Help all mankind

Chapter 91

The girl in a white coat entered the farm, and then walked a short distance. The prairie jackals who followed before seemed to know that this place belonged to humans, so they completely gave up chasing and turned back.

Seeing that the jackal is thrown away, it is safe for the time being, but the next thing to face is how to survive in the crowd without revealing his identity.

So the girl found a low-lying place, and also dug a small hole, then took off her symbolic white coat, revealing a casual short-sleeved red T-shirt and white arms, and put the white coat After folding it up and putting it in the pit, there is a name tag on the white coat with her name Tachibana Ling written on it.

Next, Tachibana took out a deflated square metal container that was convenient to carry around. It was much smaller than a military kettle and was big enough to fit in a pocket. The container heard the sloshing sound of liquid. It contains the alcohol left over from the previous treatment of the wound.

Tachibana put the mouth of the bottle down, poured all the alcohol in the bottle onto the folded white coat, and then lit it with a match.

As a light blue flame rose, the clothes were instantly wrapped in the flame, Tachibana stood up and watched the scene silently, her expression calm.

A 500-degree flame is enough to destroy all organic matter, and it won’t be long before the clothes and the smell on it are gone. After a handful of soil is used to cover it, it will be impossible for military dogs to find this location.

Slightly counted the items left on her body. The most important thing is a purse. Although the money in it is not a lot, it is enough for her room and board for a long period of time, as well as the travel expenses to escape from here. The object is a Swiss army knife.

The Swiss Army Knife comes with a small pair of scissors. Tachibana used this pair of scissors to cut off the smooth and shiny long hair, and deliberately made them uneven.

Immediately afterwards, Tachibana Bell messed up her hair a little, and used the burnt match to extract some toner evenly on her face by rubbing, making herself look more like a village girl.

After finishing the preparatory work, Tachibana Bell walked into the town wearing clothes that were indistinguishable from ordinary civilians.

The small town full of wind and sand is not a tourist area, and the place as a whole still looks very backward and remote.

Not long after entering the town, a child hurriedly ran into her.

At this moment, Liang Shicheng is admiring the local customs in the town. Liang Shicheng has the ability to see the attribute values ​​of the people around him. One of the attribute values ​​[differentiation] can reflect a person’s ability or potential. This value of is very low.

It's about 0.000000001, Liang Shicheng doesn't understand why this attribute value is represented by so many zeros after the decimal point.

And his own [differentiation] is 0.0102, which is the highest among people he has seen so far, several orders of magnitude higher than many big people, which in a sense shows that he is the man of heaven.

If the value of a person is relatively high, it means that the person must have talents and strengths that are different from ordinary people in some way. On the contrary, the lower the value, the more mediocre it will be, and the less impact it can have on society.

This ability brings many benefits to Liang Shicheng, especially for the convenience of recruiting better talents. In fact, as long as the [differentiation] value can reach 0.00001 or more, it is already different from ordinary people and shows good in work. which performed.

However, Liang Shicheng looked around and saw that every [differentiation] attribute value that he saw was abnormally low. I am afraid that there would be no superiors in such a small town.

Outside of work, people in small towns like to sit together in a group, either playing cards or chatting, or watching TV in the open air.

Maogang is a small town with unsophisticated life and simple folk customs. Relying on the natural resources of the sea, you can have no worries about food and clothing, but the attitude of most people in this war-prone place is to sit and eat and wait for death. The real meaning Three days of fishing, two days of drying the net.

At the same time, the land outside the town is actually much more fertile than in the country. Even if you don’t care about planting seeds, it will take a few months to grow bigger fruits than in the country. No one wants to plant this kind of land.

Just as Liang Shicheng was still complaining in his heart, suddenly an unusual figure appeared in his eyes.

This person is Tachibana Bell, and what caught Liang Shicheng's attention was not only her sweet appearance, but also the attribute value on top of her head, [differentiation] 0.0315!

"so tall!?"

After seeing Tachibana's attribute value, Liang Shicheng's first reaction was to feel that he had read it wrong, perhaps because he had read a few zeros wrong, and tried to keep his eyes open to reconfirm.

She does not look like an ordinary person, but 0.0315 is too high.

At this moment, Li Hualing just passed Liang Shicheng, because when a person is walking, the attribute value on the top of the head not only moves more, but also up and down, making it more unclear.

Without thinking, Liang Shicheng picked up the half-drinked Coke bottle, and ran quickly in the direction that Li Hualing was walking. After a while, the two of them drove side by side. Liang Shicheng took this opportunity to get closer and closer. Looked at the row of attribute values ​​on the head of Tachibana bell.

Tachibana also found out the stranger next to her early.

Originally, the most worrying thing before entering the town was being noticed by other people, so I took pains, but I didn't expect to be followed all the way by one person in the end.

Even if there was endless depression in Tachibana's heart at this moment, she could only keep her expressions, but she didn't dislike Liang Shicheng, she had other things on her mind now.

Obviously disguised so well, what's wrong with this?

Tachibana's eyes noticed the small hairpin next to his forehead. It was previously prepared to prevent long hair from interfering with work. Now after cutting short hair, it really doesn't need it. Perhaps this is a bit flawed.

However, it is obvious that ordinary people's thinking will not be so meticulous, and Liang Shicheng did not follow her because of this.

Suddenly Tachibana stopped, Liang Shicheng walked up to her because he was a bit slow.

Then Tachibana greeted Liang Shicheng very politely.

"Is there a problem?"

At this moment, the two stopped at the same time, Liang Shicheng stared at each other regardless of the image, and the attribute value on the top of Tachibana's head was very clearly displayed in front of Liang Shicheng.

[Differentiation] 0.0315 is indeed so much, not a few more zeros.

This is more than three times that of Liang Shicheng himself, and he is also the person with the highest value that Liang Shicheng has ever seen in his life, in other words the person with the highest potential. Faced with this situation, Liang Shicheng's mouth half-opened, showing surprise. Emoji.

Thousands of thoughts immediately filled Liang Shicheng's brain. A person with such a high potential must be an expert in scientific research based on experience.

It can be said that I only look at you in the crowd and never forget it again...

In these few seconds, Liang Shicheng looked at Tachibana Ling in the crowd, and even thought about where to build her laboratory and what decoration materials to use in the laboratory.

Tachibana noticed that Liang Shicheng's eyes were facing upwards, so he determined that he was looking at the hairpin on his forehead, and blamed himself in his heart. Is this short hair allotment card just like that?

Obviously the two people's thinking directions are not on the same channel.

Tachibana didn’t want to waste any more time here and attract more people’s attention. She just wanted to find the bus to the big city earlier, so Tachibana made up a reason.

"Excuse me, I seemed to accidentally hit your arm just now. As an apology, this issuance card will be given to you. Go back and take a look..."

Tachibana took off the hairpin and handed it over. Liang Shicheng didn't respond and instinctively caught it. When he recovered, Tachibana ran at a small pace and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

Looking at the issuance of the card in his hand, Liang Shicheng reflected on his behavior at this moment. Are all the things I did just now that people do.