Heir of the Pirate Devil

Chapter 248 Seaman! Very flat determination

East China Sea, Goya Kingdom.

Under Barrett's arrangement, Ai Si was sent to the Kingdom of Goya by Cap.

Here, Ace will regain control of his own destiny, and he also has more capital.

Ace has already met Sabo.

As for the future, it is up to fate.


G-5 branch.

"Lieutenant General Barrett, Ace has established a foothold in the Gorbo Mountains, and the brothers in Anbu have arranged." A member of the navy and demon heir, reports.

"Very well, unless Ace is in danger, he is not allowed to shoot." Barrett ordered.

"I understand, Lieutenant General, besides, there is news from Murloc Island." The soldier said.

"Oh? What's the matter with Murloc Island?" Barrett asked.

"It's the news from Shiping. It seems that under the operation of the Marshal of the Warring States Period, King Qi Wuhai will be given a quota for Jinping. This is the last quota."

"It seems to be for the relationship between races. It was proposed by the Marshal of the Warring States Period. The Five Old Stars have agreed and have notified Jinping and Neptune."

"Jinping seems to be seeking the opinion of the demon heir, but has not yet agreed." The soldier replied.

"Well, I'm afraid that guy at Neptune has already eagerly agreed, right?" Barrett asked coldly.

"This, it is true, please tell the paper that Neptune really can't wait to agree." The soldier replied.

If the fisherman island comes out of the sea of ​​Qiwu, it will greatly increase the reputation of the fisherman island. At that time, if someone wants to move the fisherman island, he must weigh it.

"Huh! I can't help myself. With Jinping's strength, it's simply not enough to serve as the responsibilities of King Qiwuhai. Tell Jinping and let him figure it out." Barrett snorted coldly.

Now, Jinping is only in his twenties. Although he is a little older than Barrett, the two are simply incomparable. Jinping is still too immature.

Jinping only became the boss of the Dragon Palace Kingdom Army at the age of 30, that is to say, this guy only "dominated" the Murloc Island at the age of 30, and then joined the Pirate Sun regiment.

And the group of Qi Wuhai under the king, each is abnormal, far from being able to contend.

If Jinping took the post of King Qiwuhai, it would eventually make everyone think that Jinping's strength was not enough to be Qiwuhai, and then he would challenge him madly and constantly beat Qiwuhai in the face.

Murloc Island has to suffer along with it.

"Yes, Lieutenant General, I'm going to communicate." The soldier replied.

In fact, Barrett was a little upset. The Marshal of the Warring States Period and Neptune were desperately ill, but Barrett believed that Jinping would definitely refuse.

What Barrett didn't expect was that a week later, Jinping actually visited the G-5 branch in person.


one week later.

"Lieutenant General Barrett, Jinping is asking for a meeting at the branch office." A soldier's voice came from Barrett's training room.

"Is Jinping here? Take him to my office and wait a while. I'll take a shower." Barrett said, naked to the top, opening the door.

Then, a soldier brought Jinping and came to Barrett's office.


"Why do you think about it, because of the Qiwuhai incident last time?" Barrett asked, wiping his hair.

"In part, I have rejected Qi Wuhai's recommendation, and the Marshal of the Warring States Period also agreed, but he said that this position is reserved for me. When I become stronger, it will be handed over to me." Jinping replied.

"Well, yes, it seems that you haven't lost yourself. Your current strength is really not suitable for Qiwuhai's duties. Let's wait." Barrett got up and came to the window and said.

"Indeed, I also told King Neptune, and he reluctantly agreed." Jinping replied.

"Huh, that guy, has he lost his mind? But it's no wonder that Murloc Island really needs such an identity." Barrett said.

"So, Lieutenant General Barrett, I think about the ground, I want to grow up as soon as possible, I hope you can help me." Jinping pleaded.

"Hmm? Haven't you already joined the demon heir? How do you think I can help you?" Barrett asked.

"I have resigned from the position of the Dragon Palace Kingdom. I am going to receive more severe training in the demon heirs in the next few years until I can take up the position of Qiwuhai." Jinping firmly said.

Although there are many people on Murloc Street and Murloc Island who have joined the Demon Heir, they are all external members. Just give a name. There are only a few people who have special features. They climbed up and became the high-level Demon Heir. .

Jinping was originally strong, but unfortunately, he has always served as the king's army of the Dragon Palace Kingdom. Most of his thoughts are on the fisherman island, so he is still an external member.

Now, Jinping is about to truly enter the Demon Heir.

"I can promise you, Hu Ben, Anbu, Jin Yiwei, they all have more rigorous and effective practice methods, you can follow them in practice."

"However, these three positions are not suitable for you. I will give you another task that suits you."

"Now there are all kinds of monsters, ghosts, snakes and gods in the sea. I want you to maintain order on the sea. I believe that with your mind, it should be done."

"Of course, the real purpose of what I asked you to do is to make you accumulate some fame, and to give the organization some good guys, see." Barrett said.

Jinping is nicknamed "Seaman" and has a good reputation on the sea. Although it seems to be of little use, if it is well publicized, it is no small thing for an organization.

In addition, Qiwuhai is not a good reputation, it can be said that it is a navy, a pirate, shouting at both ends.

It is also for his good for Jinping to accumulate some good reputation, so that he can make more friends and find more contacts for the organization.

In short, if you kill two birds with one stone, why not do it? Anyway, it's so natural.

"I understand, this task is entrusted to me." Jinping agreed.

Not only can you improve your strength, you can also help others, accumulate popularity for yourself and the fisherman island, no matter how you look at it, it is a good idea.

"Well, I believe it won't take a few years. I will tell Gaka to wait until you are strong enough to assume the post of Qiwuhai."

"At that time, you will still need your Qiwuhai identity to expand the demon heir." Barrett ordered.

Now, whether it is Amy or Bartholomew, they have developed their own forces as the branch of the demon heir.

Moreover, this elite model is developing very fast, and there is no scruples at all. If Jinping also joins the Qiwu Sea in the future, then the fisherman island will be easier to control.

For Barrett, Qiwuhai is a piece of fat.

And the facts are exactly the same, Barrett has already focused on this piece of fat...