After discovering the massive and ancient ruins, Allen changed his course greatly from the Temple of the Dragon King.

It was an unnatural ruin that only contained a huge gate.

There is no gatekeeper at the ruins of the desolate earth, so I went in silently.

(I don't know. I feel like the air has changed. Is the influence of the day unexpected?)

Once inside the ruins, there was an indescribable tension that froze the spine for a moment, and Luke and Rosalina's eyes met.

"What? Why is there only a gate?" Is this the gate of judgment? "

As Allen told her, Rosalina questions the fact that only the gate is inside the ruins.

(Better get some information from the dragons in the city.)

Allen and his team came to the gateway to the Divine Realm.

A gate stands in the middle of a huge ruin.

Allen wonders if the dragons have a culture of believing in gates.

I tried to make my way to the temple of the dragon king in Nori, but I regretted not gathering enough information.

Allen was a game from his previous life, and the last resort was to talk to all the city's inhabitants and look for clues.

First of all, the play style is to go to the dungeon.

The gate was not against the wall; it stood in the middle.

I went around the back, but there was nothing.

After wrapping around a huge door with no insinuations, I stared carefully at the door from the front.

There is a picture painted on the door.

“I don't know. I'm not responding." It's a drawing of a dragon... "I wonder what kind of dragon this was."

The real dragon has been deformed and I don't know what dragon it is.

It seemed to be carved out of the door.

"I can't open it."

While Allen stares at the painting, he pushes the gate where Luke reaches dozens of meters, but he doesn't freak out.

The gate is too huge, and even a mere gate is likely to do the same.

(What is this? It doesn't feel like the flag of the quest is standing.)

There is a limit to what I can try.

I felt different trying to open the door with all the cards in the dragon system.

Allen had a sense of preservation in this situation.

He discovered something like an event, but nothing happened because he didn't follow the story.

I wonder what this means, Master Fabre.

I asked the Dragon King and the Spirit King Favel who seemed to have a clue.

"... now, how was it?" Isn't it too soon to ask the Dragon King what to do? ”

It's an attitude you can take if you remember it or not.

In the end, we will not try to destroy the gate in a forceful way, but we will leave the place afterwards.

As Allen and the others turned their backs, the eyes of the dragon painted on the door stared at the Spirit King and glowed quietly.

I spent two days staying at a nearby lodge until I came to a new place.

Allen and his family then discovered two similar old ruins.

At the end of the open gate, you can certainly see a huge temple in the back.

As well as the ruins, a giant temple measuring several hundred meters was located in the center of the swirling peninsula.

The Dragon King must be there.

What can I do for you? There's a Dragon King's temple ahead!

The gatekeepers of the Dragon Man dressed more lavishly than the border between the Torii and the National Rame Seal had stopped them from moving.

The gate is open, but don't go ahead.

"I'm sorry." The son of the Dark Elf King wants to see the Dragon King. Isn't it pretty? "

Allen quickly negotiated with the gatekeeper of the Dragon Man.

I checked on the way, but the dragons still called the gate in the Dragon King's temple "the gate of judgment".

After all, it seemed like the right thing to do was to aim for the temple where the Dragon King was.

After the two gatekeepers closed their eyes to Allen's words, the dark elf boy gazed at him.

"Oh, I see. I'm listening to you." You're Spirit King Faarble and Lord Luke Todd, aren't you? "

The Dragon Man was weak in authority. When his gaze shifted to Luke and the Spirit King on his head, his attitude suddenly changed.

"Oh, I want to see the Dragon King!" Will you let me through here!! "

Luke's cheerful attitude makes for an unnatural performance.

"I see, but I want you to wait a little bit." I was allowed to enter the temple and visit the Dragon King. Is that all right? "

(What, you don't have a communication magic tool? It was three days ago.

I thought it was already clear that the Dark Elf King's son had come to see the Dragon King with the Spirit King.

But he wants us to wait for the permit to go through.


I can't force you to wait.

Luke and the Spirit King were there too, and I knew they would come true.

"Now, please take your time at the inn just past that road." I'll send a messenger if I get permission. "

Yes, thank you.

(I wonder if there are any steps to enter the temple or meet the Dragon King that will preserve the path to the God Realm.)

Even in his previous life, he was not so familiar with divine affairs.

If the rules of the Dragon King and his temple are the rules, I will stay in an inn that has turned back the road quietly.

Three days passed without a messenger coming to Allen.

Allen and Luke had dinner in the inn's dining room, while Rosalina presented the song to everyone at dinner every night.

Rosalina shows off her beauty on a podium set in the corner of the room.

Like Ignomus, Rosalina's level and skill level are different from the situation that awaits the implementation of a new career change dungeon in April.

Rosalina had just moved to a new job last month, and her level quickly reached 60, but she needed to train her skill level.

Allen advised Rosalina that she would not want to sing unless it was in public, and that she could show the song at dinner as a service to the store.

Without knowing that there was such a purpose, the dragons were obsessed with their proportionate beautiful faces, well-developed bodies, and thin clothes.

The beauty of Rosalina is common to all.

Punch, patch, patch.

When they finished singing, the dragons stood up and applauded with great pleasure.

And the food that I didn't ask for was transported to Allen's and Luke's seats in large quantities today.

I didn't specifically ask for money to throw, but it seemed to be the price of the dragons who liked the song.

Every night they bring in food they can't eat, so they put it in storage and deliver it to Dragon Man's specialty dish and Team Keel's S-Class dungeon standby team.

The hungry Klenna and Dogora eat with Washawasha.

Klenna and Dogora continued to use their skills against the Stone D Summon Beast, while Shia hunted the Iron Golem.

The level 60 cap just came off, so it's better to hunt the iron golem and raise the level.

Together with Merle, Shia hunts over 300 Iron Golems a day, gaining over 300 billion experience points.

"This is my fifth day in the house." You're going to have to wait so long, aren't you? "

Rosalina counted down the days, including on the road.

Rosalina, who naturally speaks of the dishes served in pockets, reaches Allen's table and reveals her anxiety.

Five days have passed since I was told to enter the temple and get permission to meet the Dragon King.

That's right.

(Does it take so long to get the Dragon King's permission?)

Allen came to the side of the Temple of the Dragon King.

We're probably within a few hours of each other, but there's no sign of us coming.

I could hardly do what I could while I was waiting.

I checked with the dragons about the big, poorly understood ruins like an idiot, but I didn't get the information.

Ruins have existed since a long time ago, making it a powerful sanctuary that doesn't attract demon beasts.

The Dragon King regularly manages and cleans the ruins.

The food is delicious, so I can stay here a little longer!

Luke is delighted because of the cultural area with a lot of meat dishes.

With Allen and the others, I can say that I don't need to be forced to study by the Dark Elf's people.

It may feel like a summer holiday period.

”Luke, I'm already...”

Oh, thank you, Guhhh

(My gaze is completely in the state of Macris. This is why Luke was in the Guts Pose when they were together.)

Rosalina wipes the sauce from Luke's mouth as usual.

Apparently, there are other reasons why Luke would want to be here all the time.

Oh, my God!

The Spirit King Fabulous on the table sighed and brought the food to his mouth.

They arrived at the Dragon God's house and split into two teams, but Sophie's team almost got what they needed thanks to five days of work in the Dragon Man's house.

However, it seems that the material required for Oriharkon's alchemy, "Dragon Eye Rock", was barely traded and could not be obtained.

There was no need to split up the team at the Ryujin's house, so they eventually joined up and became one team.

The day after the rendezvous, permission to visit with the Dragon King came down and guided me to the temple.

I walked through a huge temple that I could clearly see from a distance, and was taken by the dragon men who were using the Dragon King.



Somehow, there's usually a lot of dragons.

Next to the pillar, the dragons, who would stand up and reach tens of meters, lie down and gaze at Allen alone.

I wonder if you keep it in this temple.

(Pet friendly)

There were other beasts in the world besides the Demon Beast.

Some animals resemble dogs and cats, and the nobles have a habit of keeping pets.

No, Allen-sama, these are the dragons that protect the temple.

It seemed disrespectful, and the Dragon Man who was using the Dragon King who walked in front of him was noticed.

There was a dragon king straight ahead.

A giant dragon was in the hallway behind the temple, on a pedestal a little higher than the floor.

She is quite old and her face is on the floor that protrudes from the pedestal.

... you guys are the ones who want to see me?

"Yes, my name is Allen. Thank you for your time."

As the leader, Allen bowed his head and thanked him.

I see. Are you the Allen who is taking over the S-Class Dungeon and fighting the Demon King's army?

As soon as Allen got his eye on him, he knew who he was.

"Yes, sir."

(You're quite familiar with it even if you're not part of the Five Continents Alliance. Did you check the place while you were waiting?)

The Dragon King's gaze turned toward Luke as he wondered why the Dragon King had kept him waiting for days.

...... Orbus's child?

"Huh? Yes, that's right!"

Are you done with me?

I see. The day has come when the Elves and the Dark Elves will join hands. It's a long life, isn't it? "

According to the Spirit King, the Dragon King is about 8000 years old.


Sophie's expression of dissatisfaction sprang up as she stopped talking to Allen early and showed interest in Luke.

However, I don't want to make things worse because I think this place will get worse if I cause unnecessary rough waves in my attitude.

So we want to go through the gate of judgment?

Fabulous is going to talk to Allen instead.

Sometimes it's an old acquaintance, and it's a familiar tone.

(You're going to the Divine Realm through that gate.)

A huge gate stands behind the Dragon King's sitting pedestal.

Allen thought that this was the "gate of judgment" leading to the Divine Realm.

You know, Fabulous, that this gate is made for dragons.

(Huh? Is that what you're talking about?)

Speaking of which, that's what you said.

"This gate is a gate for dragons recognized by God to go to the Divine Realm. To do that, we need to follow the appropriate procedures."


(Prediction of the occurrence of a quest)

With a voice of doubt, Allen felt something exciting in his chest.

Allen thinks of the procedure for this purpose as a “quest.”

Explain the rest.

The Dragon King asks the Dragon King's use to explain the gate of judgment.

Looks like we know what Allen's coming for.

Haha! Your Majesty the Dragon King! Please check the dragon sculpture decorated in this gate.

The dragon man used by the dragon king who replied loudly explains it to me.

The sculpture of the dragon is carved out of the gate of the referee.

And the dragon that was in the gate had dimples in his eyes, and in his fangs, and in his claws.

It is said that three "trial gates" must be crossed to pass through this judgment gate.

After passing through the trial gate, it seems that you can get three "Dragon's Eye", "Dragon's Fang" and "Dragon's Claw" respectively.

The proof of overcoming these three challenges is said to open the way to the divine realm when it is inserted into the gate of judgment.

"I see. What a hassle."

(I thought the gate wouldn't open, Gail. I'm glad it wasn't your quest. What? And anyway?)

For Allen, who was contaminated by the game brain and had no way of treating her, the story of the dragon man was so easy to hear.

I am relieved that it was not your quest system that ran around to get something meaningless.

"Hey, Allen, the test gate is the one that never opened."

"Rosalina, I think so."

Rosalina whispered her ears at Kozoko and Allen.

I was aiming for the temple with the dragon king as I gurgled around the Dragon God's house, but there were three large ruins along the way.

Rosalina was right, there was a huge gate in the ruins, but it didn't move.

“We stopped by on our way here. It didn't seem to react?"

Ask the Dragon Man in charge of the explanation.

"Yes, the trial gate chooses the one who enters. We need a qualified dragon species to challenge the gate.”

The Dragon Man reacts to Allen's conversation with Rosalina.

"Do you think you need qualifications?"

“Yes, unqualified people don't even try.”

Whatever you do, you need a “dragon” with the qualifications you need to open the trial gate.

There is no dragon in this city that can open a gate.

He wouldn't explain, but the Dragon King would join the conversation.

So, it's hard to open the gate?

(Nh? Then why did you allow me to see him?)

I don't think Allen came here to greet the Dragon King when he had the answers they were looking for.

And there is no reason to teach how to open the gates of judgment that cannot be challenged.

A moment of silence is born.

It's true that there's a white dragon near you. Maybe you deserve to go through the gate. "


“Does that mean Haku is qualified?”

It's a story that might come true.

"So, a little more..."

[...... Well, it might be a good idea to try it out if you're qualified.]

That said, the Dragon King closed his eyes.

I feel that the attitude shows that no further questions can be answered.

"His Majesty the Dragon King's vision is over." Pick it up. "

The Dragon King's Dragonmen also said to stand back.

Allen's people send Allen a gaze, and Allen says, "Let's go home," and decides to leave this place later.

So, Allen, what are you going to do?

"Huh? Well, the Dragon King said," Huck might be qualified. "Shouldn't we take her to the test gate?"

(That's a very weak flag. For now, we've decided what we need to do.)

Somehow, I could see the flag of the quest, or the thread of the strategy.

I wasn't convinced that I could make a clear move, but it seemed worth trying.

It was Allen heading for Haku on Heavy User Island.