Helper teacher of magic girls' school

Episode 545: Reformation

This is a dark room with no light.

Outside the window of the room is a black monochrome and there seems to be considerable time until dawn.

One magnificent man was put to sleep in a relatively large bed, overlooking it by a long skinny brunette and a beautiful girl with silver platinum hair.

"Unlike the indelible lies of the devil Berito, your husband's lies are... convenient too... lies"

'Oh, right. Besides, it's not a lie. I spoke based on his memories and emotions about the remnants of Mr. Reinhardt's soul.'

The man being put to sleep was Gilberto, the son of Count Alois Krueger, and this room was his private room in the Alessian government building.

The men and women in the room are Luu and Moral.

Naturally, the conversation is a "conversation."

From the conversation between the two of them, it seems to be Luu's pseudonym that Gilberto was talking about thinking of him as his brother.

However, even though it is a pseudo, it seems that Luu was right to use the power of the remnants of Reinhardt's soul to make the appearance and things extremely close to him.

"Mr. Reinhardt wasn't worried."

'Sounds like it. Like Sister Fran, the remnants of Master Reinhardt's soul have always been possessed by the Count and this one… it also emits the Magic Wave of Sorrow (Aura)'

'He was desperately appealing to us... just like he did to Fran. A phrase that plunged into Gilberto's soul thirst, fascinated him by evil, and made him commit an outrageous father-killing, that he wanted to stop the demon's ambition to turn this Alessia into a town of death, "he said.

In addition to the remnants of Reinhardt's soul, Lew and Moral were discerning that Gilberto had become captives of the devil.

"You can't make Fran cry again."

Fran, a young man, was shocked by Reinhardt's unbroken death and wounded by his soul.

If Gilberto were to spread to the crime, Fran's wound, healed and plugged in the corner, would open his mouth again.

'Yes! I'm just like my husband. But no matter how fascinated you are by the devil, the great sin of my father's attempted murder will not go away.'

Unlike demons and lower demons, advanced demons kill people of their own volition relatively infrequently.

Most of them fall into the desires and weaknesses of those who have laid eyes on them, corrupting people on the outside road after making a soul covenant.

That is the enjoyment and the value of their Satan.

Lew stopped Gilberto from falling into the outer path.

'Oh, so it's up to this Gilberto later. It is not a great deal of difficulty to successfully govern and develop this Alessian town more. If he helps his father from now on, his sins will disappear one by one. On the contrary, if you work out of hand, or if you betray your brother's thoughts and live in a good comeback, you're at the bottom of the underworld. "

Moral gazes emotionally at Luu, who groans with a distant eye.

"My husband saved people again... just like me"

Upon hearing Moral's words, Luu smiled and shook his neck slowly to the side.

'No, people still have to cut their destiny open on their own. I simply inspired you. "

"But I like my husband like that! Love your kind husband!

Moral leaned softly against Lew, and was sweet.


The next morning...

The carriage used by Gilberto when he left the government building was also magically kept back by Lew, so there's not a single trace left of last night.

The cause of the accident in that off-limits area or the disaster that befell the parties was the thoughts of those who died in battle carelessly...... in other words, the remnants of their souls.

And Lu purified his soul with the devils.

This will make it possible to redevelop this district safely and without any obstacles.

Breakfast is already served in the cafeteria of the government building where Lu and the others had dinner last night.

Count Alois Krueger recommended seating at the Lou's and everyone sat in a chair.

When he ascertains that they have all sat down, Aloise tries to start the meal by ordering the servant.

"Hey! Ma, wait! I slept, I'm sorry!

It was Gilberto who shouted and jumped into the dining room.

There was a curse last night, so it looks like no servant went to wake him up.

"Good morning! Ladies and gentlemen!

Gilberto sat next to his father, Aloys, who had been vacated once he greeted him with a deep salute.

It is Father Aloys who is distraught to see how his son is doing.

"Duh, what's wrong!? Oh, you!

My son, who was so overlooking the civilians, eats in his seat with them.

It was incredible to Alois.

"Father, I was a fool. I was losing sight of the truth because of my narrow horizons. I want to do my best to help you rule this city for my brother who died... that's all."

Aloys opens his eyes wide and stares at his son, who cuts and complains.

Eventually the eyes filled with tears.

"Oh... since last night this morning and... what a good day in my life"

Aloise squeaked so tightly, holding Gilberto tight.

"That's what I expected from the Kruger family."

Lew and Moral are watching those two gently.

Fran and his other wives were also surprised by the transformation of the rest of Gilberto, but eventually they all stared at him with a merciful look.

- Then again, after losing time and finishing breakfast, Luu and the others served cold tea, which was thoughtfully generous.

Lew is welcoming Fran.

Fran, like Gilberto, who was my brother-in-law, can't hide his joy either.

It is a very sunny look.

Gilberto approached me with a chair there.

When Lew glanced at Fran, Fran missed the spot a little and made a place (space) for Gilberto to go in.

Gilberto lowered his head deeply against Lew before sitting down when he put the chair down.

"Lord Brandell, you worked a great deal of disrespect last night. You're right, I want to apologize!

Luu laughs and accepts Gilberto's apology.

"No, I already forgot. If you need anything more than that, we can help you."

"Thanks! I'm not a samurai, but I want to help this city."

Gilberto's expression, which he clearly declares, was clear.

"A samurai is one who fights with a sword or spear... but you have your weapon and there must be a way you can do it. Ha, it'll be tough, but good luck, Mr. Gilberto."

Lew looked at Gilberto still when he said so.

Those pitch-black eyes appeal to him.

You must atone for your sins.

That should respond to the thoughts of the late Reinhardt and also provide for him.

Not a word came out of Lou's mouth clearly.

But Lu's thoughts had definitely reached Gilberto.

'Ha ha, come on! Brother!'

Gilberto somehow felt like he heard his nostalgic brother.