Helper teacher of magic girls' school

Episode 781: Lew's Holiday (2)

Lou Brandell Mansion Great Hall, Aug. 6, at 7 a.m.

After morning training and a light bath for all, Alice and the others were ready for breakfast.

"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""

A routine silent prayer was held when everyone, including servants, took their seats, and the breakfast of the Brandell Mansion began.

The air is a little different this morning than usual.

That's what Lew's wives felt.

Because today, by yesterday's promise, Lew will stay at the Mansion for a day.

"Ugh... I knew you had a different vibe today"

It is the moral that first cut off the tantrum.

"I knew Moral thought so, too?

Moral smiled and nodded at Fran's words I agreed and returned, shaking her beautiful platinum silver hair.

After listening to Fran and Moral's conversation, one comment after another appeared that his wives felt the same thing.

"Today, right. It's a really exciting day."

"Giselle, there's no better way to describe it. Then you'll never be a poet."

"The smell, you nadia. You really don't lose your mouth, you belly-black fox!

Gisele and Nadia remain the same.

I've been having a mouth fight in the morning, but nobody stops me.

Because my best friend knows that it's an expression of love for each other, as usual.

Looking at Gisele and Nadia's usual twitch, Olerie, who chuckles, talks to Josephine.

"My husband is here today. It's so frustrating."

"I'm convinced, Orelly's right."

When you think your beloved Luu is with you all day at the Mansion, Josephine comes with a full smile.

Lilya, who sat next to Josephine on one side, can't seem to help but wonder about Laura, who was with Lou last night.

"By the way... Sister Laura, how was last night?

"Huh!? Li, Dear Lilya"

Laura wandering through the void in a punched form.

But Lilya's pursuit did not stop.

"No! It's forbidden to call it that, it's Lilya! So, how was it?"


Lilya trying to forcefully find out what happened last night.

It is out of common sense to listen to other people's first night.


"Right? How'd it go?

"Yes, yes."

"Did you have fun?

"Did you relax?

"Good for you."

Various voices were thrown from other wives.

It was an unthinkable sight in a normal house, but it's normal in this Brandell family.

In response to such a voice, Laura finally rises.

And when he lowered his head, he smiled his best with shyness and joy.

"I also told my husband last night...... I'm so glad I got married. And I'm so glad to be a family with you all. I'm so happy."

"" "" "" "" "" "ooh" "" "" "" ""

A twirl happened, and the next thing I knew, a round of applause came from all of them.

Seeing as Laura's story flourishes and comes with a paragraph, Alice hangs a cheerful voice.

"Come on, come on, eat more and more. In addition to freshly baked dishes, Alice's special stand-up plain omelette cools down."

Gisele, one mouthful as Alice urged, rounded her eyes.

"Oh, Sister Alice! This is delicious! Would love to share the recipe"


Gisele laughs a lot when she sees Alice sending a V-sign.

Apparently, Giselle is set for the day she wants to come and ready herself.

After a while, the meal was ready, and when the tea came out after the meal, I received a signal from Fran, and Orelly raised her hand.

Apparently, I have something to report to Lou.

"Sir, I have a few things to tell you, would you mind?

"Oh, let me hear it"

Lew smiles and understands, so Olerie bows her head again and cuts out the story.

"Thank you! We're talking about Mr. Manon and the others."

"Oh, after that conversation in the other world... what happened?

The other day, after Manon and the others rebuffed Orelly, Lew called the other world to solve the misunderstanding.

He then engaged his wives, including Orelly, to communicate with each other.

From the look on Orelly's face, it looks like the result is perfect.

"Yes! As soon as we spoke on that occasion, we solved each other's misunderstandings. We had a big talk, we promised, and we had dinner together the next day in the school cafeteria."

The beginning of the two misunderstandings in the first place was the student canteen at the School of Magic Women.

Trying to restart a good relationship between the two sides in such a causal place is also a sprinkling performance.

"Ha, you're the guy who's called redoing. Is Jose and Lilya with you?

"Yes! Or Sister Gisele and Sister Nadia joined us."

Looks like Lew's wives have all worked together to resolve this case.

This is the family bond.

"... well. So, what happened?"

"Yes! It was very smooth because I had already cracked it down in the other world. We know each other very well."

O'Leary seems really happy to have the best results.

"Good for you."

"Yes! I was told I was sorry to make a fool of myself for being a civilian. On the other hand, I'm going to continue to be a good opponent of Rivals. And those kids... they don't give up being your husband's daughter-in-law after all."

Orelly's misconceptions about Manon and the others were solved, and a good enemy was born here, which is arguably the best.

And they still want Manon and the others to be Lu's family.

"Well... so what happened to the example battle I promised?

"Yes, it is… and it continues."

In the end, the battles in the various events promised seemed to compete with dignity.

"Has it happened?... but it would be a good stimulus for Orelly in a different way than Jose or Lilya, right?

"Yes... so it's about the winner... sorry! I decided not to ask my husband to forgive me beforehand."

"Also, I'm sorry, sir"

"Lilya's bad, too. Olerie, it's not just my sister's fault."

Olerie lays her eyes down for a moment.

And Josephine and Lilya apologized.

They all have a bit of hindsight in Luu for the most part.

It was Gisele and Nadia who promptly followed such oleries.

"Sir, I hope you'll forgive me somehow because we're all going to ask for it later."

"It is. We thought it would be good on the spot."

"Ha, I don't mind."

Luu doesn't ask about content at times like this.

It's something that my wives thought was good at their discretion, because if there's more to it, it's not fatal.

The description of Olerie with her heavy mouth open was...... still what Lew expected.

"Good! Yes... the prize... is my husband's right to a date alone, as usual."

"Copy that. If Manon and the others ask, tell them I'll be happy to date."

Olerie and the others who heard Lou's words see a relieved look.

"I was horrified. Mr. Manon's eating was terrific."

"That's right. Mr. Pollet changed the color of his eyes and came to us."

"Lilya was suddenly eagled with clothes by Mr. Stephanie, too."

If you take it to the Manons, it's a solo date with Lou, who I even dreamed of.

If winning the battle would make that dream come true, there was no need to change the blood phase.

But if we incite with it, it will be a good stimulus to each other again.

After that, Lu and Fran should only pay attention to the fact that each one of them is going to "run wild" strangely.

"Ha, I'd love to see you guys motivated with such a trivial prize."

When they heard Lou's words, Olerie and the others had their eyes lit with the thought of a new, square battle with the Manons.