Heir of the Pirate Devil

Chapter 296 Target! Historical text

Ma Lin Fanto, Marshal Office.

In order to make up for Baret, the Warring States have to promise the requirements of Baret.

However, it is expected that Baret chooses to be a wasteland.



"O'Jara is now a wasteland, which is very in line with my request, I want to see the devil fruit there." Barrett has healed.

Before and the fierce strategy of white beards was to wake up the devil fruit.

"There are a lot of desert island in the big sea. Do you have to choose O'Jara?" Hefernam was frowning.

O'Jara is a taboo. O'Jara scholars touch the taboo of the World Government. Historical text is not anyone in contact.

Especially those who can translate historical text.

Baret chooses O'Jara, not a good choice.

"I know, O'Jara is a taboo of the World Government, but it is the case, I need O'Hara." Baret replied.

"So your goal starts from the beginning, is the historical text?" Warring States stunned Paltit.

This is also too arrogant!

It is clear that the historical text is the taboo of the World Government. This guy is also clearly designed to start with the body, and it is simply not possible.

"Yes, my goal is the historical text, the content of historical text, I am not interested, there are many historical texts in the great route," more. "

"If I want, I can get the content of the historical text at any time, but I am not interested."

"History is the history, the world government's scandal is in my eyes, nothing, nothing is wrong, is it important?"

"History is always written by the winner, and I have chased it is the future."

Barret is impassioned to answer.

His really thinks.

Barrett has no compassion on the world, history in Barrett, is the history, and there is no relationship with him.

Perhaps one of D is very important to the history, but Barret is not one of D, or even people in this world.

He is only in the future, he only wants his future to be guaranteed.

The crane star is stunned with the Warring States Marshal.

Barrett said it is right, the World Government has always regarded the history to make your own stains.

However, the guy who is "unhappy" in Baret has more, they look at the interests of the eyes, the interests of the future.

As for the history, they don't care at all, the top more is just curious.

At this level, there are more interests worth chasing.

"What do you see is the material of historical text?" The crane went back to God.

The historical text is attractive place, there is no way.

Baret is in the middle, it is probably its indestructible characteristic.

"Yes, the historical text is indestructible, there is more than 800 years in the world, except for the light moon family, others can even leave traces on it."

"Even the stone stone, there is no such strong, and the strong level of historical text is simple."

"But in the final analysis, it is still consisting of inorganic matter, and I am the controller of the inorganic matter, the demon fruit is also the existence of not reason."

"I want to try it, I can control my history in the end."

The explanation of Barreti righteous words.

The body of the hinge has always been the ultimate ideal of Baret. Once the historical text is completed, the strength of Barret will reach another level.

"It's very reasonable, but the five old stars may not agree." The Warring States replied.

When I handled Vilgo in the Warring States, he also couldn't find a reason for rejection, but the five old stars were a good block.

"Does the World Government have always wanted to ruin the historical text? If I can meet the body of history, can you realize the wishes of the World Government?" Baret temptation.

Indeed, the World Government has thousands of people want to destroy historical text, but helpless, they can't even leave traces in the historical text.

Baret's reason is really a nice temptation.

"I will think of the five old stars, if the five old stars refuse, I have no way." The Warring States sighed.

Say, even if the five old stars refuse, Barret really can't find other historical text?

The Warring States believe that the answer must be negative.


the next day.

Baret once again saw the Warring States.

At this time, the Warring States surface seems to be a breather, but his heart is really awkward.

"Five Elder Star promised your request, as a exchange, if you can hurt your historical text, you need to destroy some historical text." Said the Warring States.

The answer two people have long guessed.

Five old stars will not refuse, and there is no need to refuse, and the temptation is too big.

"Thank you Yuan Shuai, please turn forward five old stars, if you can, I will." Baret replied.

Immediately, Baret turned to leave the Marshal office.

Leaving Malin Fanto.

The Warring States looked at the back of Baret, sighed.

"Does he really know?" Warring States Thinking.

Yesterday in Margaroa, the five old stars listened to the cause of things, very simply agreed to Baret's request.

They believe that Baret is not interested in the content of historical text, and it is clear that Baret has already guessed.

However, he is not one of D.

This is the reason for the five old stars, and the one of D is the key.

In this way, O'Jara was incorporated by Baret.


Marin Fanto's port.

A warship is ready to go.

The peach rabbit is published by the Navy cloak, and the waist is not famous.

"The man has become stronger!" The tea dolphins sighed on the side.

"Indeed, it is deeply unbearable." Peach rabbit agreed.

Yesterday, she talked with Baret for a long time, awakened the torrential peach rabbit, of course, Baret's horror.

"What did you say yesterday?" The tea dolphin asked.

"You don't need to know, I don't need to answer, have my time, you don't practice well, is you really close to him, is it true?" Peach Rabbit.

"Of course, I have grown rapidly, now I am in the middle of the Navy, is not the new soldier that is in the year." The tea toe replied.

He and the strength of the tea doins are indeed rapidly, according to this shelf, the middle will obviously meet the two people, the tea felrins do have proud capital.

"Yes? You think that the strength of Barrett will come to the bottleneck, can you continue to make progress?"

"I am sorry to tell you, this time he is back, it is to break the bottleneck."

"You should hear it, Baret will challenge white beards, two defeat, he is to break through the bottleneck."

"It's time to start, he wants to start, wait for him to appear in front of the world next time, he should have awakened the demon fruit."

"Do you understand the gap between the devil fruit awakening?"

"Yang Fan! Start! Goal, New World!"

The peach rabbit looked at the tea, the order, turned and left the deck ...