Helper teacher of magic girls' school

Episode 509: Battle Against the Kingdom of Rodonia •

The hunting grounds forest was depressing.

Between the trees the grass grows and the vision is extremely poor.

I'd say it's hard to supplement enemies just by looking at them.

But Simone Cante's enemy magic captured a flock of goblins that appeared 50 meters away.

Gisele immediately instructs the crew to take formation.

Simone, the shield (tank), stood in the front, with two of the attackers (attackers) in the rear, Michelle on the left and Olga on the right.

Behind it stands Gisele as if he would defend the rear-end Fleur Aznavur, combining offensive, supportive (Buffer) and restorative (Healer) roles.

As Simone captured with his enemies, a goblin appeared forward.

The number of goblins is low.

It is a small herd of about five.

But when he saw Giselle and the others, he decided that it was easy for all the women to form.

He came in with an odd voice that didn't even seem to belong in the world.

For the first time in action, students under sophomore years had a chill running on their spines.

When Simone stands in front of him and shows him the trick as if he were protecting all his men with his hands wide open, he also calms down the students whose tremors ran.

Simone looked at the goblins and smiled sparingly.

Her mouth opens slightly.

Activate the wind's defensive magic between us so that the Goblins don't suddenly attack.

A good magic ceremony was chanted in Simone's Rin voice

"I know! Angels in the wind! Cover us! Send a great guardian of the wind who will not draw evil enemies! Biner gevlar keto rouhier!"

A magic wind rolled from Simone's hands, slowing the speed of the goblins who were about to strike, and some of them fell.

At that moment, Gisele's sharp voice sounds.

"Now! Olga!"

Adequate proficiency cultivated by daily rigorous training creates breathless collaborative attacks.

"Ha! I will be in heaven, my great apostle! Give me that holy fire of purification! Marc Biner Gevlar Ouriel Cuff!"

A flaming bullet is shot out of Olga's fist, the Wizard of Fire.

Olga Flavigny specializes in fire's primary attack magic, Flamebomb (Fire Blitz).

Originally, the magical compatibility of fire and wind is excellent.

Olga's flames mounted on the wind at the strong wind that was holding the goblins back, sparking them as they splashed.

Goblins in flames.

There was a scream close to screaming, and the unpleasant smell of the goblins' meat cooking stood around.

As you know by the head, Michelle Estrelle cruises for more misery than you can imagine.

Giselle was irritated when she saw it.

"What's up!? Michelle! Now, slash it!

"Let's go, Michelle!

I grabbed Michelle's hand, and it was my best friend Olga who pulled it.

Having just unleashed her magic, she quickly regained her posture and flew Michelle.


"If we hesitate during the battle, there will be plenty of people to sacrifice. It's too late to grieve then, Michelle!


Looks like Michelle regained her sanity when she shook her side as she slammed her neck.

"Apparently you're okay, let's go! Michelle, Olga!

Simone, a shield standing in the front, looks back and laughs.

"" Roger!

Simone, who followed Michelle and Olga, unleashed the long sword and slashed it into the enemy in a torn mood.

- Ten minutes later, five goblins have been picked up and their remains exposed (sara) to the forest.

"Well done, everyone!

Giselle labored the crew.

This time, Gisele waited and did not participate in the actual battle while defending Fleur.

In this "Hunting Ground Forest," the weakest demon yet practically fought for three, and quickly slaughtered is proof that the strength of the Ministry of Magic Martial Arts is quite good.

"Ko, this is... Ta... kai..."

Fleur, who was at the rear, was trembling.

In front of you are the bodies of goblins chopped up by Simone and the others, or black-burned by Olga's magic.

Fleur was in shock.

Until now, the battle with the demons she thought about and imagined scattered in her head and on her desk was something completely different than it actually was.

Fleur became frightened by the vivacity of the member, which was different from his daily practice.

Michelle pounded that shoulder and whispered gently.

Are you okay, Fleur?

"Shh, seniors!

"I cowered, too, and Olga helped me. We have to make it up to each other."

Fleur regained his composure with a grin Michelle.

Giselle looks at the members with a merciful eye, and Cindy Ryan, a Magic Martial Arts advisor who watches them, smiles.

"Fair enough as a first line, but you can't trust me with this. Come on, there's still a distance to the 'ruins', let's hurry!

"" "" Yes!

The members responded to Gisele with a cheerful voice.



This is the selection of the Kingdom of Rodonia.

They were accompanied by their witness, Luu, and proceeded with a reference to the map distributed to their destination, the 'village'.

The Sovereign role is naturally Lilya.

After training in Magic Wave (Aura) reading, the foundation of the Magic Fist, from Luu, Lilya's ability to defy enemies grew significantly, and it was possible to detect roughly who approached him within 300 meters of the perimeter.

Naturally, we don't even know the name if we don't remember the magic wave itself beforehand, but we even identify the gender, age, outfit, job title, harmful intent, contents of the weapon handset, etc.

However, as with Luu and the other wives, it is obvious that if they show their blossoming talents in an official setting, they will make a fuss.

Fortunately, the enemy's report is verbal, so Mariana and the others will not be able to beat it without a more accurate report.

The brilliant Lilya is an intelligent woman who can handle it without having to be told by Lou.

Such Lilya's ability to fight foes captures the demons.

"Mariana! There's a demon ahead! Apparently the enemy of a woman, the Bad Pig Ghost (Oak)."

Bad Pig Ghost (Oak)...... make the exterior ugly and unclean. With a body slightly smaller and very robust than human beings, this demon always acts by instinct driven by the desire for destruction.

He has an inferior and humble personality and will never fold with other races.

It is their orcs who offend human women as their instincts dictate, devouring human flesh and sometimes even eating together, a demon commonly known among women as the 'enemy of women'.

"Okay! Prepare for battle!

Mariana Dregel screams out loud and the Rodonia selection unfolds the formations of the meeting street.

That was an almost similar formation to the earlier magical martial arts department.

But if you look good, you'll see the difference in character in that formation.

As Mariana usually emphasizes, in order for the knights to make a central breakthrough, the front is a formation of three knights as shields and attackers.

It is good to say that she is great while female in the center, Petra Escola with a body over 2m shows her presence, Mariana Dregel rings her finger slightly on the rear left wing and Meesa Kivi hangs her hand on the sword pattern on the right wing.

The Lilyas, two wizards, had refrained as supporters and restorers a little further afield.

"Dear Lilya, Laura!

After a while, the moment three evil pig ghosts appeared forward, Mariana was screaming in a commonplace voice.