In the end, the price for the True Dragon King leather armor produced by Olvo Gilden, known as the famous artisan...

I got a cheap price of 800 gold coins for a set of Lew and Fran's things.

If you ask Marco, they usually charge twice as much lightly…

The conditions for bringing in the material were, of course, significant, but with the mouthfeel of Fran, Countess Dumaille of the Chamber of Commerce.

Lew bought a lot of clothes, so the Chamber of Commerce gave in.

Although Fran's instructions......

He also bought two new coats (robes), two second-hand clothes, and three new and four second-hand clothes for the civilian population.

I didn't just stay in clothes, I also bought felt hats, leather belts, pointed toe shoes, etc. and paid a lot of money that combined to 300 gold coins and 1,100 conveniences.

That much familiarity was needed to live and go as a temporary teacher at the School of Magic Women in this King's Capital.

The new product is naturally custom-made and requires 4 weeks for leather armor, 12 days for robes and 5 days for brio tailoring.

As for the delivery, it was to be delivered to Count Dumaire's residence as soon as it was finished, except for leather armor.

Only leather armor is produced by Orvo, by the way, but the coat (robe) and brio are tailored by Elda.

Thus, there are 1,700 pieces of gold left over from Adelaide.

Later it was Luu who said he wanted an affordable sword...

Here again, Fran offered to let me buy it as a thank you for the leather armor.

As a big name, it's in the name of the expenses necessary to protect myself, my husband.

He wants to change the clothes he's wearing now, before he buys a sword.

Fran, who laughed bitterly, stopped trying to take off his clothes on the spot.

He seems to feel tough about his aristocratic clothes, and he really doesn't like them.

I had Marco set up a separate room for me to get dressed...

While second-hand, Fran exhaled "ho" when he returned wearing a bright green brio.

Because Luu wore the bullio for the first time in a perfect way.

"I'm sorry for Francisca's brother, but this one suits me better"

It was a luau with a clear face...

The clothes I had worn before were punished by the bracelet of storage at the behest of Fran.

The clothes worn by others, her brother won't wear them anyway.

Because if we keep this up, we'll have to throw it away.

"I don't have any body"...

Fran is fine, he is a shitty man.

While doing so, Orvo brought his sword.

It is a total of four, wielding his own sword and a second-hand sword carried by adventurers.

After hearing Luu's wishes first, Claymore and other large swords were omitted from the candidate, so only small to medium sized swords were brought in.

"Come on, Luu! In the meantime, pick one of these."

Lew carefully identifies the four swords carried over the moving exhibition deck.

First of all, Scramasaks......

Originally known as Sachs, it is known as a large-eyed combat knife.

Normally, it is about 30 cm long, but a sword with more than 70 cm long body is said to be Scramasax.

Features a sharp single blade with straight peaks and a very sharp blade tip.

Next up is the Damascus Sword.

This is made of Damascus steel, a tough steel with a wooden pattern.

This sword is most often called by the name of the material.

This time, the original design of Orvo, including the shape of the body, is close to the scramasax of the front.

And bazellard......

A double-edged sword, but one thing or another classified as a dagger.

However, it appeared to be specially ordered, and was made as a sword with a slightly longer body.

Slash, assault. User-friendly for any attack, he said.

Orvo maintains what the adventurer discovered from the labyrinth.

Finally, Baydana.

This is something that has originally been used among peasants, usually like a pigeon.

Orvo maintained the general purpose so that it could be used as a more convertible weapon.

A single-edged sword, characterised by its ease of handling by everyone.

Looking at the four, Lew instantly took the Damascus Sword.

Let the people around you back down so there's no danger, and make a few bareback gestures.

Fran is new to seeing Lew use the sword, but not uncomfortable at all.

The figure of Lou waving his sword with his flowing body was like a dancer dancing with a sword.

"Yeah! This is it, Orvo"

"The stuff I brought this time is relatively plain... but I guess that's the most annoying sword. It seems to go well with you, too."

I was listening to you two talking, Fran...

He seems to be asking Marco how much the sword will cost.

As Marco whispered softly to Fran, "The amount is fine," Fran nodded silently.


Meanwhile, this is another reception room at the Kingsley Chamber of Commerce......

"You can't stay like this..."

"It sure sucks."

Two girls are looking at each other.

But you can't just run away like this.

Anyway, they're famous for their hard work.

Because we are acting principal of the School of Magic Girls.

and then.

Door to be knocked "Tong Tong".

They shook their bodies.

"Excuse me."

The voice that resonates in the room as the voice of my mother, Adelaide, is a tense voice.

"Oh, not Olga to Michelle if you think of someone, good day to you"

Good afternoon, Principal.

"Good day, Doctor..."

"Sorry to keep you both waiting."

Seeing Fran smiling, the two are even more stunned.

There's no way this kind of attentive dialogue can come up on Principal Francisca Dumaille's behalf that they know about.

In fact, Fran was always heartless, including in class.

Only when you argue with evil people who don't debate things in a busy way and try to override them with power, age, gender, etc.

... so the nickname given to the students is [Iron Mask].

That's now, instead of the iron mask...

The girls were bewildered by Fran, who smiled gently like the Virgin Mary.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce you to my attendant and this new teacher to the school. Dr. Lew Brandell."

"I'm Lou, Lou Brandell. Nice to meet you."

"Ha, yes! My name is Michelle Estre. It's two years of school."

"Wow, I'm Olga Flavigny as well...... Oh, those us... what happens now?

It's not a sin or anything that Michelle and Olga tailed Lu and the others.

Generally speaking, however, even if it was not a sin, it was an ethically derivative issue at the School of Magic Women.

Try to peek into someone else's private life later.

Find out what kind of shopping to do.

As a policy of the School of Magic Girls trying to raise an exemplary lady of women...

These actions are a serious act on the lady and, if discovered, naturally constitute a violation of the school rules.

At least be very careful with the girls, because if they were bad, they would definitely be suspended.

"Are we worried?... well, it's better than not being interested in your students... if you do the same thing again, I won't forgive you next time, okay?

You won't forgive me next time?

What's next?

Maybe I don't blame you?


Such an idiot!?

The girls looked at each other.

You must have turned your mind around.

Olga asks terribly.

"Shh, Doctor... What's next, really... is it true?

"Hehe, you suspect. True, or... do you want to be suspended so badly?

"No eh! I don't like suspension. But..."

Olga still can't seem to grasp Fran's sincerity.

It is entirely Olga's obsession to know why it is not punishable.

"Think for yourself from there on out. But I want you to reflect on this one."

Curiosity kills cats...

Even if he intends to play, curiosity without vision can destroy him.

Once again, Fran taught the two firmly.