Helper teacher of magic girls' school

Lesson 800: Learning in the Summer (5)

Aug 9 AM......

Here at the Magic Girls School Outdoor Arena, there was a summer course for Lew's Advanced Summoning Group A.

The instructions at the beginning were quite similar to those of the magic attack technique, and the magic prop research class.

Students were instructed to begin mastering optimal respiratory techniques, and to first repeat the basic practice thoroughly, such as mental stability and concentration.

Few students are taking Lew classes and take only one subject.

Most people take multiple classes.

All classes are instructed to provide prior basic training as they do every time, but they are not dissatisfied.

In order to activate magic, it is desirable that the operator is in perfect condition.

And in order to complete the assignment, you are required to perform at your best in class or exam.

"In the future, I want to spend as much time on basic training as I can if time permits, but that's not going to happen when classes are in the practical phase. So make sure you're ready before class."

There is no way to dedicate class time to practice as much as possible.

There can be no difference between the students, everyone responds out loud.

"" "" "" "" "" "" Ha!

Having seen the expression on the faces of the tempered students, Luu once again declares the beginning of the class.

"Then we enter the practice of today's classes. This class is called Advanced Summoning. It's a lesson you can summon now to master the art of calling out more than just people called demons."

As Luu puts it, Advanced Summoning is not complete by calling the Demon Level of Use.

Nor is it an easy level of magic to master.

Naturally, like any other superior magic, we need an authentic pile.

"But a thousand miles of road starts with one step. First of all, if you can't follow the demon perfectly, you can't call the superior."

Summon "superior beings" far more than the demon of use.

Advanced summoning is simply what it is all about.

Lew went on to talk further.

"I said I'd split my class into three squads before my summer vacation. At this time, the squad has not yet been finalized and is divided by self-declaration. By the way, Squad A is the one who summoned the user demon, Squad B is the one who summoned Announ, and Squad C is the one who unfortunately has not yet completed the assignment."

In each class in Lou, there will be a common division of teams.

It seems harsh, but a wizard is also one who lives in an unequal society.

"Squad A students should be training to stabilize calls and communicate their intentions in their" user demons ". I think I'm letting the user demon run errands and messages around me - so-called chores. How are you, communicating well?

The student in Lou's inquiry strains his chest, and a certain student falls powerless.

Next Lou saw Estelle and Louise.

"The same goes for those who fall under Squad B. Are you training in stabilizing calls, communicating your intentions, with training using a tentative human form?

Estelle and Louise strain their chests.

Apparently self-training is doing well.

"The basic training and preparation will be perfect, so today we will have a practice that combines activation training. Let's give it one challenge."

When Lew said so, he took out one handkerchief.

"It's an extremely simple challenge. Here's my handkerchief. Prepare a table at the end of the arena and keep it on top of it. Summon the user demon to retrieve the handkerchief and have it delivered to the operator. Return the recovered handkerchief back to the table and finally activate the magic of Return to return the user demon to another world. Let's get this assignment done for ourselves."

Although the training is normal around dogs, the students are still beginners of summoning magic.

Not much has passed since the demon of use summoned him.

would be sufficient as a level of training.

"If you do a few summons, you basically don't even need a magic team. So let's get started, first of all, Olerie,... can we go?


Looking straight into Lou's eyes, Orelly replied well.

I can't hide my joy by being nominated number one.

"The protection of the Archangel, revealed by the Messenger of the Genesis, has given me a servant who is faithful to me! Blessed be your kingdom with strength and glory! Marc Gevlar Hod! Never perish in Towa... come, my servant."

Orelly goes all at once to boost her magic as she chants her spirits.

Activation is also smooth, as it had amply enhanced magic with breathing.

The ground in front of her dazzled with massively released Orelly's magic waves.

"Summon Sammon!

The magic wave Aura rises from the ground, turning it into a blurry 'dog' silhouette.

It is Astral, the spirit body of Jessica, the demon of Orelly

As they all watched, the mental body instantly became a larger dog figure, and when they sat down, a single voice - yelled.

And slowly wave his tail small.

Jessica's eyes on Orelly are sweet.

Apparently, the relationship of trust with the Lord, Orélie, is well nurtured and rare.

No specific instructions are required between the surgeon and the user demon.

For they call upon the name of the devil of use, and convey it only if they can put their will into the Soul "In Time".


Orelly calls Jessica's name.

It sounds gentle, but it's never an order tone or anything.

It was an instruction from the Lord from the demon of use, but it was a tone that made him feel trustworthy and joyful.


Jessica barked briefly and ran out like a shedding.

And it was not long before he was able to take Lew's handkerchief, and he went back under Orelly.

So far, it can be said that Orelly has completed the assignment without any problems.

All Jessica has to do is put Luu's handkerchief back on the original table.

"Well done, Olerie. As things stand, Jessica's subpoena and willingness to communicate with her are fine. Finally, activate the magic of Return."


Orelly's chanting is the spirit of the return by magic ceremony.

Basically, the magic of summons and return is paired, and if summons is a magical ceremony, then return is also a magical ceremonial spirit.

"I tell the faithful servant I have given by the protection of the Archangel, who is revealed in the Messenger of the Creation God! Blessed be your kingdom with strength and glory! Marc Gevlar Hod! Never perish in Towa... leave, my servant"

The magic wave Aura grows, and Orelly's inner voice releases the spirit of the decision.


The magic waves released from Orelly envelop Jessica.


Jessica barks with regret.

It's like he still wants to play with Olerie.

"I'm sorry, Jessica. See you later!"

Bacchingly strange noises ring.

At that moment, Jessica's appearance quickly disappeared.

"Okay! Orelly is a big pass. The next challenge is to use demons to save energy and improve efficiency."

Orelly smiled happily when she heard Luu say it.

Perfect for magic training, Lew's training in different worlds, his joint training with Jose at the Mansion, and his solo training, Orelly has trained himself hard.

But Olerie has never thought it would be hard since she was tied to Lou.

It's not just classmates like Josephine and Lilya, but seniors like Gisele and Nadia who are around have no desire to learn magic at all.

And my beloved husband, of course, is watched by Lew, the biggest master.

There's no way I can be positive.

Orelly's feelings were always filled with sincere willingness to learn, as the Holy Spirit of Water (Undine), with its great protection, constantly produced fresh water.

If Orelly, a hard-working brilliant and head of the school year, perfectly did the assignment, it was a great inspiration for the other students.

Naturally, one of the things that got me in the mood was Manon, who prides himself on Orelly's biggest rival.

"Dr. Lew! Do you mind if I activate next?

Regret floats in the faces of Josephine and Lilya against Manon, who just raised his hand.

Orelly is never the only one who sees Manon as a rival.

Because Josephine and Lilya also have a strong sense of rivalry towards three people, including Pollet and Stephanie.

But this time it was a step too late.

Manon gets up without waiting for Luu's reply either.

"Ha, you're motivated, Manon. Naturally, I understand."

Luu with a slightly forceful but positive feeling and received.

The serene look remains the same.

"Okay, let me activate it"

Manon sends a strong gaze that can be challenging to Orelly.

And when he breathed in gently, he uttered a magical ceremony of summoning magic.