Helper teacher of magic girls' school

Episode 273: Applying for Exams

Magic Women's School Board of Directors Office, Tuesday, 12 p.m.......

"Bye, mother. Thank you very much."

I grinned as Fran lowered her head against Adelaide.

"Hehe, I'll take care of it. Why don't we just attach Lew to a commercial guild and get him tested by a magic connoisseur?

"You're right, Mother. There will be two conveniences at 1: 00 and 3: 00 in the afternoon, so please go in time."

Today Luu was supposed to go to take the Magic Appraiser exam, which is a national qualification, without letting in an afternoon class.

Recently, I spoke to Nellie Barenier, a friend of my colleague teacher Adriane Collett, who also decided to take the exam as a backup, because I was advised that it was better to possess a qualification during a specialty magic prop study class at the School of Magic Women.

Adelaide agreed with Lew when he offered to do a weekday class and take the exam.

For convenience, I thought it would be much better for the School of Magic Girls if I were qualified.

Here Adelaide made an unexpected suggestion.

He raised his hand that he wanted to accompany him when he took the exam.

"Mother... Aren't you busy with your business?

"Hehe, unless you're talking about this. Unlike you, my wife, I hardly see the magic of Lou. Appraisal magic, right?

When they say this, Fran also has no words to return it.

Conversely, Lou says we have something to talk about.

"What's the story?

Unexpectedly Ask Adelaide.

"It's about Georges. What he's after is actually a magic connoisseur, too. As far as I can tell, he's definitely talented."

"What, really!?

Adelaide had been told by her son, Georges, that he was striving for a one-man wizard, but had not been told what he was studying.

Recently, Luu became busy and less frequently received a professor to learn his own training tricks and methods, but as usual, this boy, who falls under Luu's brother-in-law, was working hard.

"But if I were a magic connoisseur, I would have qualified for A, and you could have asked me..."

Seems a little dissatisfied with Adelaide that my real son barely talked to himself.

A smiling Fran teaches such a mother.

"Georges wanted to surprise her mother that she wanted to put on her husband's face, who found herself. Isn't there something good about being strong?

Adelaide seems to have finally convinced herself that Fran, who recently reviewed her brother and watched her calmly, would say that.

"Right...... that kid is also climbing the stairs to adults step by step away from me. I miss you a little... but I don't know what else to do."

The side of Adelaide who shrugged seemed a little lonely, as he put it.


During the carriage dedicated to the Dumailles, at 12: 20 pm…

Lew and Adelaide are left behind in a carriage to the commercial guild after the School of Magic Women.

When he got into the carriage, Adelaide asked Luu about his son's root digging and leaf digging.

"Thank God... the Kingsley Chamber of Commerce is working with us in the sense that we're going to do this in action"

"Yeah, he asked me to do a quick product appraisal the first time he went shopping with me, but since then, Georges has asked me to do some field training for at least a few hours a day."

"Yes... you haven't come to my house lately because of the scratch... but that's how enthusiastic she is... I'm glad..."

Field training at the Kingsley Chamber of Commerce to fix appraisal magic and most of the weekend was taken by them when Lew allotted time to get a professor, and they stopped showing too much face to my parents' mother, Adelaide.

Lew knew there was another reason, but he kept his mouth shut on Adelaide.

That's what Georges said about "her."

He didn't say the name of the specific opponent in person, so Lew wouldn't go any further, but it was also Georges' cliche that he would work hard for the person, and Lew was sending Yale to work hard.

"Well, I'll have to buy you a lot more from Marco for thanking you."

Lew was pulled back from his thoughts by Adelaide's whining.

Lu nodded softly and smiled gently toward Adelaide.

Ten minutes later - the carriage was sidelined in front of a commercial guild.

And it came to pass, when he went down first, and opened the door, that Adelaide went down first, and Lu went down.

"Right... it's about 5pm to run errands here, so could you pick me up again?

"Yes, ma'am."

Adelaide, who ordered the truthful old man who seemed to be working for many years, quickly went inside the commercial guild when he urged Luu.

Lew looks around as if the commercial guild he sees for the first time is rare.

The commercial guild of the Kingdom of Valentine was in the medieval western society of the planet. The guild and character are close but more massive.

Good as a trade union, this organization was also an organization that oversees and manages those who seek to start commerce on the streets of this King's Capital that must deliver.

Conversely, people who set up shops in backstreets, slums, etc. were recognized by citizens as unknown and illegitimate.

However, what is decidedly different from Earth's guild is that it does not participate directly in politics.

We will not launch a policy just because we are unhappy with the operation of this king's capital.

That said, the guild chief had great authority in this king's capital, dividing up almost all of the commerce in this huge city.

The guild is divided into several areas.

The place and people were divided because of the most new opening and delivery of discontinued business.

There are also small and large unions for each industry and division, so those who open new stores are strictly instructed to reconcile with each other.

or thorough guidance on tax payments.

Prime Minister Philip is not allowed to scorn this organization, which ensures a valuable source of income for the royal family, nor is he allowed to meet if there is hope.

There are about two other important tasks in the operation of the Alliance besides what I just gave you.

Both work closely with the Adventurer Alliance.

One is the management and training of magic connoisseurs who identify value, a very important talent for both guilds.

The other is an auction operation in which the owner's absent goods and current owners are sold to make a profit, which was thus appraised.

Unlike the Adventurer Guild, which makes enormous profits by collecting about 5% -10% of the commission, for a commercial guild that does not take dues from union members, the profit out of this auction is the only source of funding for guild management.

"Right here!

Adelaide guided me to the magic appraiser's exam venue.

There were plenty of desks lined up in a spacious room that was about three times the size of the Magic Girls School classroom usually used for the auction venue.

The students who took their seats earlier are eagerly loading the reference books.

The 1pm exam is a B-grade exam.

Adelaide hung up and Lew was exempt from the C test.

"Well, good luck with that. I'm in the Guild Commander's office."

Apparently, Adelaide and the head of the commercial guild were friends of the old knowledge.

As Adelaide waved away, Lew sat in an empty seat and waited until the test time came.