Helper teacher of magic girls' school

Episode 348: The Significance of Working

Just before 10am in Wangdu Central Square......

Lew jumped subspace with the earthly transfer magic with a pair of Fran and Gisele in the morning.

And as soon as he arrived at the magic prop store, Memoria, he began the meeting by adding Barbatos and Vine in the back room of the store.

The content of the meeting concerns the management of this store.

Once Barbatos set the opening hours, etc., it was decided to change the direction during Saturday's too unexpected boom.

First Luu opens his mouth.

"First of all, we're selling, but how about customer service using restricted entry?

"Restrictions on Entering the Store" was Luu's idea, the first crowd was able to serve customers carefully as if they were lying, and the customer waiting outside the store was hardly dissatisfied with Vine's success.

It is a wish or a fulfillment for Barbatos.

"Yes! I thought it would be very nice to take the time to recommend demon props to our customers!

"No one outside is complaining about a comfortable bench and delicious tea service."

Two people, Barbatos and Vine, have understood, so Lew next meets business days and hours.

"Then I guess the restrictions on entering the store will continue to be decided. The next thing you know is business days and business hours."

Barbatos nodded loudly when he heard about Luu.

Apparently Barbatos has an idea.

"Yes! Let me suggest this one to you. Initially I thought it would be good to take a weekly break or so...... given this sale. Right now, I'm thinking Thursday to Sunday, four days a week, and the rest of the day will be used for complete rest days or product organizing and purchasing work."

This is a significant reduction in business days.

Sounds like Barbatos where the pursuit of profits is not the biggest objective.

If you look from the side, it's too luxurious, but since it's his hope to be inconspicuous originally, this may also be a minimal concession.

Luu's hunch was that the business hours would be shortened for this minute.

"How's business hours?

"Yes! The store opens at 11am unchanged, but we will shorten the planned 6pm closing by an hour as 5pm. You closed at 4: 00 pm an hour before closing and closed at 5: 00 pm. Once a day's worth of products has been sold out before closing time, it will close without adding any items."

I didn't know customers would not sell anything if they asked for it...

It is an arrogant shop when it comes to arrogance.

"You're gonna keep your sales score down, like you did today, right?

"Ha! I wholesaled 100 items yesterday, but today it's limited to 70"

Although it is out of common sense to reduce the number of products sold even though all those products have sold, Barbatos has a natural look.

While looking at Barbatos like that, Lew offers to reschedule a person to help.

"That could close earlier than yesterday. Let's discuss again the rotation of who we will be helping each day of the week."

"Ha! Thank you"

When Barbatos replied with the same faceless expression, one favor came out of Luu here.

"One last wish for you. I'm sorry, but I'm going to use this shop of yours as a study ground for magic connoisseurs, but please."

Barbatos smiled for the first time when he heard about it just saying he understood.

"Yes! Master Lew is more of an eyewitness than I am, and Master Adelaide and Mrs. Francisca have qualified as Class A Magic Appraisers. The rest of you are talented."

To Barbatos' euphoria, Lew gives a gentle salute with a smiling expression.

"I'm sorry, it helps!

Seeing Luu like that, Barbatos, on the contrary, frightened.

Because Lew's response was more about how he treated Barbatos as a 'friend' than 'Lord'.

"Master Lew!

Lew shook his head slowly, left and right, against Barbatos, who raised an unexpected voice of surprise.


Demonic Prop Store 'Memory (Memoria)' Sunday at 10: 30 am......

At the behest of Barbatos, Gisele and Georges begin to arrange the magic props in place.

Vine had begun to organize traffic for guests already lined up with benches on the table.

But Lu and Fran are talking in the room earlier.

It's about how this store and Brandell's family get involved.

Money is also involved in this, so it is disproportionate.

"Fran... me, you, and Adelaide's mother are state officials. It is forbidden by law to do business or do another job without permission to the state. If we get permission from the state, it's gonna take a lot of time."

Fran also hammered Rue's story, agreeing.

"My husband is right. Additionally, below Gisele, the same goes for students at the School of Magic Women."

Lew smiled back when Fran gave him a slightly troubled look.

"I told Mother Adelaide what I thought. Mother was generally okay."

It seems that Lou told her something against her mother, but there's nothing at all different about Fran, who believes in her husband.

On the contrary, my mother's reaction floated behind her brain and vice versa was hilarious to her.

"It is! You must have been amused because it's about your mother, right?

"Oh, that was so funny. Then let me explain it from the beginning."


Apparently Fran was right.

When this happened, Fran wanted to hear Lu's thoughts quickly.

Seeing Fran's look like that, Lew spoke up slowly.

"It wouldn't be nice for us or Giselle to receive profits directly from this store, because the law prohibits state officials from working side jobs and students from school rules."

Yeah, you're right.

"So we get our living expenses directly from the co-owners of this store, our family members, without receiving any money."

"Co-owners? Ahhh!?

"Co-owners," they say. Fran has the face of a certain person.

"Yes. As Fran thought, for convenience Moral will become co-owner with Barbatos to run the store. We entrust Moral with the capital and she invests in Barbatos. Once the monthly distribution of profits is received by Moral."

"And Moral gave that money to my husband and me..."

"Ha, don't be like that. By the way, Moral and Alfred have also registered as full residents of this King's Capital last month. The guarantor is my mother Adelaide. Now no one will point their back finger at you."

"Ugh, that's all Alice needs. But what about Giselle and the others?

When Fran heard Giselle and the others respond, this was also promptly answered by Lew.

"I've spoken to my mother, Adelaide, and I've got Barbatos."

"On the face of it, students at the School of Magic Women volunteered to study for the practical experience and exams of magic connoisseurs at this store. Everyone's wages are one gold coin a day, but they're supposed to volunteer and give it to the poor orphanage as a donation. See, the facility where Liberto Ardini grew up, the meeting of the steel chamber (Callupus) we spoke about before. Well, apart from that, I'll make sure Moral gets the same amount and pays everyone as a penny from the money he gives me and Fran."

Fran just stunned.

Not only did Lew take Giselle and the others in the form of volunteers, but he thought that far.

When they donate their work to the orphanage, their feelings will be different again.


"If I turn this story into Barbatos, he's going to donate some of his sales to the orphanage, too. This is how the treasures of the ancient wizards, which were buried unknowingly, come in handy."

Lew laughed prankily, meditating on one eye, against Fran, who smiled touching her husband's kindness.