Help all mankind

Chapter 69

Before leaving the room, Lidoff closed the door.

After Mu Xin called Ridov to the door, he did not care about the assassin in the room, and talked with Ridov in the hallway. In order to prevent the translation software from making mistakes, every word was extremely powerful.

"I already know about your second artificial intelligence project, and it seems to be progressing very successfully.

But I also discovered that it is not an artificial intelligence used to help production at all, but a chat machine.

You can't fool me about this. With the current AI technology, only a single function can be achieved. An AI that can play chess and Go can't play chess.

I see that the new AI is so neat when it comes to chatting. It was originally designed for chat.

You are using the resources of the boss to do what you want to do..."

Then Mu Xin's tone became half threatening and half seductive for a short time.

"However, I can also support you.

After all, a technology company has a better name than a manufacturing company.

Rest assured, I have helped you find a market for it..."

Reidoff didn't want to explain too much to Mu Xin, anyway there was a language barrier between them, and then pretended to nodded.

Mu Xin specially found a precious opportunity when Guigui and Liang Shicheng were not present, and negotiated with Ridov alone, with the goal of gaining some credit for himself.

At the same time, Mu Xin also has his own grand and aggressive business plan, which has already been implemented first.

The assassin stood up and put his ears behind the door, listening to the conversation clearly.

After sending Mu Xin, Lidoff turned to open the door of the room, making a sound of twisting the handle, and then paused for a while.

There was a noise in the room, and when it was quiet, Reidov slowly opened the door.

"Have you heard everything just now?"

The assassin lay on the bed and hugged the quilt.

"Yo, are you now switching to low-end civilian artificial intelligence?

What a waste of your talent."

Reidoff continued to look out the window, and after a moment of silence, he said slowly:

"Well, I only have the ability to benefit mankind in the simplest way.

There is no danger for you anymore.

Now you are satisfied."

After that, Ridolph fell into deep thought.

"In the end, we underestimated the importance of artificial intelligence. Although the nuclear fusion furnace has not been completed, the miniaturized fission nuclear furnace can be used first.

When resource extraction technology and high-speed manufacturing technology are successful, computing power becomes particularly important."The voice echoed in Ridolph's ears.

That was decades ago. The Iron Empire was the only country that could compete with the Britannia Empire for hegemony.

Although it has an absolute advantage in the number of equipment, it is slightly behind in technology.

But because of the existence of nuclear weapons, both sides knew that it was impossible to break out a war now, so they quietly used their resources to develop future technologies and compete for the leading position in the next technological revolution.

For the Britanian Empire, the result was the rise of the computer industry.

But Ridoff’s motherland has a more comprehensive plan, which is a real technological revolution, from virtual information to physical industry.

From nuclear energy to new materials, from supercomputers to high-speed production lines.

Powered by a nuclear furnace, high temperature melts the mineral resources in the rock, and directly before the metal is cooled, through the magnetic field confinement, with the single-atom control technology, various complex precision industrial products are formed at one time

At the same time, supercomputers are used as brains to control the entire process and upgrade new products at all times.

Various technologies are interlocked with each other, and all technologies are required to be successful in order to create this mechanical beast.

The final form is indeed a mechanical beast, it is both huge and small.

It is huge because it will be the largest mobile armor ever made by mankind.

It is light and handy because it integrates all the functions in a large factory, but the volume is much smaller than the factory, and the body can be moved flexibly.

There is even the future of being loaded on a rocket.

Once the world war broke out, these mechanical beasts with their own industrial manufacturing capabilities and extremely strong survivability turned into small arsenals, which were distributed all over the world and used all available resources nearby, from discarded metals to destroyed tanks. Or start mining locally, and then continuously produce various weapons, or even copy itself.

Such a distributed production method has reduced the tactical thinking of nuclear weapons to destroy the enemy's industrial areas at once.

Not only for military use, after the success of the entire project, it will have a huge impact on the world's manufacturing industry. Mankind will cause the next productivity explosion, and may once again fall into a state of war with relatively scarce resources.

But it is also a saviour to stop all of this, because the ultimate plan is to launch it on other planets and start the starry sky age of mankind.

Ridoff’s colleagues believed that resources would only be mined more and more, and the prices of various minerals have been falling with the development of the times.

In fact, all kinds of resources are everywhere, on the earth, on other planets, it is just a matter of depth and shallowness of burial, difficulty and cost of mining.

But not everyone hopes that this plan can be realized. The country that has gathered the key talents needed to complete the plan will eventually fall apart because of its agricultural policy failure.

The knowledge reserves in this group include nuclear energy, engines, rockets, manufacturing, computers, and so on.

At the same time, this plan was not realized in time to change the destiny of the country. All the links seemed to be in place, but it was stuck in the nuclear fusion furnace and AI technology.

In Ridoff's memory, as the infiltration work progressed and the original units ceased operation, related talents and materials were taken by the country under the banner of a beacon.

There are also some people who are unwilling to choose to go with the materials, neighboring countries of former brother countries.

The only thing that is valued by the country is the technology of efficient resource extraction, which makes the country that is not difficult to extract resources to make a living by exporting resources.

It seems that the Britanian Empire, the only hegemony in the future, has not settled down, and has continued to suppress the key technologies of other countries.

Not only that, but also for scientists in the nuclear industry and computers.

Ridolf had no ambitions, although the field of nuclear physics was particularly important, he chose to follow the trend at the moment he lost his country.

But in the end it changed because of one person...

After that, the rest of his life was fulfilling his long-cherished wish for another person.

"Technology and people are in your place, and the next technological revolution is destined to erupt in your place.

Why should you continue to use the original despicable means."

After being silent for a long time, Lidoff sighed at the assassin.

"Huh? Back then? We? You made the wrong object, right? I belong to the ruins faction without borders."

Although the assassin was captured, he did not lose the slightest momentum, and joked: "It seems that you have suffered a lot over the years, but I am just a rule to warn you."

Hearing this, Lidoff was shocked for a while, then healed for a while, then smiled and said:

"Oh, long time no see.

The grievances between the two organizations should not continue to the present.

The clerical faction has long since fallen, and will no longer threaten the world as you think, not to mention that we have never planned to do so.

On behalf of the clerical faction, I once again propose to you a reconciliation wish."

The assassin disagreed, and vomited:

"Cut~~, in the end, your fate is not involuntary. Von Braun is not like that."

Then the assassin stared away and handed Ridov a coin the size of a coin.

After receiving the coin and learning the identity of the other party, Lidoff left the room and ran to Guigui's ward.

Then it didn’t take long for a group of people’s footsteps, shackles to exaggerate, and Liang Shicheng’s aggrieved excuses.

"I really didn't do anything, I started such a big company, can I still run?"

The assassin got up and prepared to open the window to escape, but found that the windows of this room had been specially reinforced.

"Damn it, that old man should have done it just now."