Helper teacher of magic girls' school

Episode 794: Learning in the Summer (1)

August 8…

Events began later in the summer vacation at the Valentine's School of Magic for Women.

In addition to summer classes, magic activation training, OG "Old Girls" events, and open campuses are plentiful.

Students are, of course, just important events for the second semester for Lu Da teachers and for the start of the School of Magic Girls, which will welcome new students next semester.

Among them, summer courses, magic activation training, etc. can be considered an incredible opportunity for students to increase their magic prowess and earn experience.

Summer courses, like spring courses, are only optional for student attendance.

It is assumed that absenteeism will not be reflected directly in the grades.

However, from the teacher's perspective, attending summer courses and active training is a measure of students' "motivation", as are experiential classes in specialized subjects.

By the way, there is no HR "Homeroom" for each class in the summer course, and the specialty subject is only available.

Today, from 9am onwards, there will be a Magic Attack B group class headed by Lew.

This class also combines attack magic activation training.

And now 10 minutes before class starts......

"I'm sorry I asked you not to"

"I was looking forward to this day"

It was Poretto and Stephanie who spoke up before the class began.

The two of them will be taking a magic attack group C class later, but they were given a special tour with hope.


It was Manon who found Pollet and Stephanie and came close.

"Good morning, Mr. Pollet, Stephanie! You guys, as I proclaimed, you were really there. It's very nice to have something to say."

"Good morning, Mr. Manon. We talked about trying not to lose to our people or to Mr. Manon."

"Good morning, Mr. Manon. Everyone, including Mr. Manon, is a rival, not just Mr. Orelly."

"How wonderful! We all incidentally strive for heights. What an ideal development. I'd love to give you a tour of our next class in Group C."

The three of them thrive in the morning and the tension keeps going.

There, Lu and his deputy Fran showed up and slowly approached him.

"Oh, good morning to all three"

"Ugh, you're in the mood in the morning."

The three voiced by Lou and Fran offer a deep salute.

"Good morning, Dr. Lew, Dr. Francisca."

"" Good morning ""

As soon as the greeting is over, Manon asks.

"Dr. Lew, Dr. Francisca, would you like me to take a tour of this next class on Magic Attack Techniques Group C, too?

Apparently Manon is inspired by Poretto and Stephanie to take off-the-school classes himself.

Lew looks at Fran for a moment.

Fran nodded small.

A sign of intent that Manon will have no problem touring.

"Oh, no problem. But don't overload yourself."

"Oh, thank you! Worry about it."

Manon gets his chest full.

Ever since I reconciled with the Oleries, the weird Pan "Kamai" Ri has disappeared and I can honestly express my feelings.

And I have no feelings whatsoever, and I compete squarely with all kinds of people.

I was also told that I had recently turned into a family.

It was ironic, though, that my parents enthused me to talk about a new pageant.

"Same goes for you guys."

It was Poretto and Stephanie that Lew followed with a voice.

Apparently we both feel the same way about Manon.

"Thank you"

"Don't push me, I'll do my best"

Other students keep coming in when Lew and the others are having a conversation with the Manons.

Naturally, some of them were the faces of Olerie, Josephine and Lilya.

Fran giggles.

It's been about a month, but classes are still good.

Fran doesn't have any fine dust, such as a backward attitude before she met Luu.

It's the face of a professional teacher who shows willingness to teach the students.

"It's time, Dr. Lew."

"Oh, it's a long time since class started"

Lew smiled back at Fran's growing smile.



Class of Magic Attack Group B was started.

"Good morning, everyone!

"Good morning, everyone"

"" "" "" "" "" "" "Good morning!

All those present return well to the call of Lou and Fran.

It is the face of Luu, which we shall see long after from the students.

And yet for some reason I don't feel very nostalgic.

It was a strange feeling even though it was simply someone who was just a school teacher.

"He attended school well today in the heat of summer. It's early in the morning, and it usually feels natural to want to sleep at home."

The students laugh more and more at Lew's light mouth.

With his usual serene expression, Lew continues the conversation.

"The same goes for spring courses, but I think attending this summer course is a sign of willingness. Some people cannot attend because of personal or family circumstances, but those who are uplifted can always move forward."

Many of the students who heard Luu's words gripped their fists firmly and nodded slightly.

Many learned the pleasure of learning and mastering magic after being handled by Lew in the first semester of classes.

"Unfortunately, the question of qualities and aptitudes turns around, but the difference manifests itself prominently in those who do not strive if the same qualities are with each other. Because experience doesn't lie."

The students who listen to Lou concentrate and never utter a word.

Manon and Stephanie, who are touring behind the students attending the course, also stared at Lew to eat and concentrated on the class.

"What I call experience is nothing more than an effort to create the perfect environment for me to learn. That is, to train sincerely, to acquire a wealth of knowledge, to build up practice."

Orelly remembered huffing when she heard Luu say it.

One of my classmates told me that Lew was a real genius.

But Olerie shook her head to the side and said clearly.

Regardless of his qualities, Luu said he was a hard worker!

Olerie was listening to me from Lew.

the harsh magic training imposed by Sowelschulvestel Eiltvara of Arve, who protected Luu, who was an orphan.

Luu did not specifically speak of the harshness of the training.

Originally, Lou wasn't the type to make fun of such things.

But from the ends of Lou's words came the severity of his training.

At that time, Orelly was convinced.

True genius refers to those who have fully blossomed their sleeping qualities through an irresistible effort.

The only reason we can empathize with your husband is because you worked hard.

I'll do my best, so will we.

Orelly felt it again and smiled at Luu on the stage.