Helper teacher of magic girls' school

Episode 593: Swan Pavilion farewell party ④

"Master Lu! I'm done talking to Elena! Come here, come here!

Kate rushed to momentum and jumped into Lew's chest.

Short silver Sarasa hair is shaking.

Beautiful green eyes stared straight at Luu.

"Ha! What the hell, Kate? Did you get past the bullet?

"Because! Because!

Sweet to Lou, Kate is like a puppy who gets squeezed by his owner.

"Okay, I'll come with you."


Kate offered a small hand when she replied out loud, shaking Lou's hand definitively.

The Frans are watching the look with a smile.

The other day I opened my chest collar (today) and discussed it, and I know how we feel about each other, so none of my wives was angry or annoyed.

"After discussions between Amanda and me, Elena decided what to do. Ask her directly about the results."

"Yeah, I got it."

"Ugh, it's nice to be quiet tonight without Ignats"

"... right"

To Luu. Sweet as a lover, but somehow Kate looks lonely.

That is why Lu also agreed subtly.

Kate took him like that, and Lew lowered his back beside the seat where Elena and Amanda were sitting.

Elena stood up and bowed her head deeply to Luu.

"Dear Mr. Lew, thank you again. Thank you so much for your help."

"Oh, good for you. Still, did you decide?

"Yes! Dear Amanda has received your copy. As I said earlier to Master Lew, I would like to help those around the world cursed by that goddess. I usually refrain from interrupting the other world, so please don't take me with you."

"I don't mind your company, and I'll do what I can to help the victims. But I may not be able to help everyone eventually."

"I don't mind! I'm a minor force on my own, and Mr. Lew has a lot of people asking for help, right? You should stay with me."

"Okay... I'll ask again just in case. That's really good."


"All right, then I'll be with you tomorrow. Make friends with my daughters."

Luu gently stroked Elena's head as she smiled.

Elena, who was allowed to accompany her, laughs happily from her soul (in the days).

"I still need to talk to Amanda. Go with Kate to Fran and have fun. I'll serve some delicious baked sweets later."

"Heh? Baked confectionery? What the hell is that?

Elena tilted her neck adorably.

"Ha, right. Does Elena like sweets?

"Yes! I love fruits and honey."

Even though I'm a fairy, I'm no different than a normal girl when this happens.

It would be better if you ate it than explained.

"Then you're going to love it. Stay tuned."

"Ha, I look forward to it! Then excuse me for now!

"Dear Luu, I'll see you later"

Leaving Lew smiled calmly when he saw Elena and Kate behind him.

"Elena's a good girl."


Amanda also agrees immediately, but with the look of wanting to listen to Rue.

Seeing how she felt, Luu cut out the story to go straight into it.

"Tomorrow we'll travel."

"... Yes"

Now Luu is a traveler.

I know the reality of being gone from my sight, but Amanda still seems lonely.

"This journey has two purposes. As I explained to you, my daughter-in-law has an important purpose with gaining experience in the outside world."


If Lu turned his face, he would smile, and Alice would have a fake Lilya.

"My journey to marry her, Princess Lilya of the Kingdom of Rodonia. I say hello to her parents and get their consent to marry."

"I know Mr. Lilya's name before she introduced me."

As Amanda said, no one lives within the Kingdom of Rodonia, regardless of race or identity, and does not know the name of Lilya.

"Originally, in her position and capacity, it becomes a strictly escorted journey for the knights and others to follow"

"... naturally."

"Oh... that's why I want you to enjoy your journey inside me, and I'm making you pseudo."

Amanda is also a sharp woman.

Of course, I felt there was a reason why Lew should talk inside out like this.

"Princess Lilya will be here some time after we travel."

"As long as it takes!

The real Lilya is here.

Amanda immediately seemed to understand what Lou wanted to tell her.

"The lilya in it belongs to us too. Well, the knights will be escorted, so I'm sure you'll be fine, but take care of yourself."

"Yes, Master Lew."

Amanda immediately indicated her willingness to be respectful when she heard Luu's orders, but she added that she said something.

Did you see the happy wives, starting with Fran, or did you contrast yourself by listening to Luu and Lilya's marriage?

Binocular eyes stare at Luu.

But Amanda's lips didn't move.

Lew opened his mouth again after deciding not to cut the story out of Amanda.

"Maybe life isn't so bad for Amanda right now."

"Yes! I enjoy living with my people every day as the 'general' of Swan Pavilion"

"Good thing. But life at Swan Pavilion is also the command of Lew, who is Sowell."


Amanda shut up.

Today we are recognized by Lyudia as a member of the equal arts, regardless of their origins, and we encourage them to remain faithful to their duties.

It's a rewarding and fulfilling life.

It's just that Luu's right, it's certainly not the life he chose to live on his own volition.

"This mission will be over someday, too. Find your happiness once you've fulfilled your duties as an Art man."

"My happiness......"

"I can't tell you exactly what that happiness is. Because in the end, you and Kate will feel it."


Amanda has silenced herself again.

But I haven't taken my gaze off toward Luu.

Clear blue eyes stare straight at Lew.

Such a burning gaze on her part, Luu takes it with her usual serene expression.

"I'm sorry I'm being irresponsible for shaking you so far... but I'll let you help me make you happy. Absolutely, I promise!

"Oh, thank you! I'm Master Lew's, happy only with those words!

Amanda was screaming unexpectedly.

He was screaming out loud.

After all, Lou is very concerned about himself and Kate.

They thought about that, too.

He hasn't changed a bit since he was in the Arts.

Amanda was delighted with it.

"Don't be impotent on any mission. And if anything happens, you can call me in your soul. Let's do it for you."

"Thank you! That's what I'm saying, Master Lew is our prince after all."

Amanda remembered what was going on in the Art.

One boy who always flew in to help when he or Kate was frustrated.

He was the prince on the white horse for them.