Helper teacher of magic girls' school

Episode 230: The Promise, and Proclamation of Lilya

Magic Girls School Research Building In Lew Brandell Laboratory, 3pm......

After finishing their shopping at the Kingsley Chamber of Commerce, Luu and Lilya entered an invisible alley and returned to Luu's mansion with metastatic magic.

He then returned to Lew's lab just as he changed into his original clothes at the mansion.

By way of example Lilya was a tranced look held by a princess, and she swelled her cheeks wide to find out she had to get off Luu's arm about the lab.

After pinching the waste for a while, Lilya came down reluctantly with a disgruntled face, but immediately fixes her mood and asks questions against Luu.

"I was taught the finesse of men and women by Blanca. I heard that according to her, no matter how gentlemanly the hall, when you're alone, you're more likely to transform into a wolf... but Dr. Lew won't be a wolf."

Luu laughed bitterly when he heard that.

I just thought it might be unusual for me not to be.

"If we're going to be alone, it's perfectly fine if we allow each other to marry, and if we give up a hundred steps and are lovers to each other, it's not all right. If not, I was taught to avoid them unless they were trustworthy."

But today... Lilya tilts her neck.

"I kissed him, I held him all the time...... just from me, is this a mundane and ineligible act as a lady, as Chairman Adelaide put it?

Luu slowly shook his neck to the side when he heard Lilya's words.

Lilya looks a little sad when she sees it.

"So, the menstrual phenomenon of men was also taught by Blanca. Working for women who don't love the desire to hold a woman... but Dr. Lew didn't even show me how to hold me. Am I that unattractive as a woman?

Lilya is going to cry now.

Lew whispers in his ear as he holds Lilya in silence.

"Conditional, but remember I promised to marry you?

Lilya nodded "Yes" as she stared straight at Luu's face.

"Even though I'm a man who doesn't deserve to love you, I said you don't mind loving me. I don't care if I have another wife. I can't do this like not accepting a great woman who is ready and seriously loves me. Besides, you're a beautiful, intelligent, sweet woman, and I like you like that. So just as well, I'll embrace all of you."

Lilya is crying over Luu's hot words.

"Me...... happy! As I said before, no man I love can think of anything other than you. I beg you, I promise I will keep my word. Such an unhappy daughter, but let me accompany you."

Lew held her tight as if to respond to Lilya's pleading words, and he kissed her many times.


Magic Women's School Board of Directors Office, 3: 30pm......

Lew and Lilya are in the office of the president for today's report.

Adelaide and Fran sit face-to-face with the two, just like in the morning.

Lilya now doesn't give Luu a mild hug like she did in the morning.

It is so full of grandeur and confidence that it even makes you feel spared.

Adelaide and Fran realize something happened with the women-specific inquiry, but they don't try to question the boulders.

Adelaide, in particular, is not of the same quality as Lilya, but has a demonic eye.

I was clearly aware that Lilya's magic wave was completely different from that of the morning.

"Now, Dr. Lew, please report what you did with Lilya today."

"Yes, report"

After studying himself in the lab, Luu went to Wangdu's Central Square for lunch.

And I went to the Kingsley Chamber of Commerce and reported that I bought a silver pentagram.

He added that it was not just a sightseeing amusement mountain, but that he had briefly taught Lilya, who had lived as a royal family, how to distribute money, goods and things.

This is where Lilya talks about the money and what Luu has protected her from.

"Yes, I also learned that things are going around brokering money. And I learned how to deal with it when you were attacked by a thug."

"A thug!?

Lew nodded that he had no problem when Fran asked in surprise.

He explained that three adventure-style youths were told to give Lilya to him on his way to the Kingsley Chamber of Commerce after a meal, not for political purposes.

I'm not worried at all because it's Luu I was with if you try it on Fran.

"So... it's about Dr. Lew, so it's easy to put on the magic of sleep and oblivion."

Lew scratched his head in the light as Fran meditated one eye with a pranky look.

"After all, Dr. Francisca has a good understanding of Dr. Lew."

Now Fran stunned when Lilya said so.

Lew looked to Lilya.

This is something that the two of us discussed before coming to the president's office.

"Actually, we still have a report on Lilya. It's about her qualities and abilities."

Luu starts talking when Lilya nods slowly.

The fact that Lilya is a Multiple Attribute Magic User (Multiple Pull) with Wind, Water, and Soil attributes, and she has experience activating Wind Wall, a wind defense magic.

I just decided to lay low for now with regard to the demonic eye.

Because of this, Adelaide also has a demonic eye, but has barely revealed the fact.

It was agreed with Lilya that only those who need to be told sooner or later should be told by Lew working out.

But just because she was a multi-attribute magic user (multi-pull) with wind, water, and earth attributes, Adelaide held her head about what to do now.

Because when she grows up as a wizard, it is decided to talk to her husband about the proper royalty to retain her in the Valentine's Kingdom.

3 Though a woman, naturally Boris Alefyev, the father king, will oppose it fiercely.

Then both countries must be able to rub again.

It is then.

I let go as if I could see Adelaide's thoughts and not worry about Lilya.

"First I only activate the magic of the wind, then seal it"


Adelaide couldn't believe what Lilya said.

I can't believe the wizard seals his own talent overflowing!

"I, magic training and training other than wind attributes will continue in the shadows. Never put it on the table. And two years later, I will graduate from this School of Magic Women and return to Rodonia once. I'll be back in St. Helena when I've contributed to the country for a while, and I won't be royal anymore."

I just had a specific appointment, and I'm going back to this St. Helena, abandoning my status as a royalty?

"Yes. I am trying to persuade my father to come back here and naturalize. Because in exchange for that, we will contribute to the country."

This child... why, naturalized... no way!

"Yes, that's not true. That's what I, Lilya Alefyev, promised to do to marry Dr. Lew. Absolutely, that's how it works."

As always, Adelaide and Fran lost their words to Lilya, who said clearly to get ahead of Adelaide's ideas, with the expression "after all".