Allen jumped down from the magic ship while holding Cecil as a princess. The bottom is likely to be more than 100 meters, but I think there is no problem with the status raised by the level and blessing.

And both feet crash into the ground with tremendous momentum. Crush the floor stones neatly set by the momentum of landing.

(That's right!)

The bones of Allen's feet are also broken. However, the grass of life used at the same time as the landing restores the bones of the feet.

(Usually, the grass of life can heal the bones. I was glad to be broken by the side of a guy like Dograha earlier.)

Allen confirms Cecil. Cecil seems to be intact, although the cloak was hit by a few debris.

(Well, I used the grass of life, but as expected, Cecil is intact. Or, I didn't hit my arm. I could endure.)

Allen believes endurance is like a shock absorber that protects the body from physical damage. As I always thought when fighting with and fighting with pirates, my increased muscle endurance does not increase my muscle mass. It doesn't get muscular or stiff. It is like a protective film that protects itself from shocks, taking into account the numerical value of the status.

The physical damage this time was a shock from the ground that fell from more than 100 meters with a girl. The leg was broken because he was not intact, but the impact was killed by endurance and the impact was not transmitted to the upper body or Cecil.

Already kicked up by Dograha in the warehouse, he has recovered his broken ribs. It has already been confirmed that bone repair is within the scope of physical recovery.

"Mr. Cecil, I'm taking restraint now."

I don't think there is any problem because the grass of life is also used for Cecil at the time of the fall, but once again check that there is no injury with the crushed cobblestone pieces. Since there seems to be no injury, cut the string quickly with a dagger.

"Cho !!!!! Allen !!!!!"

"I'm sorry. Miss Cecil, the magic boat is coming down."

Cecil protests as he is released from detention. But now he has no time to listen to Cecil's complaints. Put the cape on Cecil again.

(If this is good, the arrow may fly from behind and be chased.)

"Hey, listen! Where did this come from!

"Cecil Princess!"

"What, what?"

"It's important now to secure the safety of Miss Cecile. I'll get out of here soon.

Allen speaks a bit stronger to Cecil. He asked me to get on my back. It is difficult to run with a princess. The magic ship is likely to land on the ground.

Cecil is dissatisfied but rides on Allen's back because the current situation is the current situation.

"Cho, it's fast!"

"Grasp tight. If you talk, you will bite your tongue."

Cecil is surprised at the speed of Allen running. Running at least faster than horses.

(I don't have time anymore. Hollow, tell me the place at night)

Summon four bird D's summons to the night sky and search for the gate that is the exit from the shared cityscape. And hurry to the gate outside the city.

(Oh, good luck, Dograha goes to Carnell to explain the situation.

Allen checks the situation inside the magic ship while running. There is a parakeet-shaped bird G summon in the magic ship. Even during the escape, the status of the pursuers is checked by the shared summons.

Douglas-Haha described the situation as soon as the Granvelle servant jumped off the magic ship with Cecil. Viscount Carnel hurriedly asked, "Will they be alive?" Said Dagraha, who had to land to find out. He said he could be dead because he was that high.

Change the card configuration of the holder while running.

・ 44 insect D cards ・ 2 bird G cards ・ 4 bird D summons

(It seemed quite panic, because there seems to be no occupation of monsters in this different world. The summons will be surprised.)

As I run, I remember the story I heard from the adventurer Raven. Allen had a profession similar to a summoner when he was playing a game in his previous life. That was a monster.

A monster is a profession that uses monsters. A profession very similar to a summoner using a summon beast. However, according to Raven's story, there is no monster in this different world. I remember being told that it would be overkill to use the demon beast.

The reason why the bandits were surprised at the appearance of the summons might be that the summons suddenly appeared. The reaction might have changed a little if the monster was recognized as a matter of course.

The gates of Carnell's city are still open, and she showed me the coat of arms of Granver's house. As expected, it seems that the gatekeeper knows the emblem of the next territory. The servant carrying the girl is pretty suspicious, but there seems to be no reason why it is useless.

(Okay, the mountains are in that direction.)

Thanks to the starry sky, it's not impossible to see at all. Run out of the city in such a night sky. First of all, you have to leave the city. It's only after that that we head to the Grand Verse.

(I'm glad I got out of the gate. I found the White Dragon Mountains, bypassed from the north of the mountain range and returned to the town of Granver. How many days can I return?)

Take a break for Cecil away from the city. In front of Cecil, she puts out magic lights, water and food from storage. Cecil stares at the situation.

Shortly after taking a break, the bird D summoning beast waiting above the landing and landing ground where the magic ship descended, visually recognizes unrest.

People are gathering on the cobblestone that Allen descended from the magic ship and destroyed.

(There's Carnell and Doug Laha. I'm giving you some instructions, because I didn't have any corpses of me or Cecil. I can't help but be alive.)

There are several aides around Viscount Carnel. As the shared summon of Bird D gazes up at the sky, the Viscount is giving instructions in rapid succession. Looking at the situation to check the pursuers, Dagraha is talking to the Viscount to interrupt the Viscount's instructions.

I couldn't hear the voice because it was too far away, but I was wondering what Allen was talking about.

Dograha's body blurred for a moment. Some haze-like haze covers the body. Then he ran toward the gate.

(It's fast! As expected, it's a spy profession.)

Dograha, who expects to be a scouting system with a quick status, goes straight to the gate through which Allen passes.

(Are you going out of the gate?)

Prioritize the shared summon of Bird D to confirm the movement of Dograha. Dograha, who has left the gate, starts running at first sight.


Allen notices a nightmare. Now Dograha is running straight in the direction that Allen is running.

(Yeah, that's terrible. What is it? I'm using an enemy or some other skill.)

Dagraha, who thought he was a scouting profession, seems to be able to find Allen's whereabouts using search or some other skill. Run straight to Allen.

"I'm sorry, Miss Cecil. I'm looking for a follower. Let's get away from here soon."

"Huh? I understand."

It is a Doraha that runs at a considerable speed. However, Allen's quickness finally reached 2,000 with blessing. Despite carrying Cecil, he hasn't lost as fast as Dagraha to catch up.

Without being overtaken, carry Cecil and continue to escape from Douglaha.

After that, try to correct the direction or go into the river you found, but there is no sign that Dagraha's pursuit will stop. Dograha is approaching from behind. It's quite a distance from Allen, but it knows exactly where Allen is.

(Scout is a competent city !!!!)

The preceding bird D summoning beast discovers the city. It looks like a slightly larger city in Carnel. Allen rushes towards the city. However, the gate is already closed, and the gatekeeper stands at night.

"Hey, Allen. Are you going to town?"

A bonfire is burning and Cecil notices the town. Talk over the back to Allen heading straight to the city.


"Does the gate seem to be closed?"

"Yes. I'll do my best. Please talk a little."

(I guess you can sprinkle Douglas in the city)

"Oh, stop!"

Allen is told to stop at the gatekeeper and stop. Looking at a boy dressed as a servant with a girl on his back late at night, he looks obviously suspicious. I was hit by a spear.

"Oh, I'm glad ... I've arrived in town. She's a little more patient."


Ignoring the guards, Allen, who is out of breath, talks to Cecil with relief.

"I'm sorry, Gatekeeper. Could you please enter the city?"

"Oh, I can't do that. The gate is already closed. I can't put in suspicious things like you who came at such a time."

"No, we are not suspicious."

Allen shows the coat of arms of the Granver family.

"Grandvelle family? No, but why this night?"

When you show the emblem, flee for a moment. Although it is the Viscount of Carnel, it is too unnatural for the neighbors of the Granver family to come together at such a late time.

"No, in fact, just a short distance from here, the carriage was broken and I couldn't move. I didn't want the young lady to stay here."

Allen lied to flow. She said that the carriage was broken, and that she was in trouble because she was selfish.


Cecil is blamed for himself and forgets to match.

"Well, no, but ..."

(Oh, this is going to go? Doragha is coming soon and can you answer any more questions?)

"I'm well aware that I can't do it, so could you close my eyes this time?"

Allen quickly reaches out to the gatekeeper's hand. While the gatekeeper is surprised, he checks only what is passed by Allen with his eyes. It reflects on the bonfire fired beside the gate and glows golden.

Allen gave one gold coin.

"Yes, I can't help but the inn is closed even if you go through."

"I'll try to do that too."

It makes me think that I'll spend the money to show you. The gatekeeper will pass through the door next to the gate, like the entrance for the gatekeeper.

He was chased by Doug Laha and fled into the city.