"Ugh... Master Lew, may I call you?

Moral stretched his silver platinum hair to his shoulders and had a beautiful face.

At first glance, it is like a human girl.

Is he about 15 years old......

But unnaturally bright red eyes and lips......

And bright white skin with no fury at all......

As soon as anyone saw it, it was a demonic appearance.

Moral sounded amused when he noticed Fran and Adelaide.

"Oh, what is your relationship with Master Lew?

"Moral, these people are inside me now.

"Kukuku," replied Moral, listening to Luu in place of the Frans, laughing small.

"If it is in Master Lu's body, it is also in mine. Hehe... and the magic that looks delicious (odd)..."

The red eyes staring at Fran and Adelaide become "soaked" and thin.

Flamboyant Fran......

It's like being taken in as' bait 'by a' predator 'moral.

"Moral, keep it around there. And change the way you talk! Mr. Adelaide, Fran, I'm sorry."

Lew admonishes Moral and apologizes to Frans.

Moral, who saw the Lord Luu apologize, slightly frowned.

It would have been unexpected for Lew to bow his head for himself.


"Then I'll introduce you again. Moral is called a vampire in an alley, but he's a spiritual dreamer."


Spiritual dreamer......

Listening to Lou's words, Fran stared at Moral.

Just like earlier, it's like being taken in...

I can see chills running on my body.

I'm scared when they say it again!

But it has a luw.

I... I'm fine.

When Fran told herself so, she swallowed a saliva.

When Lew looks at him, now Moral opens his mouth.

"Yes! Let me start by explaining the blood sucking. In the first place, the reason why vampires breathe blood is to take the magic (odds) contained in blood directly into their own bodies."

Fran was surprised to hear how Moral spoke.

Because the tone has completely changed.


How could you!?

"Blood contains... magic"

Fran was surprised by the transformation of the moral, as well as accidentally speaking.

She grew more and more interested in this girl called Moral.

"Yes... vampires do not have the same physical mechanism as humans and cannot take in the magic (mana) in the atmosphere and convert it into magic (odd) in their bodies. So they take in magic (odds) directly through the blood from all sorts of prey."

"Ugh," Moral exhaled.

There was no arrogant and intimidating attitude earlier.

"When it comes to vampires, you usually think of vampires."

Between Fran's eyebrows, a big wrinkle leans over her.

Apparently, I imagined a vampire sucking blood, an abomination.

Moral took a glimpse of Fran and continued his conversation with a bitter smile.

"I... am not like a normal vampire. He's a spiritual dreamer, and he doesn't need to get magic (Odd) from human blood."


"But I must not live without magic. So we extract magic and feed it in a way that is not a blood sucker."

Not like vampires in general!?

Drain the magic?


Fran was unexpectedly asking moral questions.

The Wizard's quest worked, which could be called a Mother Adelaide concession.

At some point Fran was drawn to the moral story.

"What are you going to do about removing magic?

"Let me show you, this is what we do!

Moral replied and Fran saw an incredible sight.

"Master Lu!

Moral in a sweet tone, he calls out Luu's name and reaches out.

In front of Fran, he held Lu's hand tightly, as if to show it off.

And while I hold Luu's hand tightly...

With his own hand, he took it over Lew's heart.

Even Fran can see it.

It was an act of rapprochement that has been repeated many times already.


Fran was screaming at that moment, too.

He was screaming louder than moral.

Fran felt intensely jealous of Moral.

"Ugh... Master Francisca, do you know where the best magic is?


"Answer Ha, the magic in the heart..."


"I always put my hand on Master Lew's heart and get the darkest magic."


Moral provocative words.

In contrast, Fran is throwing a sharp gaze.

It was an unprecedented resentment that Fran himself had never felt before.

"Oh... that's a terrific kill. Dear Francisca,"

"Yep... I want to kill you"

In response to a teasing moral voice, Fran replied with a utterly unchallenged voice.

and then.

I couldn't help but let go of the hand that Lew was connected to.


He gave a small shout, and Moral squeezed his released hand.

For the time being, it was a flattering moral...

It seems that he understood that he had been admonished by the Lord's Lou.

He turned to Fran lightly and lowered his head deeply.

"I made fun of you a little too much...... I apologize. Sorry, sir."


"Again, Lady Francisca. Please understand."


"As long as I have magic… Unlike the inferior vampires, I don't fang nasty, and I can live normal during the day."

Earlier, provocative attitudes appear to be lies.

Moral also had a much smaller voice and eventually dropped...

"I am the faithful subordination of Master Lu... merely a lowlife. … it's just… that's all…"

I've heard Moral say it and Fran has felt it.

This demon child... maybe with me.

How could you?

Lew and I don't know if it's a 'relationship like this'...

This girl... the moral...

I definitely love Luu.

I love you deeply and deeply...

And Fran had something to understand.

Lew is kind to this daughter named Moral, and I'm sure she does take care of it.

But it's not love, it's affection.

"Lew! I got it."

By my side, I've been listening to Adelaide...

All of a sudden he replied out loud to Luu and was nodding.

Fran wondered what my mother understood.

Adelaide laughs and asks Fran.

"If Lew says he's responsible, we don't mind. Hey, Fran?

"Huh? Yeah... Ugh, yeah..."

In response to Adelaide, Fran nodded hesitantly.


To such a franc, Adelaide's sharp voice flies.

"Here, Fran! Have you forgotten your vows?


Oh, well...

I want Lou's affection.

I'm with this girl!

I don't just want 'love', I want 'love' by Luu.

That's right!

I'm making up my mind!

Luu's, accepting 'everything'!

"Yeah, moral. We accept you. Nice to meet you."

Fran said that, to Moral, he offered his right hand with momentum.

Moral also offers his right hand with a snack.

The moral hand offered was small and when Fran gripped it was very cold...

"... Oh, thank you..."

Moral smiles pitifully, squealing in a voice that seems to disappear.

Fran's bright red eyes are filled with warm things he has never seen before.


When Moral received his magic from Lew in the same way as he had done earlier, he went back to the other world, where he was.


After Moral returned to the other world,

Her birth, revealed, was shocking.

"... Moral's parents are normal people."

Luu groaned pompously and started talking a little bit.

Fran was stunned and staring at Luu.

Adelaide also looked like she was thinking of something, keeping her eyes closed.

Fran will think again.

Demons come from humans?

But you said parents, why?

She's the half demon or something...

If only one parent is a demon or something, I know...

Moral is a dreamer named Mora.

According to Lou, Maura is born suddenly from human parents.

Moral had been told by my mother.

He said he looked like a normal baby at birth but didn't drink his mother's milk at all.

He put his hand over his mother's heart and said he was absorbing magic.

Her mother, who was a wizard of such morality, soon realized she was a demon...

My beloved son, the late, even hid it.

But one day, I was discovered by my father.

The code of the village results in the deportation of Moral mother and daughter.

That Moral's mother left herself to the frightening demon and that Moral was born...

It was from a hell of a wet coat.

Mother and daughter lived in the back of the deep woods for a while.

But my mother is invaded by a disease, and she leaves the world sadly.

The morals left are all alone...

To capture the small animal, he inhaled the magic and managed to live.

But there is absolutely not enough magic for a moral that grows daily as a dreamer Mora to live.

Finally, because of hunger, he fell in the woods.

That's when...

With his mentor Schulvestel, Luu happened to discover Moral.

Naturally, Schlvestel forced me to make what could be considered the ultimate choice.

Abandon or kill...

But Lew didn't choose either option.

I don't care how many times I've heard explanations about what kind of demon Mora is, and the abominable existence...

When Luu helps Mo Ral, he insists on being stubborn.

He gave himself magic to help.

That was eight years ago...

Since then, Moral has faithfully followed Luu as a squire.

Since I have fully awakened as a dreamer Mora, I have usually lived in different worlds.

Listen to Luu...

Fran now knows how Moral feels about Lu.

Moral, saved his life, began to love Lew.

With me.

That, too, has been saved for eight years...

The time spent is much longer than mine.

Morals will be hard for that...

Because he hides deep love and even serves Luu.

And even if you're a moral hit with jealousy...

To Fran's feelings, you must have noticed love.

To Fran, who thinks it's hard, I hear Lou.

"Mr. Adelaide, Fran...... thank you. You accept the moral."

Lew bowed his head deeply with a merciful look.

Seeing Luu like that, Fran thinks again.

Eight years ago, the exact same word...

Lew must have told Master Shrvestel.


Such a sweet lu...

"I like it from the bottom of my heart! I was realizing."