Helper teacher of magic girls' school

Episode 500: How Celturi Feels ②

This is a tavern (bistro), a hero pavilion in St. Helena Central Square, Wangdu......

In the back seat of the store, Luu and Kelturi Eiltvara were across the street.

Darren Bacchus stands beside him.

"I'm frightened! You brought Fran to this store on a date?

"Oh, it's not just Fran. I brought the other kids, too."

"Already! It's pathetic that girls of my age aren't a little more moody shops. Naturally, so am I."

Kelturi stares at Luu with his eyes.

But seeing her like that, Darren laughed off lavishly.

"Ha ha! Falcon would be more edible than that. I say about age in the first place, but how old the hell are you when you're an Art woman?

It is that moment.

A sharp kick was placed in Darren's tibia.


Darren hurts a lot, but it's not a lot of damage to him when he's called The Vajra Ghost.

More than that, I let go of the kick...

"Oh, Nina!

It was Nina, an employee of this shop in maid clothes, who was staring at Darren with a harsh face.

"If I already told Grandpa Darren, I'd be rude to Mr. Kelly! Just go to the kitchen, work, work!

"Wow, wow! Really, Kelly. Take your time."

The Vajra ghost thing. Darren doesn't have a head up for Nina either.

That was also proof that Darren adored a girl like this granddaughter.

"Kelly, um... I'm so sorry for your loss."

"Nina! Thanks! And you, too, for a long time!

Apparently, Celturi and Nina are familiar with each other.

The two laugh at each other without giving in.

"Nina, can I put my order in?

"Oh, Master Lew, that's good."

Luu turned to Certuri and nodded with his eyes together.

It is an eye contact that asks for whatever you like.

"Hehe, then, don't hesitate! First, the Yale Big Jock! And a large serving of fruit salad, plain omelettes, steamed birds, sautéed venison, maybe that's the place for now."

"Well, I'll also ask Yale's Big Jock for a large serving of fruit salad, grilled pork spices, and skewered birds"

"Copy that!"

Hearing Kelturi and Luu's order, Nina walked into the kitchen with a quick look on her body.

- After a while, Yale's large jock is brought in first.

"More and more food, 'cause I'm bringing it. Then take your time!"

Nina laughs and goes back to the kitchen again.

Luu and Kertuli, who have dropped her off like that, toast just fine.

"" Cheers!

A large ceramic jock was combined, making a dry noise.

Kelturi drinks hard when he puts his mouth on a big jock.

The white throat moves tightly and the jock's ale keeps decreasing.

"Pfft, yummy! I knew a daytime ale would be good."

Luu also hammered when he saw Celturi roaring satisfactorily.


Eventually, the food will be brought over and the table will be filled in no time.

"I'll take it!

Have you been appetized with ale, Certuri goes flat the dish with great momentum.

Kelturi, which looks delicious.

Lew is silently watching as he pinches the salad.

After a while, he took a sigh of relief for now. When Kertuli drank the remaining ale, he ordered (ordered) a replacement for Nina.

"Yale, take your place! With a big jock!

Lew smiles at Celturi's drinkable goodness.

"Ha ha, that way I see one done job, you feel like an adventurer"

"That's right! I've been living with it for two years."

Kelturi, who speaks clearly, but with a shadow that seems lonely in her beautiful colored eyes.

"... but it was fun when you were in the arves... especially when Master Shrvestel just brought you back."

Pompous and squeaky, Kelturi has a distant eye.

Because it was the Eiltvara sisters of Lyudia and Kelturi who took care of him since Sürvester Eiltvara protected Luu in the woods and brought him back inside the Arves.

"As I've heard before, why did Kelly leave the house?

"Doesn't matter...... if you really want to know, just read my magic wave (aura) and you'll see"

Kelturi knows that Luu is a master of Magic Wave (Aura) reading.

Lew is capable of seeing into the other person's soul.

Kelturi also knows the magic of closing his soul so that it is not read, but he dared to expose it (Sara) to Luu.

It's like you want him to know why you left the inside.

But Luu slowly shook his neck to the side.

"What! Don't you have a peek at my soul?

"Oh, I won't listen until Kelly tells me so."

"... idiot!

"Ha, yes... maybe"

"You always do!

Certuri tells him to sing.

"You were doing some work that other Arv kids didn't like and ran away from, and everyone in there thought you were stupid at first. But... you were different. If anyone was sweet and in need, they wouldn't leave you alone.... He didn't have a front or a back."

Arves are usually an exclusive species.

No matter how long Sowell, the leader, took him home, he wouldn't accept it immediately, such as a human child.

But any chores went on and did, treating everyone indivisible, and the Art Vs inside gradually recognized the gentle personality lu.

Eventually, Lou was allowed to train in magic with the children of the Art.

The terrible magical talent that Lew showed there......

Schulvestel saw that Lew had qualities beyond himself, and he worked out thoroughly.

It wasn't long from there.

Lew awoke at once that all four spirits would be blessed with the rits that Art received.

It was after Schlvester that he gained strength, besides numerous arves.

... No, I mastered magic and martial arts with more momentum than my master, Shrvestel.

My sister, Lyudia, acknowledged Lew's prowess.

My love for Luu, who was adorable, turned to respect and went.


My sister Kelturi was...... jealous.

I didn't change my feelings about Luu, but I envied Luu's ability to be adored by Shrvestel.

Years later, Kelturi did not tell everyone why, but secretly left the Art.

"I know why Kelly invited me today... I met her in Bertrand, Minmi told me."

"Yes... that girl was a pussy to you too."

Minmi Audio, a sub-master of the Bertrand Adventurers Guild.

What she told Luu was the touch of ceding Sowell's status to Luu again, which she entrusted to Ludia.

Lyudia asked me to decide if I agree or disagree with the user demon that sent me, but I haven't responded to what I'm going to do after all.

"Lew won't give up, never.... to make you Sowell."

"I won't change my mind. She (Lew) will come to see me eventually. Then I'll talk to you again."

Luu, speaking pale, is the usual serene expression.

Seeing his smile, which had remained unchanged since he was a child, Kelturi felt at ease for some reason.