Heir of the Pirate Devil

Chapter 202 Disaster! Uncomfortable navy

The new world, the floating island of the golden lion.

Originally, the Golden Lion was already at a disadvantage, and the defeat was sooner or later.

However, a call worm made Karp have to give up the battle before him.

In fact, the original intention of this operation was to weaken the power of the pirates in the new world. Now it seems that this goal has actually been achieved.

In addition, if the Golden Lion wants to escape, Karp is not sure to keep him, so there is no need to take this risk.

It is more important to preserve the viable strength of the navy.


Immediately, Karp led Barrett and Sakaski to leave the floating island of the Golden Lion.

Raleigh and the others have also left the floating island, and the Golden Lion can no longer restrain him, so Roger left.

In the end, only the Golden Lion and a dilapidated Flying Pirate Group were left.

As for the remaining three floating islands, I'm afraid they can't be used anymore. They are already fragmented, and they lose face when they are taken out.

Seeing the people who Lu continued to leave, Shi Ji felt a fire in his heart, but he could only hold it back.

Skee was anxious for these guys to leave quickly.


Whitebeard's chassis.

At this time, a devastating battle is taking place here.

The surrounding seas did not look like seas at all, with huge waves and disconnected seawater.

In short, the natural conditions here have reached the catastrophic climate of the new world.

And this is just the result of two people fighting.

"Damn, the shocking fruit of the white beard, the offensive power is even higher than the Marshal of the Warring States Period!" The surrounding navy said in surprise.

They had come to the white beard's chassis with high spirits, and wanted to attack the white beard.

As a result, they destroyed a third of the fleet with a few tricks.

The Warring States Marshal did his best to save the other two-thirds of the fleet.

After losing another third of the fleet, the remaining third of the fleet successfully came to the edge of the battlefield.

It's not over yet, the guys from the White Beard Pirates group rushed over arrogantly. The key is that the navy is already broken, unable to resist, and can only continue to flee.

Fortunately, they are just following the navy. What are they fighting in this sea area? It's not bad to survive. Those who survive to the end are the winners.

"Yes, if it were not for the strong defense and vitality of the Warring States Marshal, I am afraid that he would have been seriously injured now." The other navy replied.

The fruit of the Great Buddha of the Warring States period is similar to the fruit of Zhenzhen.

It's just that the fruit of the Big Buddha uses impact, and the power is more than a little different from the fruit of shaking.

Fortunately, the fruit of the Big Buddha was a kind of phantom beast, and the white beard was unable to effectively harm the Warring States for a while.

"There is also the white-bearded captain, who is inseparable from Lieutenant General Poluzaleno." Everyone's eyes shifted to another battlefield.

There, a cyan figure and a yellow figure were inseparable.

"Of course, that guy's Devil Fruit is of the same level as the Marshal of the Warring States, and they are all monsters."

"Yes, it's still the fruit of the Phoenix, Polusalino's laser hit him, it can't cause harm at all."

Everyone talked a lot.

In short, the two great forces of this operation were both stopped by the White Beard Pirates.

And they are nothing but cannon fodder.

Looking at the current situation, Marshal of the Warring States Period and Lieutenant General Poluzaleno are at a disadvantage, and the Devil Fruit can be said to have been suppressed.

"Don't worry, I have already asked Lieutenant General Karp for help. I am afraid Lieutenant General Karp will come to support in a while, as well as Lieutenant Generals Barrett and Sakaski."

"Yes, everyone supports and lives. We will be safe after reinforcements come."

Several navy officers encouraged.

"Look, what's that?" Suddenly, a navy said to a series of clouds in the sky.

"What a weird cloud?" The rest of the navy asked equally puzzled.

This kind of cloud is really rare, and it is still increasing suddenly, which is really strange.

"It's Yuebu Shaved sonic boom, reinforcements are coming!" The well-informed naval officer immediately recognized this series of clouds, which was the sonic boom left by Yuebu Shaved.

"Look, there's more!" someone exclaimed again.

Immediately, another sonic boom cloud appeared in everyone's sight.

"Behind, that is Lieutenant General Sakaski's lava! Our reinforcements are here!"

The navy cheered.

Finally, reinforcements finally came, otherwise, they really don't know if they can return to Malin Vandor alive.


"Well, haha, it seems that your navy's reinforcements are here, and the Warring States Period, let's stop here." said the beard with a big smile.

In fact, it was White Beard who won.

Because the admiral was in his own hands, he showed his disadvantage.

"White Beard, now I want to go, how could it be so easy?" A roar suddenly remembered in the distance.

"Barrett?" The Warring States Period said with satisfaction.

The descendants of the navy have grown up, and soon they will be able to hold up the navy, and the Warring States period seems to have seen a strong navy future.

"Hmph, Barrett kid, fast enough." Karp snorted coldly.

Barrett's speed unexpectedly surpassed Karp, and Karp felt a little unconvinced.

However, Yuebu Shave was originally invented by Barrett for the purpose of remote support capabilities, not to mention Barrett's physical skills and physical strength.

Karp lost to Barrett, and it was justified.

"I'm going to help the navy." Sakarski said.

Sakarski's physical skills were the worst among the three, but relying on elementalization, Sakarski barely kept up with the speed of the two.

Seeing the navy got into a hard fight, Sarkarski decided to help.

"I will help Polusalino." Barrett replied.

Barrett knows Marco's abilities well.

Barrett remembered that during the war at the top, Karp punched Marko to the ground, but he couldn't do much for a long time.

It seems that armed domineering is Marko, at least armed domineering can effectively attack Marko.

And Barrett's armed color domineering, has reached the purple level, obviously surpassing Sakaski.

Both of them knew this well, so they assigned the work tacitly.

"My sons, retreat with all my strength, I'll cover it!" Baibeard shouted.

Now that the Navy's reinforcements have arrived, Baibeard naturally cannot let his sons die.

The three newly joined navies are the ones with strong combat capabilities.

This scene seems familiar. When playing Golden Lion before, these three people cooperated with Roger and the others.

Now, these three people are cooperating with the Warring States and Polusalino to fight against the white beard.

Suddenly, all the navies that would meet the domineering look and feel received a dangerous warning.

"No, everyone withdraw! All withdraw!"

"Kapu, armed defense." Warring States roared.

Immediately, White Beard actually held the space, and then pulled the entire space down.

This move directly destroyed the naval headquarters of Malin Vando during the war.

The Warring States period fully displays the fruits of the Big Buddha, and Karp is also ready.

The two of them stretched out their hands and stood in battle.

The navy behind them was like a sailboat in a storm, precarious.

When Barrett saw this, all the navy gathered on a warship, and then wrapped the whole warship with armed domineering.

Only then barely survived this disaster...