On the evening of the night raid, Allen and the others walk down the hallway of the largest building in the city centre of Tiamo. Unlike the royal castle of the kingdom, the wooden architecture of the interior, which is simple but takes advantage of the beauty of wood, is the building that met with the queens and generals last night.

"Dear Allen, you're back in the evening."

Sophie calls out in a bright voice somewhere.

"Right. I want to get some sleep today."

(I want to sleep right away. You can have your meal later)

Delivery All I'm saying is this thought, I'm going to hit Sophie with all of my current thoughts. Since the dawn of the night raid, Allen and the others haven't slept, so everyone seems to be sleeping somewhere, no matter how young they are, including Allen.

"But it's a great effect. Let Her Majesty the Queen and the generals know."


(Is Sophie a child who is okay with not sleeping? Is that a face pass? No, you don't have to wait and it helps.)

When Allen and the others come to the front between the queens, a large door opens without waiting.

I did RPG a long time ago. But I recall with a sleeping eye that it was no apology to enter between the thrones of the king.

It should be noted that all the elves Allen thought were in fact generals or higher ranks.

I also found out that Lucidolar, who was in the city of Nest, was a general.

They all look like they're in their 30s and 40s, but maybe they're pretty good years.

Go along while the queen is with Sophie.

Without apparently standing in circles and arguing today, the Queen sits on the deepest throne like a queen.

On the Queen's shoulder is Momonga, which I saw last night, and I still see her again.

(You're looking at me again. Hmm? Are you sleepy too)

Momonga on the Queen's shoulder makes a big stretch and moves over the Queen's lap to get round. Apparently, you are. Close your eyes and get to sleep easily.

"So how was the other three cities?

As Allen says nothing and gazes at Momonga, a voice is heard from the queen.

"Huh? Yes, I was still enjoying it without falling, so I've been safely handing out 500 Elf's Psychotropic Pills. As it stands, I think we can say that the war situation has been restored."

(Though I used all of Heavenly Grace's stock and still didn't have enough to turn 2500 B-rank Demon Stones into Heavenly Grace. We need to increase the stock of heavenly grace. rent a planting pot for the creation of heavenly grace)

"" "Ooh!! Excellent!!!

Thinking about the creation of heavenly grace, a voice of joy rises from the generals of the elves.

Allen and the others' move from last night, but first we were able to conduct a night raid until dawn to defeat a total of just over 40,000 demon kings on the north and south sides of the city of Tiamo. The situation on the North Gate side didn't seem to convey much to the South side, and I could do quite as much as I wanted on the South side.

By night raids until dawn, the Demon King's Army apparently never attacked the city of Tiamo today.

Then, when Spirit B heard the conversation between Tiamo and the generals of the city of Nest, he found that Tiamo was not the only city on the battlefield.

The demon king's army, which invaded from the north side of Rosenheim, is heading south while attacking and destroying the city and fortresses. The capital in the centre of Rosenheim also fell before continuing further south.

The main unit of the Demon King's Army is said to be in the capital of Rosenheim. We split the troops from there and are moving southwards in turn from the north. It is inefficient on the barracks to move exactly 3 million Demon King armies in one piece.

There are about three other cities at about the same latitude as the city of Tiamo, and they say they are still being invaded.

(The reason four cities, including this Tiamo, are fighting is to make the Queen's life and whereabouts unclear)

After the fall of the capital, the queen moved to the city of Tiamo. The demon army marched south to kill the queen.

I can't stand any of the four cities if they attack me with a large army at a time.

So he also decided to make it unclear which city the Queen fled to or died on the way out. The generals defended the queen in that way.

Thanks to this, the Demon King's army has attacked the four cities evenly. As a result, I was able to buy time for Allen to rush.

The soldiers of the city of Tiamo do not know that there is a queen here. It is only heard that their own battle leads to the protection of the Queen.

And it's the move of Allen and the others since this morning, but I put three generals who were here on a bird b summons and rushed to support the rest of the city.

I took three generals in order to get the generals from the other three cities to brief me on the war situation. So the general is descending one at a time into each city and joining the Demon King's Army interception as it is.

There are also large numbers of refugees, not only wounded soldiers, in the three cities but also in the city of Tiamo. Tiamo alone has nearly 700,000 refugees. If Tiamo falls, all the refugees along with the defeated soldiers will be fed by the Demon King's Army.

He handed out restorative medicine and buffed the fish system to support him. In preparation for the offensive battle, which will continue beyond tomorrow, the fish lineage for buffing has been left in their respective cities.

Thanks to the return of the wounded soldiers, there were over 100,000 soldiers able to fight in any city, including Tiamo. At least they won't fall in a few days.

This is about if the Demon King's Army doesn't change its current operation. However, I find it hard to think of anything that would change the operation in two days a day. Because you will be confident in your own operations, which have been going fast this past month.

"That's the situation."

On behalf of Allen, who seems to be sleeping, Sophie explains the situation in the three cities.

"So you're saying that over 300,000 soldiers are back on the front line!

One of the generals will gladly still be able to fight.

"But the Demon King's Army is now starting to align monster birds and more. Night raids like yesterday could be tough."

It also tells us about the situation in the city of Tiamo.

Anything, looks like it's making the aviation unit pretty thick.

(Hmm, I see. Has it been handled quickly? I'm not going to make a direct night raid today. No, this is just fine, do you want me to get out around Doradora and burn down the empty troops? It's also important to keep your enemy's nose down)

Think about the operation this evening.

"And thank you so much, Dear Allen,"


Gently bow your head as Her Majesty sits down.

I knelt down to Prince Wang, Allen, but with my people I stand on a bar in front of the queen. Nobody tells me to kneel, so I can also say I lost the time to kneel. Allen thinks kneeling isn't a bluff either.

"Thanks to you, many elves' lives have been saved without power. Dear Allen, let me thank you."

(Because I've only knocked down about 40,000. You've got 2.96 million left. Yeah, about 270 to 2.8 million because I knocked the elves out too)

The generals' story is that they have barely reduced the number of demon kings with a full hand in defense.

Still, they defeated 200,000 to 300,000, but the Demon King's Army is still more overwhelmed.

I hear the elf soldiers are about 600,000 Tiamo, Nest, and the three cities that went to help today combined.

"No, the fight isn't over yet, so ahhh."

(If you want to thank me, I've got something to say.

"Huh? Do you want me to thank you for something? You want me to give you my daughter?

"Well, Your Majesty..."

Sophie's white cheeks turn bright red.

"No, you don't"


(Hmm? I feel like some kind of event has occurred, but is it because of you)

I'm too asleep to get much of the queen's story into my head.

"Actually, I wanted to ask you two questions."

"Yes. What is it?

Allen's people, wondering if they had any favors to ask, stand behind Allen and listen.

Both the generals and Sophie lined up next to Allen, I wonder what.

"I want the Demon Stone first. Let me collect anything I can about the demon stones I got in this war."

The Allens have defeated 40,000 Demon King Army Warcraft last night. But after I defeated him, I sent the Summoner of Spirit B to collect the Demon Stone, but the demon beasts of the hungry Demon King's Army were devouring it, and it was not a very recoverable situation.

But collecting demon stones is a must if we are to think about future battles. He wants me to be free to collect it.

"Of course it is. Sigur, is there a demon stone in this city?

Sigur is the Marshal and Chief Commander of the Elf Army.

Ask Marshal Sigur the Queen to confirm the situation of the demonic stones in this city.

"No, hardly. Most of them have been used for the operation of the Demon Guided Ship..."

"Oh, just the minute we defeated the Warcraft ourselves. Because I think demon stones are necessary for the city's activities and for the war."

If you cage castles, the supply of demon stones stops, and the stock of demon stones keeps decreasing. I know how precious demon stones are in war. Without the Demon Stone, I can't even move the Demon Guiding Ship.

I'll collect it here on my own, but I want you to forgive me.

"Collect that, of course, as you please. What's the other one?

"Let me see the Spirit King"

"" "Huh?

A loud voice of doubt rises as Allen says he wants to see the Spirit King.

"Can't you?

"Right. I don't know if there's a problem, but may I confirm it?


Then Momonga, who has been asleep, wakes up and sees Allen.


'We don't need confirmation. I'm Rosen, right? Beginning Summoner, what can I do for you?

"Mo, Momonga!

(It's Momonga. This is gonna wake up!

Momonga on Her Majesty's lap uttered words. And Allen's surprising voice echoed in the hall.