Heir of the Pirate Devil

Chapter 232 The King's Seven Martial Seas vs the Three Naval General

Marin Vando.

The Warring States Marshal summoned Barrett, Sakaski, Polusalino, and Kuzan, four.

The purpose of this time is to restore the navy's majesty and select three trusted generals.

Choose three from the four. Obviously, one will stop at the general alternate.

But Barrett offered to give up.


'Sure enough, is this guy the same as the old guy Karp?'Warring States thought to himself.

Barrett refused to become an admiral of the admiral. As expected in the Warring States period, there was no him, because Barrett's personality in a certain aspect was so similar to Karp.

Moreover, the general is responsible for the safety of the Tianlong people and is dispatched by the Tianlong people.

With Barrett's character, if you encounter those unreasonable waste, it's good not to run away on the spot, let alone protect it.

Therefore, Barrett's refusal to be promoted to admiral is excusable.

"Barrett, have you really thought about it?" Warring States confirmed.

Everyone is staring at Barrett, and his answer may determine the future pattern of the Navy.

After all, if Barrett refuses to be promoted to the post of general, he will miss the highest rank of the navy, and his influence will not be as good as the three generals.

"I have already decided that I will not be promoted to general, just like Lieutenant General Karp, there is no need for me to say anything more."

"I only have one request. The G-5 branch has my hard work, and the G-5 branch, I want it." Barrett said.

In Barrett's mind, to become a naval admiral, it is better to pull the hilltop in the name of the navy in the new world, just like the future king of the sea, Qiwuhai, by order to plunder.

"No problem, the G-5 branch has grown under your efforts. Since you gave up your position as a general, the G-5 branch will be handed over to you as compensation." Warring States agreed.

The Warring States was also aware of the problems, but there was no good way for the Warring States. Barrett's ability to voluntarily abandon the position of general is a good thing for the navy.

It avoids internal disputes in the navy and also prevents the navy from losing a high-level combat power.

In this way, there is nothing left for a naval branch.

"Well, in that case, Sakarski, Polusalino, and Kuzan, you three are the new admirals."

"Although it has already been decided, you still need to establish prestige. This time is a good opportunity to suppress the pirates who go to sea and suppress the great pirate era for me."

"Afterwards, I will take the opportunity to award you honors and formally grant you the rank of admiral." Warring States said.




The three replied.

"As for Barrett, I will release the document now. From now on you will be the head of the G-5 branch. You will be fully responsible for all matters of the branch, and I will give you a high degree of autonomy." Warring States said.

"Understood, Marshal of Warring States, don't worry, the G-5 branch will be handed over to me." Barrett said.

In this way, the positions of the four were determined, and the three generals had a basic prototype. In addition, a behemoth would be born in the new world.

Looking back after the Warring States period, I regretted it.


Six months after Roger's death.

The era of the great pirates has entered a climax.

Many people, after watching for half a year, saw the world situation clearly and decided to go to sea.

There are some powerful guys among them.

And this time is also the time when the world government is under the greatest pressure.

When the world government is inadequate, suddenly there are some powerful guys who suddenly emerge, and even the navy has nothing to do.

Ordinary troops can't deal with them at all, they can only deploy high combat power.

However, those high-level combat powers were also exhausted, and they couldn't manage at all. What's more, the positions of these guys were vague, and the naval combat power did not have time to find them.

Therefore, under such pressure, the world government finally couldn't bear it.

The Qiwuhai system under the king was born.


Marin Vando.

"Warring States, the world government did this too much." Karp said to the Warring States with a black face.

The so-called Qiwuhai system under the king recognizes the identities of some powerful pirates and allows them to have legal identities, that is, whitewashing.

The world government no longer cares about their crimes, but they need to obey the call of the world government and serve the world government.

To put it bluntly, the navy's power is no longer enough, and some pirates can no longer control them, so they signed an agreement with them.

The world government has opened one eye and closed one eye to their previous crimes. Don't make trouble with the world government. We don't offend the river.

"I understand, Karp, I am also very uncomfortable in my heart, but can our navy influence the decision of the five old stars? Karp, you should understand." Warring States said.

"However, looking at those pirates, doing evil, the world government dare to use such people, where is the justice of our navy?" Karp asked.

"With Karp enough, the Warring States period is not easy, it is not the fault of the Warring States period, and he doesn't want to be like this either." He persuaded the staff.

No way, although the navy’s strength is the strongest among the three major agencies, in the eyes of the world government, the Warring States has no right to speak.

It is not bad that the world government does not interfere in the affairs of the navy. Do you still want to interfere in the affairs of the world government?dream.

Since the navy can no longer control the situation, the world government will re-establish a combat power system to maintain their rule.

As for this combat power system, whether it was righteous or evil before, just listen to the words of world conquest and correct it later.

"Huh! Warring States, what about our navy? I can't swallow this tone. It's really not good. I will go to the little guy Barrett and kill all those shit Qiwuhai."

"That guy doesn't know what to do in the new world? He hasn't made any shots." Karp said.

"Hey, you have come up with this idea," the staff officer Crane said with a black face.

If Karp really did that, he would just slap the world government in the face, and it would be bad for anyone.

"I have already thought about granting titles to Sakarski, Polusalino, and Kuzan. Now that the world government has issued a king under Qiwuhai, then our navy will also have three three generals."

"Look at whether the so-called Qiwuhai is great, or our three generals are great." Warring States said.

"That's right, just give them three titles, and our navy has to make some noise." Karp supported.

A week later.

Sakaski was awarded the rank of general, code-named "Red Dog".

Polusalino was awarded the rank of general, codenamed "Yellow Ape".

Kuzan was awarded the rank of general, code-named "green pheasant".

The Naval Headquarters is broadcast live all over the world, and the three major naval officers of the Natural Department have attracted worldwide attention.

The three-legged situation of the navy, the Qiwu Sea, and the pirates began to appear.