Helper teacher of magic girls' school

Episode 504: First Semester Closing Ceremony

Magic Girls School Indoor Arena, July 10th after 10am......

Today is the closing ceremony of the first semester of the School of Magic Women, which began in April.

The ceremony began at 9: 00 and began with the greeting of the president, Adelaide, with the training of Fran, Certuri and cautions during his vacation, which ended an hour later.

Upon returning to the classroom, each student confirms his or her plans during the summer vacation staged in the class, asks questions and confirms to his or her assistant, and once that is done, he or she enters the summer vacation.

The schedule stretched out on the wall states the following:

July 25 to July 31

Magic Activation Training (optional participation)

August 8 to August 12

Summer courses (specialist subjects/optional participation)

Magic Activation Training (2nd and optional participation)

Lectures and sittings by the School OLD GIRLS (job measures and voluntary participation)

13 Aug

Valentine's Magic Girls School Open Campus (for next year's entrants)

* Exclusive participation of students in charge

10 Sep

Beginning Ceremony (beginning of second semester)

* Note that the library and student cafeteria can also be used during summer holidays

Rue and Fran observe the students as they answer their questions.

There are people who talk about studying, people who talk about going to play, people who talk about going home.

Some of them were telling a secret story, but of course Luu knew exactly what the students were talking about for Fran, who can now use the magic of Magic Wave (Aura) reading.

However, it was decided beforehand by Lu and Fran that if the students had not told "dangerous stories", they would let go of the basics.

If you go by that criterion, so far, all students in Group C for 2 years are Shiro.

When Fran looks at Lew in a hoax, he is eager to answer the students' questions.

"Dr. Francisca!

"Yes!? Oh, oh, I'm sorry."

Fran smiled when she turned back to the students who had come to ask questions about her.


Magic Girls School Clerk's Office, 11: 30am......

Teacher Lu and the others are back in the staff room after a Q&A session with the students.

Teachers have some common parts with their students' schedules, but they also have clerical procedures, etc., and attend the Magic Girls School quite a few times during their summer vacation.

Adrienne Colette sits in the seat next to Rue.

"Mr. Lew, no... Dr. Lew"

Lew says nothing against Adriane, who complains about something with a cut glance.

"Oh, shall we go to Adrienne's parents' house after our summer course in August?

"Oh, what!? Is it true...?!?

Adrienne's soul (in time) roars at Lew's unthinkable words.

But Lou's next words were a betrayal of expectations.

"If you can't really plan on taking it off, there's no problem. Try to figure out a way to make sure you're okay with your dads."

"Ha, what... is that it"

Rew listens back with a serene look that is no different than usual to Adrienne, who exhales unexpectedly.

"Could something else have gone wrong? Then let's talk about it."


If you load the soul of Adrienne now with a magic wave reading, you'll know immediately why she was discouraged.

But Lew didn't use magic wave reading.

For it was not a good thing to peek into a man's soul when he was nauseous, unless it was necessary.

There are several teachers who have come to speak up.

Cindy Ryan came to talk about her son's engagement celebration scheduled to take place at the Hero Pavilion in August, and the Bowadeful sisters, who had put together the Clan Star (Stella), walked away with a voice, only if it was a good idea.

This also means going to the Adventurers Guild to get a request when we are in August.

Crotilde Beaudrier is pushing Professor Magic, throwing a meaningful smile at Luu when it comes to Liliane Brule.

If this happens, Adrienne can't fool around either.

"Dr. Lew, it's a promise! Earlier!"

The gaze of the other teachers is poured unexpectedly on Adrienne, whose voice was unwittingly louder, but she did not hesitate anymore.

"Okay, I promise."

In Adrienne's eyes, who decided to do so, there was a loud and clear glimpse of Lu.


Luu Brandell Laboratory, 2nd floor of the internship building, after 12 pm......

Luu had brought in a good amount of books he had bought the other day when he went out with Moral.

Demonic items for other materials already in possession and conceded from Barbatos are also placed on the table.

Apparently, he decided to put the minimum necessary materials in a killer lab.

It was then.

Tong Tong!

The sound of a rhythmic knock sounds.

Lou laughs unexpectedly.

Apparently, we know who the Lord of Knock is.

"Whoa, who is it?

"It's Manon!" "It's a pollet!

"S, it's Stephanie!

Stephanie Breval's voice responded with a slightly reluctant voice after a two-year group A Manon Carlier, Polette Buquet's voice.

"Good, come on in"

"" "Excuse me!

Three lovely voices are uttered when Lew allows them to enter the room, and the door opens and three beautiful girls come in.

When the three greeted Pepper, Manon informed him on behalf of the purpose of his visit.

"Dr. Lew, I'm sorry to bother you all of a sudden, but please get in on our consultation today. I also know your teacher."

I would have made a lot of preparations to visit under Luu.

Manon's face is proud.

"We have a lot to worry about. Please!

"" Please!

Poretto and Stephanie calling after Manon.

Lew nodded with a smile, "Okay."