Helper teacher of magic girls' school

Episode 341: Courage to Step Out

Lilya, Olerie, and Josephine came where Blanca leaned down in tears.

Behind it comes Count Gerard Galois softly.

"Ah, if you're my husband! Why are you making Blanca cry?

I'm surprised Blanca's in tears. Lilya asks Luu with a worried face.

But Blanca hastily takes it and explains what her tears mean so as not to mislead her.

"Li, Master Lilya! What, it's not. Master Lu praised you."

"I was praising you!?

I heard Luu was complimenting me, half-hearted Lilya.

But Blanca's next word was a surprise to Lilya.

"Yes! Master Lilya... must be a good wife to Master Lu!

"Ho, is that true!? Sir."

Even with the bite, he was now Lilya, who asks Luu, but his expression, which seemed anxious and worried already, is soothing.

"Oh, I was telling Mr. Blanca that Lilya, who raised me upright, would make a good wife. Just like Orelly and Jose."

These poor two wives laughed prankily at Lew's compliments along with Lilya and Olerie and Josephine as well.

"Already, sir! Your mouth has gotten better lately.

"Ha, it's true. That's what I think from my soul."

Lew grinned bitterly at the two unexpected counterattacks and scratched his head.

But Lilya seemed truly pleased.

He blinked his eyes and said clearly in his soul.

"Yes, sir! Lilya will do her best! I'll do my best! But it's only with the help of everyone, starting with Blanca, that I can work hard. I will never forget that gratitude."

"... did you hear that? Mr. Blanca. Lilya is a really good daughter. I'm happy to have her as my wife."

Lew felt more certain of himself when he heard Lilya's "Declaration," of course, and thanked Blanca.

Such feelings of Luu seem to have been firmly conveyed to Blanca.

"Master Lew! Oh, thank you! I... my service to this day has been of little help to Master Lilya."

It was Lilya who answered Blanca's question asking Luu instead.

"Blanca! Of course it's number one!

"Ah, uhh..."

Blanca cried with emotion when she heard Lilya's words of gratitude.

Lilya calms down to Blanca like that.

Blanca, I need you to listen to me.

"Ha, ha!?

"If I marry my husband... Blanca, I want you to think of your happiness too"

Blanca will lose her soul tension after she marries Luu.

If you do poorly, you can lose your life.

Lilya's words were to make it circumvent and to urge Blanca to find a new path.

Blanca herself, who was said to be happy, seems to have taken it as an unexpected word.

"My happiness?

"Yes! If you have the courage to step forward, you will be able to grasp happiness."

"Courage? Step out? Grab it?"

Looks like Blanca hasn't received the sincerity of Lilya's words yet.

Lilya re-says her words concretely again.

"Yeah, it might be an extra favor... but I want Blanca to find a nice companion too... like me"

"Me! My partner! Yeah, I'm not too young, and besides, I'm not very smart."

I heard that. Lilya has the expression "eh".

Gerrard pinches his mouth when he hears Blanca humiliate herself beside the two of them.

"Lord Blanca! What are you talking about? You are beautiful! I don't care what anyone says. Besides, honest and kind! She's a wonderful woman from my point of view."

Everyone's gaze gathered at Gerard, who shouted away.


Blanca also opens her eyes to the praise of Gerrard, who I never thought would, and is just stunned.

Gerrard pushed further against such Blanca.

"Lord Blanca... be more confident in yourself and be grand with your chest up. Because you are a woman who should be happy."

Blanca also seems to have been moved soul (by time) by Gerard's powerful, but tender, compassionate words.

"Count...... thank you! You are truly kind. I'll do my best. Master Lilya works hard, too."

"Ha!... Mr. Blanca, do you understand? Good, good!

Blanca told me she would work hard.

This brilliant beautiful woman...

Good for you!

But... what?

This is how I feel...

Gerrard laughed joyfully, while for some reason he felt vain.

- In half an hour.

Lew calls everyone in the venue to interrupt the welcome.

Finally, we're going to announce the engagement of Lulu and Lilya.

"Here's another formal report for you. Let me put one on hold. This is something you will tell us inside because you are inside. As a precaution, I will keep it strict. It should be noted that this matter has already been reported from my father, the Duke of Carpantier, and my mother, Count Dumaire, to His Highness Philip. His Highness, Philip, has spoken to you inside."

Lew looked around to say that all at once.

Why was there no problem in reporting that Lilya, the princess of the Kingdom of Rodonia, would be joining the civilian Luu?

This is an indication of Leonard and Adelaide's dedication and the size of the reported vessel of Chancellor Philip, but it will be another opportunity to dwell on that.

By the way, it seems that King Richard of Valentine, who received a report from his real brother, Chancellor Philip, showed no mercy in his eagle frying and only returned it to him as "well made fun of".


Lew calls Lilya, who had refrained from going away.

When Lilya was called and lined up beside Luu, he gently turned his hand around her luxurious shoulder.

"I, Lew Brandell and her, Lilya Alefyev, have been engaged this time. I already have six loving wives, so she will be my seventh wife. But I swear! Love and cherish Lilya as much as any other wife!

In response to Luu's words, Lilya now greets the guests.

"I, Lilya Alefyev of the Kingdom of Rodonia, have engaged him, as Luu Brandel has now told you. I'm a bummer, but from now on, I want to support him so hard. We would also like to see you get married sooner or later, so thank you for your support. And I assure you that the Kingdom of Rodonia will never cause trouble to the Kingdom of Valentine."

At the end of Lilya's greeting, Lew urged her to thank the two of us deeply.

And Fran, who saw it, and his wife, and the guests who had been invited, applauded it with great applause.


The party ends safely and each of the invitees is on their way home.

The fathers, who gave Lou their daughter as their daughter-in-law, look horny and give them a shout and resign from the mansion.

Because I found all the expressions of my daughters in the eyes of my fathers to be full of laughter and extra favors such as my father's boring worries.

My beloved daughter Josephine smiles off where Gerard leaves the room.

Gerard, who sees it, accidentally lowered his face.

"Jose... you look happy and I'm relieved."

"Father, I am very happy...... so think of 'your own happiness' too Father. I'll give you what Lilya said to Mr. Blanca earlier."

Gerard was surprised by the unexpected words from his beloved daughter, which didn't hurt to put them in his eyes.

'My happiness' … Gerard also somehow figured out what this meant.

He said it was exactly the same as Lilya told Blanca.

Gerrard has always been a bachelor for this lovely girl.

"The words Princess Lilya said..."

"Galois' father, Jose is right. And I want you to tell yourself the words that you inspired Mr. Blanca. That way, you'll know how you feel."

"Words I said? To your feelings?

"Oh, when you get home, you better think carefully"

"... ok. Jose, let's take your word for it."

Gerard nodded slowly when he and Josephine took to stare down.

- In half an hour.

Gerard Galois Mansion......

Several young guard knights escorted Gerrard back from Lew's party to the gate.

One of the knights worked a slightly tired look Gerrard.

"Bye, my lord! Good luck."

"Oh, thank you for your hard work. I'm sorry, but I need you to keep guarding me on duty."

Gerard would also have felt the care of the knight.

He tapped his shoulder lightly and expressed his appreciation for the sentiment.

As Gerard approached the door, as usual, Arnold, the family decree, was waiting.

Gerard, exhaled in relief, smiled slightly at him.

The servants in the case in question have just fired and replaced them with new servants.

I am currently using less than or equal to Arnold and about 10 people.

We're back now.

"Welcome home, sir"

As usual, it is an exchange of subordinates that has remained unchanged for decades.

"Has anything changed?

"It's always the same"

"As usual..."

Gerard laughed bitterly at the report that Arnold was as usual.

"Yes! The story of your husband's 'wish to accompany you' has arrived from various houses as usual"


"Your husband? What the hell is wrong with you?

Arnold peeks worryingly at his suddenly silent husband.

But the words Arnold worries about have not reached Gérard today.

"Right, those two! I have the courage... to behave with dignity... against him..."

Gerard nodded repeatedly as if he had decided something.