Rodman, Baldi and Locke's mount Pyrodon.

In the case of one-on-one, neither Aphids King is the opponent of Cassius and Avril Lavigne, let alone facing the joint of these two strong men.

As for General Void Hall, the two fourth-level black magicians are not fuel-efficient lamps, and with the assistance of the King of Tyrannosaurus, this guy is afraid to escape.

Tens of thousands of invading troops entered the world of aphids every minute and every second through holes in the plane barrier.There are sea creatures, saiyan troops, mutant beast slaves, digital beasts, undead creatures, corpse synthesis beasts, giant slaves, zerg, etc.

The mixture of multiple compound forces also demonstrates the powerful strength of this wizarding world invasion army.

In a world of empty aphids, how could they stop their attack.(Longitudinal launch)

"According to the strength of this low-level void world, in fact, only a few of us need to join forces to settle down. The reason that Locke's child called the black magician and the sea clan is to solve the battle in this world as quickly as possible. Greater war profits." Within the space fortress, Michelle, the housekeeper of the phaseless Santa, told Jos.

"Huh." Jos nodded.

It seems to have discovered the small movement of the fourth-level void general Hall who has been avoiding the battle and retreating. Jos contacted the black shadao in his space fortress and said: "Black sha, you also go to help a king of Tyrannosaurus. As soon as possible. Solving each other can also speed up our conquest of this low-level void world."

Not long after Jos’s words fell,

Outside of the space fortress, a black awn flashed by, and it was the fourth-level Celestial Heixao Daoren.

Stepping on a long black sword under his feet, under the curious eyes of many knights and magicians in the surrounding void, this fairy-level strongman stepped on the sword and entered the world of void aphids in a blink of an eye.

After Huo Laoshan World teamed up with Locke and others to siege the Emperor Yan Soul, the power of the Hesha Daoren who had been severely injured and recovered was better than ever.

With his shot, I am afraid that the first level 4 creature that fell over there from the void creature is the stronger level 4 general void hall.

Within the second-generation space fortress, the old god Locke was lying on his chair, watching what happened in the world of the aphid.

With the advancement of status and power under his command, Locke does not need to do it himself every time a plane war takes place.

Like the miniature world of the fire tree and silver flower world attacked before, Locke was handed over to the knights and the slave biological army under his command to complete. He himself did not directly intervene in the war.

And the world war of aphids that is happening in front of you, even if the two fourth-level strongmen, Locke and José Santa Master, do not have their own hands, the distribution of benefits after the end of this plane war will definitely be theirs. .

Launching the "Elimination of Death" by huge amounts of energy that consumes space fortress is not a small expenditure, let alone Rock and Jos. In addition to providing a large number of combat troops, they also sent the King of Tyrannosaurus and Black Sha Taoist these two thugs.

But at this time, in addition to Locke in the main control room of Space Fortress, there is another fourth-level strongman-the black magician Kleiniya.

"Master Kreniya, why don't you go plunder in the world of aphids?" Locke asked curiously.

Kleiniya devotes herself to the power of the world of aphids, only those giant tree creatures she breeds.

If it is just this contribution, after the end of the World War of the Void Aphid, she is definitely the one who has made the least profit.

Although there is no mineral resource that is particularly cherished in the world of Void Aphids, the large number of Void Aphids has brought the world's colorful honey production to an extremely horrible number.

It contains unusually pure energy of the void, and there is a strange floral fragrance in the taste. The colorful honey has always been the luxury of the void in the world's high society.

Luxury goods.Only those Void Warriors above level one are eligible to enjoy.

The knights and magicians of the wizarding world like Locke may not like the food of colorful honey, but the pure energy contained in it is comparable to the ordinary energy spar.

In a sense, it can be said that Banyan honey is a fluid energy crystal.

For creatures that pursue passive evolution, including the Wizard World Knights, this is a treasure that can improve their physique and accelerate their passive evolution.Its value should not be underestimated.

Kreniya, the fourth-level black magician, was indifferent here, and Locke could not help raising a little curiosity.

"Cough, there are a few stinky men in them to plunder, and what's the matter with me." Kleiniya smiled with her mouth covered first.I don't know if the "smelly man" in his words refers to Rodman and Bardi, the fourth-level black magician, or to include the fourth-level knight Cassius of the three western islands.

After chuckling, Kleiniya leaned over to Locke again and even squeezed into a chair with him, gently sighing and said, "Believe Locke, you won't let me suffer from a woman's house."

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As the overall strength of the wizarding world strengthens and the number of creatures above level 4 increases, small and medium forces will also emerge.

Now the vertical and horizontal book circles are gathering new and medium-sized forces in the wizarding world.Interested readers can come to participate and form their own forces.

It should be mentioned that the dozen or so small and medium forces in the wizarding world do not mean that there are only these medium and small forces in the wizarding world.But I only need these dozens at present, so don't confuse concepts.

The wizarding world is too big, and readers should now know that the layout of this book is already very large, so it is impossible for me to write down all the fourth-level strongmen and forces in the wizarding world.

Those forces that have been solicited may appear in the near future.Don’t be discouraged if you don’t choose. This novel has a long way to go, and there will always be the day he appears.

Interested brothers come to post, don't let the post sink~