Count Calvin Ryan Mansion Room, 6pm......

Cindy and Emily's weird pan (softie) wrestling is also unwrapped, and everyone breaks it all at once and the story is exciting.

It was hardly unusual for Ryan and his wife to rejoice.

He declared that his beloved son Jonathan would be as successful as he had been before and that he would serve as a knight.

Besides, it's all the more flattering because you brought back such a cute 'girlfriend'.

Sometimes Bert Creed, the ancestor of the Valentine's kingdom, was a civilian, and both Calvin and Cindy accepted Emily as noble fiancées.

But Jonathan has one determination he hasn't told his parents.

That's something you have to tell people, including your parents.

"It's time for customers, Count Ryan, Dr. Cindy"

Says Luu with a gentle smile.

"Huh? Who, Lou?" "Mr. Lou, that's..."

The two look suspicious.

That's when the family order knocked on the door again.

"I see Master Albert."

"What, my father? Your father-in-law?

Lew's "customer" is Albert Ryan, Calvin's father.

"Why all of a sudden? Is that at this hour, too?

"Count, Jonathan has something to tell you once again."

Lew told a new fact to the Earl with a faceless expression.

"Oh, you still have it?" "Mr. Lew."

Calvin and Cindy are anxious to talk again, including Albert.

- Eventually Albert, guided by a family order, arrives in his room.

Albert was old enough to reach the age of 80, but he was an old man.

"My grandfather, you've been here a lot. Thank you for your continued guidance as a knight to this Jonathan."

Albert was in a good mood because Jonathan immediately greeted him clearly, but when he saw Lu and his grandchildren in addition to his son and his wife, he correctly greeted them with his residence.

"This is the first time I've seen this. I'm Albert Ryan. He's an ex-count and a knight. I wonder how you all relate to home."

"Nice to meet you, Dear Albert, my name is Lou Brandell. Cindy, your wife's junior and teacher at the School of Magic Women."

"Dear Albert, I am Moral. I'm Lew's wife and squire."

Albert broke his face in response to Lew and Moral's greeting.

"So long as it's done, are you the junior daughter-in-law and his wife? Is that... is that daughter a pupil of a daughter-in-law?

Albert's gaze is directed at Emily.

Right here!

Jonathan stepped forward and stood in front of Albert.

Albert's face tightens to his grandson's unexpected behavior.

"Grandfather! Her name is Emily Bacchus. This is the woman I'd like to welcome as my wife."

Jonathan's loud voice echoes into the room.

There is silence in the room.

Eventually it was Albert who opened his mouth.

"Jonathan, my grandson. You know you're noble."

Albert's voice is turning into a heavily harsh tone.

"Yes, Grandfather"

Albert stares at his grandson with a sharp eye, but Jonathan's condition remains unchanged.

"From what I've seen, with all due respect, the daughter is not a civilian. Then the sound of the alley will be annoying too. As the heir to the Count Ryan family, you don't think it's your role to marry a patriarchal daughter who deserves to be in the family and have a good child to survive the house?

"I know it's never happened, but I don't think that's all."

Albert's mouth angle rises slightly to his grandson's unexpected counterattack, which he thought would pull back immediately.

"Hmm, then state your thoughts."

Here Cindy advised me to sit with her and ordered the family order to bring new tea.

"I fought hundreds of goblins in her hometown of Maple Village last night. And they joined forces with the villagers to repel them."

Albert was surprised by what his grandson said.

Hundreds of goblins are difficult opponents even for a team of tough knights.

"Hey, what!? Calvin, is that true?

"It's a fact, Father. Jonathan happened to encounter the incident on his way to an outdoor internship, which helped save Maple Village. These are the two people who helped me then."

Once again surprised by Calvin's story, Albert looked seriously at his grandson's face before staring at the Lews as well.

"Grandfather, we'll keep talking."

Encouraged by Jonathan, Albert turned to his grandson again.

"I have a good idea of how the working people who support this country live in a harsh environment. And when I look at the village, it can't be that this country is safe without their support, and how those who should fight forsake them and renounce their duty to defend them - I've never been ashamed to live surrounded by the safe walls of the King's capital."

Albert listens to his grandson in silence.

"I will be a knight, a knight who protects this country. It's just not a knight protecting this king's capital. I want to be a knight who protects that Maple Village and do my part as a fighter."

"What if you do that and your father disagrees? I might take care of you."

Albert tells Jonathan with an awesome look, but he still didn't change his grandson's look.

"I had no choice then. Make an effort to go to school on your own first. So if you can't, Emily's father seems to be a famous warrior, so he learns martial arts in the village and becomes a villager."

"Um, you're good with that, but what happens to my father and my mother? Besides, what do you got for me?

"Before your grandfather was here, your father and mother had an understanding of the marriage. We will discuss the future if necessary. And the inheritance..."

Jonathan stared at Emily.

Unexpectedly, Emily smiles slightly.

"She'll have two boys."

Emily turned bright red and lowered her face when she heard Jonathan's words, but replied with a small voice saying yes.

Then again, silence dominates the room.

Now the Ryans seem to be in shock too.

I would not have thought my son would offer to work in the region.

But it was surprisingly Albert who was convinced of Jonathan's story as soon as possible.

"That's right! After all, our family is a family of warriors who draw the blood of the hero Lord Bertcreed, albeit from the sidelines. You will surely be a knight far more than your father or your father. Thanks to the blood of my wife."

Albert looks perfectly impressed with his grandson's solid thoughts.

And when he called Emily's name, he asked her a question.

"You said Emily Bacchus, but what if Darren Bacchus was inside?

I didn't know the name of Darren Bacchus, the master of that 'Hero Pavilion', would suddenly come out of the mouth of this old man...

Lew was a little surprised.

And he reconsidered the connection named Bacchus.

"Yes! Dear Albert, my grandfather's brother... is a great uncle."

"Oh, my God! This is! This!"

Albert yelling out loud all of a sudden.

Everyone is surprised by Albert like that.

"What a roundabout of fate. I used to go to many battlefields with Archduke Edmond Dumaire. Your great-uncle, Darren Bacchus, who was known as the Vajra Ghost, saved my life many times then. How dare you welcome him to my Ryan family as my granddaughter?"

Albert has tears in his eyes.

"He's still single. I didn't think I'd have such a lovely body... but come on Emily, if your great-uncle wasn't here, my son and grandson wouldn't be in the world."

Emily was perplexed for a moment when she saw the stubborn old man tearing his face and spreading his hands, but when Jonathan prompted her, she jumped into its chest thoughtfully.