Helper teacher of magic girls' school

Episode 987: The Resurrection of Theodora

Theodora rethinks.

The chosen warrior himself, who serves as Lu's squire, is easily imprisoned and terrorized.

We should never do this.

Shake your face gently, left and right, manage to squeeze your courage, and look terrified...

Successful female warriors wore arms and stood looking down at Theodora and the others.

Slowly, the shaped, thinning lips of the female warrior open.

"Min Mi, the mission is complete. I just came to tell you that. I don't need anything else."

Apparently this female warrior completed the request directed by the Alliance and came to the report 'only'.

She's right. If you do only complete the request, you don't come all the way here to tell the Alliance Master.

If the Master himself gave out a 'special directive', then it is another matter…

One, Min Mi, remains bitterly smiling.

"Ha ha, you're the same, Marga"

The female warrior, called Marga, laughs slightly.

"Hmm! What I'm reading is a general request. Just tell the person in charge at the counter. But you were there, so I went up there."

Theodora stunned.

Malga is an adventurer belonging to the Alliance, no matter how powerful a female warrior she is.

What is the unadulterated and eye-catching way to speak to the Alliance's long-lasting Master?

But Minmi was laughing without looking angry.

"Hehe, I'm glad to hear that."

From Minmi, who "smiles", the female warrior who shifted her gaze - Marga looked at Theodora, "stifling".

Theodora's body, poured out of her gaze, becomes tense and stiff.

"Well... are you Theodora?

Surprisingly, Marga seems to know Theodora.

Even though it's naturally the first time we meet and we haven't even introduced it on this occasion.


Theodora still didn't respond.

And it's not just people who know each other.

I am very wary of Malga, the unknown opponent.

Seeing Teodora's manipulative attitude, Malga frowned slightly, but smiled "Phew" for some reason.

"I want you to reply... but I don't hate women like you"


But as always, Theodora of Dammari.

Ulla, whom she saw, grabbed Theodora's shoulder and gently swallowed it.

"Oh, hey, Theodora... say hello to Mr. Malga"


Theodora doesn't respond hard.

He had a strong mouth and tied it with a "kiku".

I wondered if Marga's anger would crack to Theodora, who would pierce her silence all the time...

It was a loud laugh that exploded.

"Ha-ha-ha! Theodora, you and I are alike."


"Hmm, your strength came from watching the magic wave Aura. When you're done registering for the guild, come with Woola.... I will always be waiting"

What is the meaning of Malga's words......

When you become an adventurer, you are invited to become a member of the same clan.

And it is a very favorable thing to say.

Given the history so far, it was unexpected...

Ulla, who seems to favor Marga, seems thrilled and honestly thankful.

"Oh, thank you"

In contrast, Theodora… remains silent.


"Then excuse me."

"I'm done for!" All the while, Marga returned her heel, "Kibisu," and tried to leave.

To its back, Minmi called out.

"Well, wait, Marga. Don't rush."

I tried to leave, Marga's movements stopped for a moment.

"You just need to take a breath here. We're gonna make tea."

It was Min Mi's invitation to work for Marga...

Marga stays on her back and says no clearly.

"It's useless. I have already received the following request: The undead of the ancient castle, abandoned a long time ago."

It is unthinkable for a normal adventurer.

Apparently the word rest does not exist in Malga's dictionary.

I also know Min Mi, and I can pull in a tea invitation.

I switched to talking about a small request.

"Well, that one."

"Um, that's it! Well, immortals and other miscellaneous fish, so it'll be done in no time... Come on, Pierrette, let's go! Down to the bottom, lead the way."


Warrior Marga - The great demon Marcosias closed the door with a van and left, just as he did when he came.

In the room, Minmi, Ulla, and Theodora are left.

"Ha, as always. He..."

Minmi laughed and shook her neck to the side.

But it doesn't have the "I don't like him" vibe.

Instead, there was an overflow of familiarity with Marga.

Here, Theodora was able to repair her vague memories.

From the mouth, two names of a certain person are spoken.

"Is she, Heavenly Wolf...?

"Um, yeah! Heavenly Wolf...... Marcosias. Ammon and Asmodeus are among the most powerful of Lu's devil squires."

When I heard Min Mi explain, Woola was nodding "yeah yeah".

"Naturally, it's an atmosphere of acceptance."

Just like Min Mi earlier...

From Ulla, strong fluctuations are emitted indicating a preference for Marga.


Marga is Marcosias......

He must be a frightening demon.

People should hate you.

Theodora wonders who Marga is again.

"Heavenly Wolf Marcosias......"

In response to Theodora's words, Minmi says.

"Hmm... you're the kind of woman who embodies the word stupidity"


Foolishness is too honest to stand around well and clumsy......

From what Theodora knows, sure, that's what I mean.

Somehow I feel empathy.

"Hey Theodora, the three of us here are all the same... like Malga, even living foolishly. Don't you think?

Theodora, who heard the inquiry from Minmi...

Why is Marcosias liked when he's a scary demon?

And my clumsy self...

Why can you keep a gentle eye on me from around here?

Gradually, I thought I understood.