Helper teacher of magic girls' school

Episode 662: Mariana's Confession

"It's just an unexpected development."

Normally, if you are promoted, you should honestly rejoice.

Since Mariana's story is going to be very 'deep', Laura suggested taking her seat off.

"Lord Mariana! Wouldn't it be better if I wasn't here?

As for Laura, she intended to distract me by guessing what the story was about.

But Mariana unexpectedly told Laura to stay on the spot.

"No, I don't mind if you stay. And, Laura, there's something I need to tell you."

"To tell?

"Oh, yeah. I'll talk to you later."

What is the story from Mariana to Laura?

It's completely unimaginable to Laura.

You may use the freshly remembered Magic Wave (Aura) reading taught here by Lou, but Mariana speaks for herself.

Laura couldn't do anything like peek into Mariana's soul.

Such Laura's thoughts. The conversation between Luu and Mariana is progressing.

"Well, again... it could be very annoying to Master Lu, so if you don't like it, just say no clearly"


"It's hard to talk to when you're so clear..."

Mariana clouded her verbal butt, not like her usual, but spoke out like she was ready when she shook her neck left or right.

"Becoming one of the four Rodonian knights is a testament to one of the most powerful of the many Rodonian knights, and it is the highest honor."

Mariana stared at Luu when she said so.

Slightly shaken, saggy brown hair, arranged for a refreshing shortcut, reveals a luau in the beautiful eyes of colour.

"But sometimes! I can't stop being one of the Rodonia Four knights I admire."

Even if left to one of the honorable Rodonia 4 knights, I won't be tempted!

Mariana, who came alive as a knight, unleashed an incredible word.

"The reason (so) is straight (su) I understand...... because you, the master of the Lisin flow, can no longer teach me. I used to exchange swords, because I was convinced that since that day, you were the only one who could complete my unfinished move, the Sword of Ignorance..."

Luu watches Mariana complain with her usual serene expression.

"I usually don't bend easily what I believe in. And I had some confidence in my strength, which I had stacked up to now. But now, from the beginning again... there is an honest me who wants to ask for the teachings of the sword from the foundations of the foundation. I've been thinking about why."

Mariana chuckles when she says that.

"You are definitely the strongest samurai I have ever dealt with. They knock me down by the time I'm completely skinless and I have no teeth at all. I thought someone like that would never show up."

The fact that a woman who excelled in martial arts was a man far stronger than herself was an essential condition for her to like.

This used to be the case with Gisele, but this Mariana seems to be exactly the same.

"It doesn't have much to do with the image of a man from me, such as the will of a woman, who orders and pulls me with or without... it was ideal and on the contrary unhappy. But you were different..."

This is a Confession of Mariana Stream Love.

Besides, the story goes to the heart!

And he came to Laura, who was listening to her.

"He saw one female knight, who said Mariana Dregel, as a man of equivalence, at the same time understood her as a friend, honored her as a samurai, and identified her power as a certainty. And even though he's a very strong man, he also has feelings of hard work for the losers."

Here Mariana exhaled "ugh".

"When I heard about your usual routine from Master Lilya and Laura here, I made myself your disciple at will in my soul and admired myself as the ideal man."

"It's an honor to have such a lovely woman like Mariana say that."

When Lew grins, Mariana dyes her cheeks and leans over.

The trick is like a beginner girl.

"Laura, look,... listen carefully. It has a lot to do with you, too."

All of a sudden it was pompous, but Laura was stunned as the spearhead of the story swung from Mariana, who leaned down.

"I was told by the Captain of the Knights of the Graves in the form of an insinuation of the earlier decree. But that wasn't the end of the story about the Knights of the Graves."

Isn't the story just about Mariana's promotion?

Does that have anything to do with you?

Laura, who had no idea, looked surprised.

"Master Lilya's marriage story came out of his mouth. This is still good... what I and you already know. But......"


I want to hear the rest of the story straight away!

Come on, talk to me!

Laura embarked on a climb.

Mariana told the truth of the shock when she saw Laura like that.

"How dare the Duke of Grave Guidal tell me that his daughter, Lady Eleonora, is also engaged to Lady Lew?"

"Yeahhh!! Oh, no!

Master Luu marries a Rodonian other than Master Lilya!?

Laura, who shouted unexpectedly, hurriedly pressed her mouth with her hand.

Mariana smiles bitterly when she looks at Laura, who is stunned and opens her eyes wide.

"It's still a star! I know very well that you've been in love with Master Lew for the past two weeks."


Like Mariana earlier, Laura leaned over and shut herself up.

That Lu would marry Eleonora as well.

And surprisingly, Mariana likes Rue.

The fact that Mariana is sure of her love.

Laura was stuck with the fact of the shock and completely confused.

Looking at Laura like that, Mariana glanced lightly at Lou.

"Master Lew! You are a sinful man. I won't stay with a woman you won't like if you do it personally. I thought about it, but I still decided not to give up!

Mariana shifted her gaze to Luu and looked straight at it.

"I am also in a position of responsibility as a kingdom knight, so I can't push it right now. So, first of all, could you look at me, Mariana Dregel, as a close friend?

"Oh, that's good. Let's make an effort to know each other first. This is what I told Eleonora."

"Thank you! As a samurai, I thoroughly brush myself as a woman!

Lew is not wild enough to break a woman's feelings all the way here.

She took Mariana's feelings right first.

But Mariana's story didn't end here.

"Master Lew! From what I hear, I thought you were coming to pick up Master Eleonora in a few years! Can you tell if I deserve to be a lover then, too? By then, I'll be over 30 years old too..."

"How do you like it!" Luu also looked back with a serious look at Mariana, who looked at her with a temper.

"Oh, if your feelings haven't changed and you're not in the way of being together, I'll pick you up."

Tell me how you feel in a Rin voice, accepted Mariana...

Meanwhile, Laura, in a state of relief, remained idle, staring powerlessly at Mariana, who thanked her with a happy voice.