Helper teacher of magic girls' school

Episode 746: Georges' Decision

Anna Buchet's home is a large mansion in the commercial district.

One carriage stopped in front of the main entrance.

Large sturdy looking carriage with pitch-black color.

It was a carriage for the Brandell family.

There is one beautiful little, blonde girl on your stand.

"Dear Georges! We're here."

A bright and refreshing voice sounds, and this one replies with a cheerful voice so as to respond to it.

"Sister Alice! Thanks!"

The blonde girl who heard her voice = Alice looks very happy.

He officially became Lou's wife and was also called his sister by Fran's brother Georges.

"Ugh! My sister! Wow, that's awesome! Then let's put the carriage inside the mansion and wait."

There are no figures at all at the gates of the Busche mansion.

Apparently, all the servants of this mansion have left.

The door opened unchanged between them, and a boy in a coat of law, Robe, stepped down.

A boy whose waist is much softer and more calm than when he first met him in King's Capital...

Georges Dumaire, whom Anna called, arrived.


Suddenly the front door of the mansion opened with a loud noise.

"Georges ~!!!

From somewhere, he would have watched Georges arrive.

It is Anna who calls the name of her beloved opponent and runs to roll.

Giorgio has a relief look on his face.

Anna, who worried about his safety, was safe.

"Ahhh! Anna! Good, you're safe! I flew right in because your 'Georges' came to get you!

Georges spread his hands wide open.

Anna jumped into Georges' chest.

This was my first time hugging Georges.

Neither of us had the courage.

His chest, which I thought was luxurious, did great besides.

Love it! Love it! Love it!

I can't stop feeling for him.

After all, he came to me.

He rushed right at me.

Glad to hear it!

I was really happy.

Anna cried unexpectedly.

Crying is good.

Large tears overflow with intense emotions.


Arman and Dominic stood at the open doorway.

He looks vain as he relieves himself and looks at his beloved daughter, who takes care of Georges.

Georges and Arman's eyes met.

Anna's parents......?

Georges, who thought so, was bowing his head gently.


Arman is leaning down powerless.

I had predictions, but Anna is the seemingly feeble boy she brought in.

It is within the assumption for Arman because an employee of the Chamber of Commerce had previously seen it and heard that it seemed to be a descendant of some nobleman.

"You... who are you? I hear my daughter is counting on you..."

Arman is arrogant at times like this.

Whoever Georges was, he came to see me as soon as he heard his daughter's request.

At least it wasn't the attitude that humans with common sense should take.

It's okay to say that this kind of sexuality has turned employees away.

Georges named himself smiling.

"I... am Georges. I say Georges Dumaire."

Arman twists his neck when he hears Georges' name.

Because it is a name that I know well.

"Dumail? Like I heard somewhere..."

"You!!! Dumail, you know!

Arman was hacked because his wife Dominic screamed unexpectedly.

The usual Arman would have immediately realized that the opportunity had not turned at all in this extreme state.

"Yes! It's the Dumail you think it is"

"Ha... no way..."

"I'm just a kid. But I care about Anna very much. You can't just leave her like this. I don't know how far we can help, but if you don't mind, let me know."

Arman was half-hearted.

I'm pretty sure the one in front of you is the Souss of Count Dumaire's house.

It was surprising that her daughter, Anna, was socializing with such a 'big man', but she is fortunate that the possibility of being helpful came out.

"Okay... let's talk about everything we've been through"

"Thank you!

- In an hour.

Arman's story is over.

Georges nods as he is convinced.

He is calm because he was listening to this one beforehand from Luu.

It was almost consistent with what I was hearing, but clearly some parts of it were shifting Arman's responsibilities to others.

For example, the cause of this case is unilaterally due to employee lawlessness, and Arman himself is not bad at all.

I wonder what Georges would say?

Anna is staring at Georges.

Arman, the same was true of Dominic's Busche and his wife.

"The problem is extremely serious. The amount of the debt is huge, and it's not a problem for kids like me."


Anna is clenching her fist.

His answer is not what Anna expected.

But for Anna, it's enough for Georges to come.

But Arman and Dominic's dismay was obvious for what they expected.

"What, you are! Even if it looks great, it's a child. Why don't you bring your mother here if you can?

Rude words and attitudes of my father Arman.

She also finally felt that Anna, who had endured since earlier, was the limit.

"Father! Excuse Georges."

But Georges is only calm.

"No, it's good, Anna. Your father is right. But I'm ready too, can you hear me?

I hear Georges made some kind of decision.

I can feel the mood for every word.


"As it is now, I cannot save you. Because there's only one vague bond between me and you if you look at it from someone else."

"An ambiguous bond?

"Oh, yeah. I like you, and you like me. That was just confirmed, but if you look from the side, you'll be seen as a twitch between the kids."


Anna becomes a pocan.

After all, it's clearly not like the usual Georges.

Just so we're clear, it's very reliable.

"So I declare here, clearly."

What the hell does Georges say?

Anna came very thrilled.

What if that's what I was dreaming about?

My heart is very painful.

Arman looked at those two like they were boring, but is Dominic a unique question for a woman?

He felt certain of the upcoming events.

"Ha, you just need to be brave.... ugh."

Georges took a big, deep breath.


"Anna! I want you to be my wife. Come to me!


The word from Georges was… what a proposal to Anna.

Stunned, eyes wide open Anna.


"What the hell!

Georges' sudden proposal surprised the Bushes just as well.

I had no idea Georges was going to propose to Anna...

For Mr. and Mrs. Busheh, it was just a thunderbolt in the blue sky.

That Georges asks again.

He cared kindly for Anna, who was surprised by his sudden confession.

"I'm sorry, Anna! You stunned me so much. But I'll tell you again, will you come to my wife? I want you to be my family!

When I first heard Georges' proposal, she was Anna, who had her eyes wide open, but now she's laughing happily.

"Heh heh, that just stunned me. But Georges, my feelings are set!

At that moment Arman had a very bad feeling.

Unexpectedly try to scream out loud.


"Anna! Yes, please." Ha! Anna will be Georges' daughter-in-law!!! "Here we go... ahhh!

Arman's voice was utterly cancelled in response to Anna's happy response.