I entrusted the battle to the newly ascended soldiers, and as I descended the stairs, there was also a unit of soldiers waiting under the stairs.

After eight hours of battle and exhaustion, the soldiers of the elves head straight for the rest facility set up near the centre of Fort La Polca.

Get a quick meal and go into a makeshift building with a bath set up for the field.

(That's a good flow. The elves are confused though. Well, this time the Warcraft will never let the elves rest. The Warcraft behind us weren't in the fight.)

Allen is using the bird e summons to make sure the elves are working as they should.

And over the course of hours of battle, I have analyzed the demon king's army operations from the movements of the Warcraft.

The movements of the Demon King's Army are distinctly different from the Tiamo offensive battles that previously came in the Great Army.

Warcraft traveling south of the ocean have taken the way that warcraft who do not take part in the battle will rest, lest they rest Allen. I think it's an effective maneuver for human opponents who are more fatigued than warcraft.

Analyze it as an operation that can be done because it is a demon king army that has brought up millions of warcraft.

With this much, the constantly fighting Warcraft will be a sufficient number, even if they are only a fraction of the total.

If you rest the Warcraft who do not participate, you can continue to attack the Elves all day long.

Twenty-four hours a day, millions of large armies are constantly attacking and trying to bring Fortress Lapolka down.

(One unfortunate thing about the Demon King's Army is that it took the same operation as Fortress Rapolka in the ocean. Maybe not so many Demon King Army executives to command or think about operations. So when the operation comes to resemblance. If they had done this operation unexpectedly, it would have been pretty tough)

Fighting in the ocean, Allen began the fight two days earlier than the Fortress Lapolka offensive.

Thanks to this, I could have expected to take the same operation as the ocean.

The Demon King Army executes the operation very quickly. I guess this has a solid chain of command and a small number of people to be executives.

But that's why it's the same army executive operation, and Allen could have predicted how to attack this Rapolka fortress.

The operation Allen told me this time is to break the elf soldier in Fort Lapolka, who has about 300,000 men, into a third.

Replace soldiers fighting, waiting in reserve, and taking breaks every eight hours.

Now that eight hours had elapsed, he was replaced by a soldier who was waiting inside the outer wall in reserve.

He introduced a three-shift system of work into wars in different worlds.

The role of the soldiers waiting in reserve is to respond when the formation of the soldiers fighting breaks down.

Some of the soldiers seemed rather anxious, wondering if they would only fight 100,000 at a time.

In order to reduce the number of soldiers, it was decided to use the commanded summoner and heavenly grace to an unprecedented extent and to make up for it without any restrictions on the use of skills.

After taking a bath, the soldiers go into a building that has been converted into a rest facility or a temporary rest facility.

(All right, you're all asleep)

"Wonderful Death. That's Dear Allen, Death."

Check what's going on in the building, along with the contact personnel's Spirit B summoner.

The soldiers, excited by the death fight an hour ago, are already asleep and asleep.

The day is bright and fiercely fought on all sides, and battle sounds such as the roar of the Warcraft are also coming inside this thin makeshift rest facility on the wall.

But the elves are all in their sleep as if that had nothing to do with it.

And in the center of this large rest facility, about two metres of one tree grows.

Grass F Awakening Skill "Herbal" Tree.

(I brought a hundred herbs, was it enough?)

This time Allen put a hundred trees made of Grass F awakening skills "herbs" on the back of a commanded bird B summoner and carried them with 2,000 heavenly graces.

Herb, the Awakening Skill of the Grass F Summoner, turns the Grass F Summoner into a tree of about two metres.

And when you smell the scent of this tree, the rate of natural recovery of the magic power goes from six to three hours. The scent reaches a radius of 100 meters from where it was planted. The two metre long tree I brought was planted in a planting pot and installed in a rest facility in various parts of the fortress.

Awakening Skill The smell of the "herbal" tree has a strong resting effect. Allen's father Rodin was attacked by Greatbore, with a big hole in his belly, enough to fall asleep even with severe pain without being able to fully recover.

While the soldiers doubt they can sleep in this situation, they fall asleep so that all fatigue dissolves when they get to the floor.

(So far, so good on each side, but the slowest rate of extermination of the southern exterior wall. There are few Summoners and no Ranged Attacks. I can't help it around here)

Fighting is also taking place on the southern exterior walls.

Four summoners of Stone B were placed in the south.

Outside the outer walls, the warcraft of the worm lineage flock to wrap themselves around the summoners of Stone B.


The unspoken Stone B summons is 20 meters long in command and 15 meters even in soldiering.

Step on it with giant feet like a worm, as you put it.

(Again, don't accept attacks if you have this much endurance)

The endurance of the commanded Stone B summoner is 7000.

The Summoner's endurance for the militarized Stone B is 5500.

This also reduces damage to the Dodge Rate increased by Fish Buffs. He also has the auxiliary magic of an elf.

The B-rank Warcraft has a lot of attack power around 1000, so the difference from the endurance of the Summoner of Stone B is more than five times greater.

With all this difference, the damage won't go through.

Since attending the school dungeon, Allen has tested the relationship between endurance and aggression.

Just because an attack by someone with 1000 Attack Power reaches 3000 Attack Power does not mean that the damage dealt is tripled.

Because it has the endurance of the side being attacked, it will take calculated damage between endurance and attack power.

When attacking an opponent with high endurance, only 1 damage is dealt, be it 1000 or 2000, but sometimes 3000 damage is done when the attack power is 3000.

So there is no way that the damage is completely proportional to the attack power.

(Because there are usually guys who can use their skills for Warcraft as well. We need to be careful around here. Maybe an A-rank Warcraft that's about one in a hundred more)

Some Warcraft have endurance invalid penetration system skills, or have used these defense lowering skills.

I am not overconfident that I will be absolutely fine and have the summoners of the four Stones B hang regular restorative magic on the Elf's Recovery Unit.

The commanding Stone B summoner strips away the warcraft climbing through the outer walls as high as he is, using a round shield and galloping.

In response to such a Stone B attack, a skeleton in a robe points a cane with a red gem at its tip from the rear.

On the tip of the wand, a giant circular flame is created by magic, flying every elf on the wall without burning it down.

(Oh, lucky. Reflect them all)


Using a circular shiny shield that was scrubbing the wall, it bounces back extensively forward, including the skeleton.

It triples the flames emitted by the warcraft of the skeleton to extinguish the warcraft of the worm lineage.

(It's still important to fully reflect A-rank Warcraft skills thoroughly. The rate of annihilation is slow, but the west and east are not structured as originally protected by the elves. That's a balance around here)

Built to protect the North and the South, the Rapolka Fortress does not respond to East-West attacks.

For this reason, I leave it to the subpoena of the commandeered and militarized dragon B and bug B. For that matter, the Elves have fewer soldiers than the North and the South.

More time passes.

The sun went down, but the Warcraft lit magic and big pines to secure the lights and not stop the fight.

Looks like Allen's gonna be attacking us all night.

Sixteen hours have passed, so soldiers waiting as reserve climb to the outer wall of the front line, and the soldiers who have fought so far descend down the stairs to take a break. The change of venue progresses quickly.

More time has passed, and the day has changed.

"Well, I guess I'll go to sleep"

"Yes. Dear Allen, take a rest, Death."

The Summoner of Spirit B picks up Allen's solo.

Allen is also on the second night of the battle against the Demon King's Army in the ocean.

I'll sweep the Warcraft on top of the Sea Dragon-based Warcraft that crushed my head and knocked me down to bed this evening.

Take off your clothes, move the magic book over your head, and use the water inside to shower.

Inside the Magic Book is a glass of water for a swimming pool.

I have enough sleeping rolls and food to change.

(I think I knocked down about 150,000 bodies today. I bragged that I'd be back in five days, and I need to be more efficient. The Warcraft will be on their way because of everything they can, so tomorrow's goal is 200,000 bodies. Do you want to go in and fight more center)

At the end of the shower, reflect on the way you fight on the second day while eating Mormo fruit and figure out a more efficient way to annihilate it.

I always find this thought and validation by practice the next day the most enjoyable.

It then moves to the back of bird B. Though they are on the warcraft of the great sea dragon system, they are not safe because there are warcraft in the sea as well, attacking dead warcraft.

It was Allen, who takes frequent hypnotic sleep on the back of the summoner of Bird B.